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Everything posted by juffery

  1. Yeah, was gonna retire at the end of the season, but is out for 2 months so decided to bring it forward. Good keeper, but there was a better one ahead of him here.
  2. Maybe he was talking to Alistair Darling!!
  3. Good man, we're all very grateful.
  4. Well, there you go. Even more reason for him not to want to leave.
  5. To be fair, Gow is a young guy and has been made redundant twice already at Airdrie and Clydebank. You can see why, now he has a bit of financial security, he woud be loathe to give that up. Not every footballer lives the Beckham lifestyle - 7 grand a week for 16 months give or take isn't exactly going to set him up for life.
  6. Cheers for that Cal. So I take it then that internationals don't have any bearing?
  7. Apparently the CCTV shows Lennon walking away and the 2 blokes coming at him from behind (insert pun here). It does seem strange, especially in light of the Twats Against Bigotry etc etc that Lennon isn't wanting any sort of investigation and also Lennon walking away from trouble - he's always been a confrontational character, remember the incident on Great Western Road with the 2 students. But you're right, no excuse for him getting a kicking.
  8. Thinking of it this way, if I were to post Lennon or McGeady's address on here, suggesting that folk go round and do whatever, I would hope the likes of Frankie would feel a moral obligation to co-operate with the authorities. Aiden McGeady, cardboard box, under Central Station bridge!
  9. I doubt I would miss. It's not like you would be dodging and weaving - not with that hip
  10. Pete, I'm in no way defending or condoning what happened to Lennon, but in my mind there is a world of difference in a couple of guys being pissed and seeing Lennon and taking a pop at him to posting Novos address and inciting violence against him. That smacks of pre-meditation whereas the Lennon assault was opportunism. Also, and I don't know what family wee Nacho has, but it didn't involve Lennons family.
  11. I swear, if you were a horse I would take you out the back and shoot you!!!
  12. It's possible that the hold up on the West Ham deals was caused by the FA so they've been given dispensation to get them through - just speculating. Not sure what the story is in France, but I suppose it must be a directive frm their FA.
  13. Hey, the only reason you won't bow down is cos with your back, you wouldn't get back up again!
  14. I would - bow down old man, and worship my all-encompassing football knowledge!
  15. Haha I was right, it was Appiah. I am a genius!!!
  16. Oh I know, there is bugger all chance, but I'm an eternal optimist when it comes to faith in people doing the right thing.
  17. Class :cheers:
  18. I think the other player is Stephen Appiah, but don't quote me on that one.
  19. Kinda glad he isn't- could you imagine him and McShagger going out for a quick beer after work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
  20. Cheers guys for the ever-so-slightly contrasting info I'll check that website.
  21. Terrible stuff. I hope the admin at whatever website it was give up the guys details.
  22. [quote=ian1964"When I was at Rangers we all loved a good time. But we could back it up. We knew we had the talent on the pitch to afford to go for a night out and still do the business. "Artur has discovered that he can't. Lovin' it!!!!
  23. Do international results affect the club coefficiet? Never realised that!
  24. Always seems to get booked!! His tackling remonds me of Paul Scholes at times - if he can model the rest of his game on the little ginger, I'll be happy though.
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