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Everything posted by juffery

  1. We can all see we need an attacking force in midfield. Walter must see that too. But there aren't many available. I think that's where the maloney talk came from. We could always take Hleb off Wenger's hands!
  2. I think he'll do better in a league like Spain or Italy where he'll get a bit more time and space.
  3. I wish he would just go. He's not gonna get a chance, if he was it would've been last year when most of the players were dead on their feet. If he didn't get a run then, he isn't going to now.
  4. Hmm, I quite like the first one. Quite like the second one too.
  5. juffery

    Kris Boyd

    Jeez, it was supposed to be a light hearted and ironic take on the obsession with Boyd. I'll just shut up then. Grumpy cunts!
  6. juffery

    Kris Boyd

    Fucking hate him. Not a patch on Erik Bo Anderson!:devil: :box:
  7. Just doin' the do!
  8. He did win Sparta's player of the year, but that's all I know about the guy.
  9. Would I be right in saying that Overmars was playing wide left for Arsenal when Gio signed?
  10. What a hardship that would've been
  11. Signed for Boro this morning 3.2 million.
  12. Or leaked by SDM or Bain to stir up interest!
  13. Said what????? :moon:
  14. Thnk the author lives somwhere in Singapore. :admin:
  15. Just saying... In an ideal world I wold have Davis in the Buffel position and someone to replace Hemdani. Actually, screw that, in an ideal world I would have Sneijder in the Buffel position and Deco and De Rossi replacing Hemdani and Thompson.
  16. If you're talking about who should habve replaced him last year, you don't have Steve Davis on your list and neither is Dailly, who played the holding role a few times and did well. Out of that list, the midfield three I would pick would be Hemdani and Thompson holding with Buffel supporting the striker.
  17. Scored a couple of good goals for us in Europe and I think that's where he'll be used mostly next year. Agree that he may be too lightweight for the SPL.
  18. Don't really feel I can vote here, all these players do different things. Beasley, Burke and Naismith are wingers, Thompson is more a holding midfielder with Buffel a more creative type. It's not exactly comparing like for like as all these guys bring something different to the team.
  19. juffery

    Kris Boyd

    In my humble opinion, I think we did, especially towards the end of the season, se an improvement. His holding of the ball and link-up play got better he tracked back more often and occasionally harried opposition defenders. He's never going to be the complete player, but he is working on his weaknesses.
  20. I heard a mention of Steve McLaren's team falling in the Group of Death during the Croatia game the other night!!
  21. juffery

    Kris Boyd

    Johnny, that's a whole 'nother thread!!!! I'm sure Gribz will post it in time.
  22. juffery

    Kris Boyd

    As I've said before, he's only worth keeping if Walter is going to play him. He'll score goals and the more exposure he gets in the big games the more chance he has of scoring in them. But if Walter is gonna use him 'sparingly' then we would be as well taking the money and buying a creative midfielder.
  23. What I'm saying is that he has to be judged as fit if he's on the pitch. Are we supposed to cut him slack just for filling a jersey. Thomas Buffel could have replaced him - hardly an under-18 player, in fact someone with international and European experience. As for whether I've ever played at a decent level, that is a piss-poor argument. My ability, or lack of, in no way affects my ability to support the team or to form opinions on it.
  24. I am sick of hearing this 'carrying an injury' pish. He's either fit or he isn't. If he goes onto the pitch, he has said he is fit enough to play and should be judged as a fit player is judged. If he isn't then he should go and get treatment and come back when he can contribute to the team.
  25. Very disappointed with Holland, but how good was Arshavin! That's me picked winners in zero out of three quarter finals! If anyone is looking for a tip, I've gone for Spain tomorrow so stick your house on the Italians! Has anyone else noticed that the 3 teams throgh so far were the teams that had to play hard games with their first choice players in the 3rd group games? Possibly momentum and consistency of selection is more important than giving players a rest. And well done to Boularouz(sp?) for playing tonight after losing his daughter on Wednesday. Don't think there are many that could have done that.
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