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Everything posted by lenny3k

  1. I also want to see this. I have been living in hope that the current staffing was just a 'get to the end of the season and then revisit'
  2. I saw this and assumed she had been training with Dessers
  3. lenny3k

    New kit

    I'm guessing it varies from club to club but i'm fairly certain its goes to the board for final decision on kit design.
  4. Maybe i'm just cynical but Iheanacho and Ben Johnson both just scream Mark Allen, Ross Wilson type signings...
  5. lenny3k

    New kit

    I've seen the white one knocking about, but not that blue one, I've seen this one....
  6. I don't know if that makes it better or worse 🤣
  7. I still think from the little we have seen of Cortes, he would be a great asset for us so hope we can do something to bring him back, whether its a loan to buy or a straight buy (at the right price of course) Agree about Sima, but every passing game I find myself wondering just how a scout saw Silva and thought thats a player to spend £35-40 million on. Don't get me wrong, in the right league and with the right players around him, I think he could be a great player, but never a £20million+ player
  8. Also, very hopeful we can get Cortes back, what do we think that chances of that actually are though?
  9. Can't disagree with a single colour on your graphic
  10. Excluding out of contract players, as I don't think I would keep any of them. Davies (not contributing, high wage) Matondo (not justifying level of wage) Dessers (scores a lot of goals but god, imagine how many he could have scored) Lammers (while his stock is high) Goldson (high wage that could be better spent) There are others but limiting to 5, which is tough because I could swap in other names that I would want rid of just as much as the above, but are likely not going to free up as much wage for a replacement
  11. One thing that was glaring last night, more than normal, is that we didn't have a midfielder on the pitch who was brave enough to take the ball and with his first touch, face the opposition goal. Everytime that the ball was played to Lundstrum last night, his first touch was towards his own goal. While that doesn't sound like its a massive issue, when we are building from the back, its fundamental to play quick. To play quickly, the first touch has to be a positive touch, otherwise the opposition get an extra few seconds to press and close down space. Compound that with the fact that Lundstrum is the deepest midifielder, you're stuffed because teams find it easy to set up against us. Dio was hugely missed last night (and on Sunday)as, while he sometimes can be erratic, he is always positive with that first touch which opens things up and has teams scrambling more. The way to kind of mitigate this is to stretch teams with wingers, but last night we started with Sima and Silva, neither of which are out and out wingers with width. Matondo came on but always looks to come inside so, again, no width. Add to that, two right footers on the left side means the balance of our squad is some of the worst I have ever seen it. There were many things wrong last night, but that was the most glaring things to me
  12. What happens if the 'climate changes' between now and kick off and the pitch gets a battering?
  13. and all it took was a shambolic display.......
  14. Dundee 0 - 3 Rangers FGS Roofe (Not because I believe it will be him, but because I want to see a clinical striker on the pitch)
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