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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. Anyone else noticed that the players seem to have a severe lack of belief in either their teammates ability or for a potential slip up to capitalise on?


    - Sima checking his run on Ridvan pass (I reckon he gets there if he doesn’t pause).
    -Raskin not expecting Cantwells ball in the box.

    -Dessers not pressing the only free player whilst his teammate harries the other player. 
    -Dessers not challenging their keeper who then spills the ball.


    We don’t give that extra percentage to capitalise on these things and that is 4 examples that could have had an impact on the game. Maybe they are only half or quarter chances, but still….


    Thought Cantwell came into the game more towards the end. Whilst I think Ridvan is seriously disadvantaged as a left back due to his height I do actually think he has been one of the more positive players going forward, although I don’t think he is a good crosser of the ball.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bill said:

    That's the truth of it. It's being put about by some that Souness will be directly involved in football decisions but as far as I can see this is pure speculation.


    We're good at speculating and passing it off as fact. 

    Dunno why you keep writing this? It's not pure speculation, it's straight from Souness' mouth, the guy who was just involved in managerial interviews.

  3. 2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I don't mind Souness being consulted on football matters.  He isn't making the big decisions and there's no harm in asking a Rangers supporting football man what he thinks about that side of things.  

    I beg to differ if he is putting forward names like Lampard for the managers job. I can't think many fans would have been happy with that, and it is ultimately shit advice for the board.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Has anyone actually said he would be a football consultant? 

    This is the worst bit of pointless gossip since Jack Butland joined Birmingham City. 

    Yes, Souness has said that.

  5. 2 hours ago, Blue Moon said:

    Clement refuted that Souness said that.  He said it is nothing but rumours. 


    I think sometimes the Rangers fans are our own worst enemy and look for the negative in everything.


    Successive Rangers boards have made some dreadful decisions over the last decade but now they have appointed a decent manager we need to do our bit.

    Clement refuted Souness said what? He's directly quoted saying this on the radio:


    “There were two outstanding candidates; Frank Lampard and Philippe. The final say wasn’t with me.  

    “For me, Frank had the edge because of this; Frank, I think, has still got a great deal to offer. Taking the Chelsea job when he did was always going to be very, very difficult. The Everton job is a basket case. And have they improved since Frank left? Not a bit.

    “So, I wouldn’t be too critical of Frank. The thing that encouraged me about Frank is that he wanted to do it. He doesn’t need the money. He wants to be a successful manager. And he fancied the Rangers job.”

  6. To be fair, I think it's clear Lammers has some good qualities as a footballer, but he is absolutely scared shitless. It's at the point where he appears to have already accepted that whatever he does isn't going to work. In my opinion there is a huge psychological job to be done on him,  not convinced he can turn it around after what has been 3 failed years and counting, it looks ingrained.

  7. He is literally talking about a consultancy role i.e. a role to provide expert advice on the football aspect of the club. He's not interviewing to be club mascot. I don't want a consultant that provides advice that we should sign a manager who has continuously failed, Jesus imagine having Lampard in right now.

    Happy to have him back in another role.

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