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Everything posted by juffery

  1. Long term progress, yes. But, as with every football manager, he'll be judged game by game. He's made an encouraging start but I don't think anyone is getting too carried away just yet.
  2. The thing about WGS in comparison to the two previous incumbents is that he at least seems to understand the basics of football and transmit that to the players.
  3. Nah, he had a big fall out with the coach or the Danish fa or something. I actually think it might have been a political thing where he objected to Yugoslavia being kicked out.
  4. Good wee read there Danny, ordered my tickets today and I'm really looking forward to it. The only little comment I would have is that by Euro '92 Michael Laudrup was a world renowned player who had won Serie A and la Liga twice and that he didn't actually play in the tournament. Other than that, aye, a very nice appetiser for next friday.
  5. Not touching it - never bet on Rangers, sure-fire jinx, that's me.
  6. Jeez and he's only 24. Unbelievable.
  7. The thing about this alleged racist abuse is that it's a criminal offence - the right thing to do would've been to release it at the time to the authorities. Anything other than that is petty and small minded. Bitter would actually be the word I would use and we don't want to be going down that road.
  8. He wasn't the greatest left winger we've ever had and I was pretty critical of him, but I genuinely think he left because he felt that A) it would potentially save peoples jobs and B) he would get signed up with another club pretty quickly. It maybe wasn't a purely selfless act, but to be fair, the boy took a bit of a risk, he could've been left hanging about for a while without a club.
  9. Well, if JB is himself stating that his involvement in Rangers would be 'full-time' then I think it would be a step too far from his other full-time role.
  10. And there is the crux of the matter - the ref can only give a penalty if he sees the proof of a foul. He can't give it because he thinks that a player won't go down in a situation. That's speculation and you can guarantee that the first time a ref does that and admits to it against septic, lennon will be all over him. I've looked closely several times and can't see definitive contact and I'm trying to objective when looking, so how much more difficult must it be for the ref.
  11. And I think BH made that clear from the outset. What this has done has given us clarity in his involvement with Murray's Blue Knights - or lack thereof. To me, it shows up what I had feared about PM, that he appears to be as much of a chancer as CW. If he was bandying my name about as a potential investor when I had made no commitment then I would not be impressed and i don't think that this is a particularly good way to be doing business.
  12. Have to say, I'm one of them. There are ways of going about defending our club but I don't see this being one of them. It's unnecessary and yes, it would lower us to their level.
  13. I know. I thought he was some hard-nosed, business expert. It's quite staggering that he's so frank about his apparent incompetence.
  14. Ross McCormack? And look how well that worked out for us.
  15. Wasn't aimed at you, was just a general rant... As Bears says, a bit of frustration kicking in I suppose.
  16. see, this is what we don't need - more hyperbole! Eye-watering - feck off. Just professional. Accountable. Stable. That's all we want.
  17. Aye, Gribz is out there - although best not to listen to him, most of his posts are beer-fueled conspiracy theories lol
  18. My opinion, with the likes of that Singapore investment - well if they're looking to make what they can then surely they will go about things properly and give the club some stability so that when they come to sell they're going to make the best profit they can? Surely can only be a good thing? Rather than someone whose motives are more personal?
  19. To be honest, I don't want anyone near the club who can't keep their mouth shut. I would much rather all the talking was done behind closed doors rather than opening a paper, turning on a telly or firing up the internet to find yet another statement from people who, to my mind, seem more intent on getting their faces out their and building a reputation as some sort of saviour rather than just working away at the best interests of the club. I'm not fussed whether the new owner/owners are Rangers men or not as long as they are competent business men. There's a lot of work to be done and feeding journos lines to make good copy is not what the priority should be. I'm all for transparency but I am dead against sensationalism and this is pretty much what I've seen for the last week or so. I won't kid on that I'm one who follows the ins and outs of the money men and the hangers on at the club, rightly or wrongly, and I'm clueless as to the money matters but I am not getting a good feeling about Mr Murray and his Blue Knights.
  20. I think it really depends on whoever the new owner is.
  21. Gav, the long and the short is that the players have taken the wage cuts that should see us through to the end of season. Apparently there are a few potential buyers circling and there is expected to be movement on buyers by next friday. Everyone from the SPL to the CIA seems to be investigating us and the big tax case appears to have slipped a bit to the back of everyones mind as the talk has all been of redundancies. Dave King released a statement the other day, but you're probably best trying to track that down and make sense of it yourself.
  22. He brought in a lot of terrible players!! I don't think you can castigate a manager for spending money, the buck stops with the chairman. He's the one who can say no to the manager. Wee Dick couldn't sign anyone or spend a penny without the go-ahead from above.
  23. Until the end of season. I'm thinking that'll be March, April and May wages.
  24. Didn't your mother warn you to stay away from those types of girls?
  25. De Gea lept Man U n it, Athletic were excellent. Muniain looks a cracking wee player. A bit lucky with their 2nd goal which should've been offside, but they could've won by 3 or 4. And their fans were outstanding too.
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