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gaspard last won the day on October 12 2021

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    District 65

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  1. Poll not even close 67% of this forums users think it's a good idea to collaborate with BBC Scotland. I'm really surprised at this and tbh saddened. Cheerio
  2. I've read @26th of foot excellent posts on PQM, I assume everyone else has too. I'm utterly bemused that anyone would think interacting with this vile organisation is a good idea.
  3. "It’s about time a group of level minded Rangers folks formed a posse and laid siege to BBC Scotland on horseback with flaming torches dragging out the rebels and hanging them from lampposts and once and for all showing them. WE ARRA PEEPIL."
  4. McCoists signature is worth as much as Dave Kings word.
  5. Maybe his dad, Geppetto, will buy his shares from him
  6. Why is the semi one of the most important game of the last few years? Because its stops another treble for them? That's not that important in respect to us tbh. They've won so much recently another won't change things at Ibrox. Did last years SCSF save our season? Not in my estimation. There have been far far more important matches this season alone than the upcoming SF. The LCF, NY Derby, our 4 CL qualifiers to name just a few. In the environment of this zero error margin 2 horse race league, it could be argued that almost every SPFL fixture is more important than a cup semi final
  7. Seperate Entity, weren't playing their best in the LCF either, furthermore they didn't really perform as they can in the new year Derby. This was also the case in their CL fixtures. See a pattern there Compo? Admitted, they are currently a better side than us, but every time they don't win by a barrow load, there's a media consensus that they've underperformed. There's seldom any consideration towards the team that has stopped them doing so.
  8. That's a concern! Where have they gone ?
  9. I'd rather sit in the butchers window and eat my own shite with a spoon, than pay money to the the Herald/Daily Record group (MSN) thats owns and operates the Rangers Review
  10. I took it that the numbers were shares not gbp. Dunno though
  11. Skeletons in my cupboard are playing sardines.
  12. To accurately appraise Wilsons performance I think we would need to be fully aware of his operational parameters, budget and crucially, how much weight, others, including managers and directors have within his remit. More complex and nuanced than just one man buying and selling players. One good window, couple of wins against SEFC and Wilson would be a genius, tis ever so. In regards to Robertson, I'd assume he's a first rate administrator and office manager. Too many supporters think he is a CEO though, a blue Peter Liewell and judge him thus. His "Walter the softy" persona, unfortunately, only exacerbates the frustration associated with this misconception. The real issue for me regarding the MD is not the man but the role. Sack Robertson? Then what? Appoint another administrator who may or may not be better the incumbent? Pretty much futile and damaging IMO. I have always said we need a strong CEO, to lighten the burden on our directors who all have other businesses very demanding of their time and resources. The right man would be costly, he would need to be strong, ruthless and tactically astute. A strong character who our enemies fear. Not ten a penny granted, but they do exist.
  13. I've checked too and would say you're spot on. 30th Aug 1920, 2-1 win v bheasts. Gordon listed as no 8. No other appearance recorded that season. Well done.
  14. Gordon's testimonial match v an International ix was end of season 19/20 wilton was gaffer. I don't know if he played under struth in 20/21 though, but in that era many players did play on after benefit games.
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