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Everything posted by Walterbear

  1. With dB on this one. Problem is we have stalled and recruitment has been poor with limited sources due to MW inexperience. I know for a fact I he board is split on MW. But I like what he's trying to do. If we get into Europe and show signs of improvement then he deserves to see out his contract. Anyone who thinks this is going to be less than a 5 year job is not thinking clearly about where we have been. But we need winners in the team and that has to be his focus. The only winner he recruited was unfortunately a psychopath lunatic. He also needs to build his contacts (most players have come from the same agent) and he needs to build his experience. He needs to be tactically more flexible. We need to give our support for a while yet. There are no alternatives. We're skint and I for one think it's still a golden opportunity to develop a style of play which will do well in the future whilst there is less pressure right no to beat Celtic than normally.
  2. I don't think kiernan is good enough. He has decent ball skills but not all round defensive skills. However I don't feel comfortable scapegoating one man in this shambles as he is getting no cover from the wide areas and we are constantly being run at because we can't retain possession and our full backs are 60m up the park. That is largely tactical and a lack of quality. It's no coincidence we look much better with hodson who is a more traditional full back. MW must come out and say he is adjusting tactics where appropriate to demonstrate and acknowledge that at least he is learning from his mistakes. I don't think it means the project fails it just means it's a tougher project than he first thought and he's adjusting. Agree with the comments on Wallace. Not a captain in a million years but has been a great servant to the club. Clint Hill is the best captain material we have at the moment which with no disrespect to him is sad because there is a whole squad of players who do not appear to have leadership qualities (except Miller). Comments that there are only a few teams in Europe who can get away with plan A all the time are spot on. We're not one of them so must adjust and quickly. We can get another SCF if we adjust (and avoid the Tims at Pokheid). We can get second if we adjust. Fail to adjust and we will not get 3rd imo.
  3. Thanks DB I hadn't read that article although I understood in bits from various sources a good bit of the content but very helpful to see presented so concisely and worth bookmarking so thanks again. I would still like to see this narrative superimposed on the football plan and communicated effectively to the fan base. My concern in absence of such a joined up narrative is that we have lots of dissension and or disinformation. I am personally of the view that qualifying for Europe is an acceptable end of term result and would warrant a continuation of the football management team but I would like to understand better whether or not the football dept and the operations and business side are properly joined up. We need better communication at a level that is not sound bites and is not also over complicated. I can accept and understand everyone's hands are tied but I want to know more about how the vision will be realised over the next 1,5,10 years. For example will we continue to play the same style (with evidence of how we do that through the ranks) and will we gradually improve or will we adopt varying playing tactics but have a core philosophy and what is our high level business plan to get us there. Like everyone I am incredibly disappointed about the manner of the defeat last night. Whilst I understand DK is not the owner he is the de facto leader and needs to communicate more and better. I can understand the lack of investment but there appears to be a void in visible leadership which is unacceptable. Hence the rubbish you read in the media and the exploitation of our situation by certain bloggers. And breath.......!
  4. I think what went wrong was we played the wrong tactics on a heavy pitch and let hearts get on top from the start. I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water and resort to highland league tactics but we simply cannot play the same tactics in every situation with the quality of player we have. Fine style of football if we are playing at Ibrox every week on a sunny day with a perfect pitch but the manager needs a reality check. We need to rebalance the squad with more physicality and better leaders to allow us to counter certain teams and individuals but we only have money for a small squad. It's a catch 22. I wish warburton would be more direct in his answers but I fear now that his management style internally is non-confrontational which isn't always appropriate in team sport. JB was a basket case and I dislike him (I know folk from his estate and his network of people are avoided - where possible) but there was an element of reality in that whole fall out with JB which has been ignored and it is that these guys are not up to the job in terms of concentration, experience and ability. Waghorn presents a danger to passing seagulls and his own shoe laces, Halliday doesn't have the ability or concentration (he asked wes for the ball for their second then switched off!) tav can't concentrate, kiernan doesn't concentrate, McKay is not a player for last nights conditions, windass is an Accrington player and not much more, we can't score goals and we make poor decisions constantly, no one can cross a ball, no one is in the box if we do manage a cross etc etc. I could go on however the point is that even if we decided to change style I don't think we have the physicality or experience in our squad to play differently. So MW needs to see that (if he can't he should leave before being pushed) and say to DK that he can do this differently if he has the cash and DK has to say yes or no and clarify that the court cases are holding us back or clarify that he has no intention to spend more money. I cannot see why our board and managent team cannot convey a simple joined up business and football strategy to the fans. If the only long term strategy is to come second this year and somehow catch Celtic over 5 years with no explanation then that is not enough. The fans want to know what will happen over 5 years in terms of the way we play and how we are going to tackle it from a business mess perspective and given the potential for Ashley to be in situ for 6 years. MW is accountable for what goes on in the park but tying all ends together is DK and the board and I have to say DK is AWOL for reasons best known to himself. Given all of the above finishing second or indeed in a European place after the disasters of recent years would be pretty remarkable, but fans need to see more of the future or ST sales will suffer and we will be f****d. Last night was a watershed in the patience of fans. Over to you DK. What is your plan?
  5. Unable to play right pass at the right time. Sooner we get certain players off the wage bill th better.
  6. Correction 8/1
  7. Rangers 10/1 on betfair!
  8. It's not crime of the century but this particular song is crass in this place. If folk used their brains in choosing songs we wouldn't be discussing it.
