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Everything posted by lenny3k

  1. I wonder if that will be because of climate change
  2. You know its bad when I can look at those pictures and say I genuinely play on a better pitch every weekend in Sunday league
  3. Maybe if he hadn't been rolling around embarrassingly previously, the ref may not have been so quick to try and get him for diving
  4. Ideal situation.... Yilmaz comes back and performs to the end of the season, gets a place in the Turkey team and does well at the Euros, makes us some money and we replace him after the tournament
  5. and playing on the natural side for a right footer...
  6. "Where can Willie Collum do the least damage and still be involved in the game....."
  7. That shouldn't be an issue, its only covering it up thats a problem
  8. Question, if anybody knows.... When players go away with the national team and get injured, do clubs get compensated for the time missed due to injury when they return? There must be something right, the club is paying wages for a player thats not giving anyting back to the club through no fault of their own. Is there some sort of insurance that covers it?
  9. Depends which side of the flag pole you stand
  10. Couldn't agree more with this
  11. When he came on last night, I genuinely had no confidence he was going to affect the game in any way and if all players are fully fit, I don't see him being any higher than 3rd/4th pick. I've heard similar about his wage so the quicker we get shot, the better
  12. I think any of the defence could get a mention really, went for Souttar Thought Lundstram and Dio worked well together in spells too
  13. Also, the sooner we get Matondo off the wage bill, the better
  14. Think there is rumoured to be a bit history between Rob Page and Tom Lawrence.... Oh well, benefits us
  15. Tough one, would be easier to pick the disappointments to be honest. Lundstrum was woeful, Goldson's header was outrageous, but even worse, why can't he head like that in the opposition box?! Dessers was posted missing for the majority of the game and it was made more obvious when Roofe came on My pick is Silva mainly because the power of work he went through, didn't stop running and was a great out-ball option... Looked like he was enjoying himself too Special mentions for Dio, Yilmaz and Sterling
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