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PoohBear last won the day on April 7

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  1. As much as I'm not a fan of what I've seen from lammers, it's pretty clear that if he is utilised correctly then he can do a good job. If we aren't able to sell him then we will have to use him, but there is no point playing him out of position, unless we want to destroy any chance of selling him in the future.
  2. His YouTube videos that I saw were genuinely awful, I couldn’t work out how half of the clips were labeled as highlights. Of course, if he signed he would be genuine class for us, but I hear he’s off to Norwich so he’s shit now.
  3. It’s the sensible thing to do. Unfortunate it didn’t work out for him with us, I don’t understand the complete change in his form, but let’s try and get some money whilst we can.
  4. This is from the Celtic forums when the ball hit Davies' hand, I don't want Rangers or our fans sounding anything like these paranoid idiots, and honestly it's starting to sound extremely familiar on Rangers forums. Concentrate on the real problems, our shite squad. "That’s a penalty if it was on the other end of the pitch." "Beaton you dirty cheating wee carrot man. After the Hearts thing as well..you dirty cheating carrot man" "Yeh. We're getting nothing from VAR today. That's two penalties not given. Both of them would have been given up the other end." "VAR saying nothing in it, but up the other end we’d get done for it" "Are we getting another variation of the law when it suits the team in blue?" "That could be a penalty btw. Hand outstretched and made himself bigger. Davies is lucky there. And by lucky, I mean lucky Beaton is on VAR." "Unbelievable. When it’s clear cheating, why are we accepting it? It’s not debatable. It’s a handball. Shocking levels of cheating."
  5. Honestly, I'm very confused by what you are saying, one sentence contradicts the next. If you think there is bias and cheating against us, then admit you think there is a conspiracy against us. If this is happening every OF game in your mind then it's not just one bad apple, it's a concerted effort. I just think these decisions are the result of our appalling system, and the lack of quality in refs that we have. I'd love some proper proposals to improve referees, but I certainly don't want any paranoid ramblings from the club.
  6. Massively misleading statement. You have no idea if we would have won the cup had the goal stood, I think our squad is more than capable of letting a one goal lead slip. As I said, there is a reasonable amount of doubt in the evidence you've provided and if there was bias then why wouldn't the ref blow for a pen on the Davies incident? I want the club to act rationally now, put all our resources to good use to try and build a title winning squad. All this stuff is a distraction from the job that is really required.
  7. All the decisions are against us, there is no way this would happen to Celtic, the refs are biased..... you've stated all these things yet you are saying it's not a conspiracy. It's ambiguous for sure, or rather the only ambiguity is your claim that you don't think it's a conspiracy. Anyway, I just hope we spend more time improving ourselves as a squad, we've been shite against them for way too long and we need a massive improvement.
  8. You are being ambiguous mate, everything you are saying indicates that you think there is a conspiracy against rangers, but yet you keep saying that you don't believe there is a conspiracy. Regardless, I just don't want Rangers to turn into paranoid nut jobs like we've seen Celtic be. For me it's very clear what the problem is, the problem is we are shit. Blaming anything else on our failings only makes things worse for us, it gives us a way to accept this mediocre set of results, to say that we can't win, it's self limiting.
  9. 5'2" Raskin 😂 You'd hope we did our due diligence before signing him.
  10. We definitely need to sell him, he's had a great second half of the season and surely there will be teams willing to buy him. The risk is high if he comes back, he may not perform again and we will be stuck with him.
  11. I didn't say that, I said no-one is excusing referees mistakes. Again, you might read.
  12. No one is excusing referees mistakes, I'm certainly not. You might try reading mate.
  13. There is a massive problem if Rangers board/management start thinking there is bias against them, they lose focus on the fact that we are a shite team that needs completely rebuilt. Instead of doing the real job of overhauling this team, they will end up focusing energy on something that should remain on internet forums. I hope to god that no one at Rangers thinks the team did ok there and it’s only the ref that stopped us winning, we were shite and we couldn’t even win against the worst I have seen Celtic in years. It’s time to cut out the losers, unfortunately that’s the whole team, I love Tav but he has to go, they all do quite honestly. The focus is to now put together a quality team.
  14. Id be happy to see an entirely new squad with none coming back to be honest.
  15. But… you are saying it’s bias.
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