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Everything posted by lenny3k

  1. A 3-5-2 formation is what I have thought would be good for us with our players.. It would be a 3-5-2 in possession, switching to a 5-3-2 when we lose the ball.. I agree with putting Halliday in the LWB role as its more familiar to him and will take a little bit of pressure off him and maybe allow him to recapture some kind of form.. The only change i would make is to remove Holt, I think he would be best coming on as a sub in the McKay position, although, we're not exactly blessed with options, I would go for Toral.... The advantage of having 3 at the back is it allows one centre back to step up and break up play when required...
  2. I agree, I think a lot of pressure (obviously not all) can be relieved on all sides if there is just better communication.
  3. Just me that thinks this could be McLeish assisted by Murty??
  4. Would this be the statement to which you are referring? Jim White ‏@JimWhite 14m14 minutes ago Rangers chairman Dave King tells me Board may consider interim solution following Mark Warburton departure.
  5. I think (I hope) that one of the things made very clear to any new manager, will be that there are not large sums of money to be spent and they will have to understand that a reliance, and therefore improvement on the academy is one of the priorities....
  6. The problem with player resale value is not necessarily one that we can solve on our own... The Scottish leagues are seen as an area that can be taken advantage of, where gems can be searched for with not much risk because the price is cheap.. The reason we will do well to get a get a good re-sale on somebody like Dodoo is because, in the opinion of potential suitors, he is playing in a sub standard league, in a team that is under performing and he can't even get into the first 11.. The reason he was worth 8-9 million IMO is because, at the time, he was playing for the Premiership champions, had he been playing for an English League 1 team, even if he had the same potential, I think he would more likely be quoted as a million pound player. I think a lot of player value comes from the club they play for rather than their actual ability/potential, which leads to the point about Celtic. They can sell players at a higher value because they are playing well and more importantly, they are playing in the champions league, lets be honest if there was no champions league, do you think anybody would be quoting Dembele for £40million, he'd be quoted at £10million, at a push..
  7. maybe the hate 'mob' will crash it if we're not, and the 'army' of stewards will have to get involved
  8. I agree to an extent as, imo, there have been a few ocassions where he has just switched off completely and been caught ball watching. If you watch him in the box whenever the opposition team is on the attack on the opposite flank, he seems to be drawn to the penalty spot, rather than tracking his man. At the same time though, if there is so much post-match analysis being done, I would have thought this would have been picked up, pointed out and him trained on his defensive positioning.
  9. I saw this on a comment section, which, although isn't a great source of information, sounds like its probably more realistic..... "Truth is Kiernan was verbally abused by one idiot outside the Players Lounge. One of Kiernan's company reacted and a brief, noisy argument took place. Heat of the moment stuff and the balloon who had a go at big Rob was removed from the situation by his own mates. No stewards whatsoever were involved." I never understand when players are berated in this manner off the pitch, its as though the abuser thinks that players go out each week with the mindset "you know what will be fun this week, i'll play sh*t to p*ss everybody off and it will be funny"
  10. I agree. I think another reason could be that with the possible lure of European football next season, why pay over inflated prices in January when in the summer, if we make it into Europe, we'll have a bigger choice of possible signings which represent better value...
  11. This could be one of the reasons why MW has been forced into loan signings.. The board doesn't 100% trust his ability to unearth 'value for money' and so he needs to loan players to prove he can find players that can cut it at Rangers.
  12. There should be some form of system of points, like speeding, so when a referee gets a certain amount of points, he's 'given a rest' for a month say. If he then gets that number of points again within a certain period of time, he then gets moved down a division for a period of time etc. The number of points given should be determined by the mistake in question. May sound silly, but could work...
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