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Everything posted by juffery

  1. Honestly, Stoke spending that sort of money. Ridiculous.
  2. 5 goals in 15 last season. Bit too old I think.
  3. Feck, 2-0!!!
  4. Yeah, but it's the league they're both in. Naismith will score more than Lafferty this season and he'll have more assists too. I'm sure of it.
  5. You need a balance though. There's no point creating chance after chance with noone to put them away - equaly there's no use having a master poacher if noone gives him the ball in front of goal. Also, there is alot to be said for players accepting their limitations and doing what they're good at. Hemdani was spoken about a while ago on another thread and that was why he got player of the year. Didn't try and do what he couldn't, did his job effectively. But really, we're banging on about Boyd again, he's gone, let's move on.
  6. And, just one last one, the season before he signed, Naismith scored 20 goals in 43 games for Killie. In the two seasons before he signed Lafferty scored a grand total of 9.
  7. And stat-wise, the poll says you're wrong
  8. Other than score a shit-load of goals, what does David Villa contribute to Spain? He doesn't track back, he'll maybe start out wide, but spends his entire time coming inside trying to score. Boyd score goals and helped win us trophies. He made his move, his choice, and it's his problem that he won't be getting any more medals antime soon. It's not his responsibility to do anything other than look after Kris Boyd - it would've been nice to make some money from him, but that's not why he was signed. He was signed to score goals, and he did that. MAybe he wanted to stay and make sure the club won another champinship. To me, that's more important than a couple of millon. Anyway, he's away, best of luck to him, hope he does well and scores the goals that get Scotland to the Euros in a coupla years.
  9. If you're judging it solely on stats, then fair enough. I've given my reasons, I'm not attempting to persuade you to change yours.
  10. The question asked was if we were to sign all three. If we were, then we would have Welcome, Smith, Jelavic, Lafferty, Naismith, Miller, Fleck and Velicka all hoping to play as part of a front three. The three best options of making some money are Fleck, Naismith and Lafferty, purely due to their age. I doubt anyone would want Fleck to go, so that's down to Lafferty and Naismith. After two seasons, I just don't see Lafferty making the grade as a Rangers player - through ability or attitude. He's flattered to deceive on a few occasions and scored a couple of goals, but I cannot see a consistent performer in him, whether up front or on the left. Coupled with that is his attitude - the rolling around, the cheating, the arrogance all of which I find very unbecoming of a player wearing a Rangers shirt. I expect certain standards of the players representing my club and he hasn't reached any of htem in two years. Naismith on the other hand has shown more in the time he's been here, despite being hampered with injuries. He can finish better, he's more direct, he's more versatile, he can cross better. If we can get anything around �£1.5 mill for Lafferty - assuming the squad has been boosted - then I say we bite whoever's hand off.
  11. Hope so, I would like to see Adam on the left with McFadden maybe just behind Fletcher. Think the centre halves have potential, but Webster will be a shoe-in once fit. Still don't know much about Lee Wallace, never seem to have noticed him much when I've seen Hearts. Hoping Steven Fletcher has a good game, he's a good wee player. Think we might sneak a draw. Just a shame the games on ESPN.
  12. Lafferty. I think Naismith is a better player with a better goal record and, I know it doesn't have anything to do with football, but Lafferty is imo, a twat. That hair, that stupid robot dance. Feckin' arse. Get him punted.
  13. I/m sensing Marcus Gayle levels of excitement here!!
  14. It's a big jump when you're dealing with a club that's a tenner away from going tits up. Surely there's a bit more scope for negotiation.
  15. I know his name, but I can't recall ever seeing him play. Did he get many games at Pompey?
  16. I meant due to the American connection.
  17. Also, different leagues, different opponents, different styles of football. Doesn't mean anything.
  18. More than anything, with the squad the size it is, we can't let anyone else go. It just means the need for another new face, which means scouting, negotiations, fitting in etc. We have to keep everyone.
  19. I think bob Bradley is a good shout.
  20. Yup. I'm guessing he's been told he's not getting the money he wants to replace milner.
  21. Maybe he's heard the sellick job will be available come Christmas.
  22. Mike, that reply got a bit wandered. What I'm trying to say is I think we should keep Webster, I think he's going to be an important player this year, but I don't have much faith in the back up. I think goncalves would be a good signing. He could also provide backup for papac at left back.
  23. I don't think we do. We've a 40 year old, an Algerian who struggled badly with injury and finding his passport, a converted striker/left midfielder/midfield enforcer and Webster. Broadfoot and papac can both fill in, yes, butboth arepreferred at full back. Other than the wandering Algerian, Webster is, in my opinion the best of that lot, by some distance. It's not just about havingthe numbers to fill the shirts, it's about having the best players in their best positions. You say we have plentyplayers that can play at centre half, we need players that can play well there.
  24. Keep Webster, buy Goncalves.
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