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    Canberra, Australia

Favourite Rangers Player

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  1. The club should engage directly with the UB. Invite them in for a big doo in a marquee on the pitch, let them walk the track from the tunnel after bringing them through the main front doors. Give them special treatment for a day and mix with them, bring a few players in to the event, then have a long Q&A session to talk through the issues. Show the UB they are valued and work closely to get the best out of them whilst getting the songbook message over. That at one event would go a long way to keeping things going. The UB are essential to the modern match day experience now and should be encouraged to continue.
  2. I see she’s been to Troon beach already.
  3. Great job @Rousseau I struggled to get my predictions in on time so god only knows how you manage to do this and keep the scores up to date so fast!! #dedicationswhatyouneed
  4. Well done @craig. I’m watching you for the GPL season now. ??
  5. Me too. I never got a chance and I’d have given my left nut to do it.
  6. France 3 - 0 Croatia England 1 - 4 Belgium
  7. “Thank you for saying welcome to me”. Brilliant!! Absolutely not what I expected. He’s actually really down to earth in this. Humble in comparing himself to other players.
  8. France 3 - 2 Belgium Croatia 1 - 1 England
  9. France 2-1 Uruguay Russia 1-1 Croatia Sweden 2-2 England  Brazil 2-3 Belgium
  10. Honourable mention to Lovenkrands last minute winner in th SCF. Oh and Neil McCann rounding the keeper to win the league at the piggery.
  11. 1. Ray Wilkins volley vs Tims (88?) 2. Gazza run from inside our half vs Aberdeen (8 in a row) 3. Richard Gough vs Tims 2-2 equaliser
  12. Aw crap. I missed the first games here!! I’d have got at least one of them wrong anyway ??‍♂️??‍♂️ France Argentina Uruguay Portugal Spain 2 - 3 Russia Croatia 3 - 0 Denmark Brazil 1 - 0 Mexico Belgium 3 - 1 Japan JOKER Sweden 1 - 0 Switzerland  Colombia 1 - 1 England 
  13. Ha ha ha!! That doesn’t surprise me one bit. RangersTV is worth every penny if you fancy it, and no (visible) smelly beasts. Although they probably do subscribe just to keep up to date ?
  14. A player like Johnny would have been worth a fortune in today’s modern world of VAR where there are penalties galore.
  15. Well, I sat happily on 10th for the first few days, quite respectable I thought, but I feel my lack of thought on actual form has been my downfall. I’m in 18th now. Anyway here goes, it’s the taking part that counts ? Uruguay 2 - 0 Russia  Saudi Arabia 2 - 2 Egypt Spain 3 - 0 Morocco Iran 0 - 4 Portugal Denmark 0 - 3 France Australia 2 - 1 Peru Nigeria 0 - 1 Argentina Iceland 0 - 2 Croatia South Korea 0 - 3 Germany - Joker Mexico 2 - 2 Sweden Serbia 1 - 2 Brazil Switzerland 2 -0 Costa Rica Japan 1 - 1 Poland Senegal 1 - 1 Colombia  England 3 - 3 Belgium  Panama 4 - 2 Tunisia
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