  9. Exactly as I see it. This is a transition year and it's going to take that period to get the off field stuff sorted or at least understood exactly where we stand and at that point we can assess more realistically how far DK can take this. Putting the sheep and hearts in their place would be excellent for this year. A cup win would be a bonus and if MW can get players who can achieve either of those it would be an achievement for year 1 of our return. That would keep interest up for season ticket renewals for next year which will be vital. The priority I see is finding that last third formula and personnel who can put the ball in the net. Right now if we concede one goal we are in trouble even against poor teams and the style we play will mean we are likely to leak goals.
  10. Although observing the mental implosion of John James (Kirk) is highly amusing and I admit it entertains me to see him replying to himself followed by begging letters to his audience. He often proclaims that he has 9m hits seemingly unaware that at least half of those are simply fascinated to witness the slow car crash that he is and some are noting his blatant libel. There's hardly a week goes by without a screw popping out. It's quite compelling - like watching a low budget sci-fi or horror film of the 50s or 60s. His problem of course is that having committed almost daily libel since his blogs began (I have told him I know he is lying about certain outrageous claims about one person in particular) it's not Police Scotland chopping off his fingers he needs to worry about. If he thinks he is skint right now he ain't seen nothing yet. He may well need to reflect on his own lack of cash as a priority before worrying about Rangers' balance sheet. Mac Ghiollabhain is a classic too. Total failure to integrate, criticises Scotland constantly but fails to see that plenty of folk with the same heritage as him have done fine and are getting on with their lives. None or very little of his stuff is a revelation. A subject for psychological projection if ever there was one. However it's always good to see into the mind of your enemy. In that respect these guys provide an invaluable service. I have to say on that basis I am quite reassured. There aren't too many lights on and you can see from one ear out through the other most of the time.
  11. This is embarrassing pysh. I like gersnet coz lot of sensible posts and posters. I understand the frustration with some media coverage we get. But cultural genocide? Gies a feckin break. Pretentious self pitying nonsense.
  12. The manager is responsible in the end but he is perfectly entitled to expect more from these players and the fans are entitled to demand more from the players. The only way the fans can express that without being boo boys is to allow the manager time to sort them out. If he still fails then he goes. With respect to coops points about the players being upset still at the cup final. If there are players not able to handle that after this period of time then they are not good enough. The team lacks leadership and quality. I wouldn't swap too many hearts or Aberdeen players into our squad but these teams play with s better spirit at the moment. They may be more comfortable in the type of football they are being asked to play. Si again we have a choice which is persevere and try and get this right (with additional quality in the squad) or give up the project and join the hammer throwers (and forget the future).
  13. Warburton had a good first season chaps and we were all excited by the prospects. We played some good football , achieved our key target, got to the Scottish cup final and KOd Celtic on the way. He deserves time to adjust to the higher league but European football in this league with our budget is a reasonable expectation so that would be 3rd or the cup as a minimum requirement. But we also need to see some improvements in the way we are playing and some of these players are not able to play technically difficult football. I'd rather try and play technically better football (which to his credit he is trying to do) in the hope we can get it right than resort to being a Hearts+ type of side. To do that we need to have a cash injection. The alternative is to accept we will NEVER compete reasonably in Europe again because we are not taking the opportunity to reform our style of football during what we may look back in as a golden opportunity to do so I.e. When we are realistically not in competition with Celtic (no I'm not a Tim). This era when realistically we do not have the resources to challenge Celtic is the time to restructure or style and hopefully in 2 or 3 years we can build a brand of football that they (Celtic) cannot compete with. Btw Mccoist (I can have hardly mention his name these days) was paid a fortune, he spent significant money on a lazy transfer policy and took us nowhere in terms of developing our football style. If we go back to that now I will seriously give up after 50+ years and years can guarantee we will never achieve anything in Europe again. The results of Scottish football at club and international level prove we have a rubbish football standard. He does need to adjust tactics to some degree in matches against the top teams as you always have to win the battle first. I am not clear why he cannot develop the overall style of play whilst switching to a front 2 or 3 of Miller and Dodoo playing off Garner when required but the main problem is these players seem unable to keep position against average teams like Hearts. If we want to keep trying to play decent football it cannot be with some of the players we currently have. In that sense Warburton is not using available resources effectively but he deserves the a chance to fix it IMO. Let's judge warburton at the end of the season and give him our support at least in the short term (as I know we do) to reach that European objective.
  14. Thx FS. So the likely scenario will be 'as is' with a bit more drip feed of cash but the opportunity to drive Ashley down and have a clean buy out (assuming we could solve the legacy issue) is lost. Ashley will provide funds for his share increase as it feeds the cash flow and keeps the club operating as the goose that lays the golden egg from his perspective. As King said 'there is no silver bullet'. We could do with a morale booster in our games this week!
  15. FS can you advise what the res10 mechanics are now? Are existing shareholders offered first on a first come first served basis with your own existing percentage of shares irrelevant? I presume that this will not be transfer of equity to pay off debt therefore the shallower pockets of sympathetic shareholders is a he problem. Only King or Ashley could realistically buy up large chunks before a general sale? Mccoist may have shot himself in the foot btw because a concentration of shares may have made any buyout easier and share prices would go up and as of course if cash flow becomes a worse problem and we have another administration event his shares will be worth hee haw. I wouldn't be surprised if he sold out to Ashley some time soon. He might as well given his reputation is in tatters.
  16. Res11 was clearly an attempt to reduce the influence of Ashley and Easdale who have amongst others run our club into the ground. Anyone and not just mccoist with such a substantial share as 1.5% given we knew the shift required was circa 1% and who did not vote for this, is siding with Ashley for their own self interest and is an enemy of the club IMO - unless they had a very good reason for not being able to attend or were not able to instruct a proxy or something happened to the proxy. I cannot believe that people who are rightly angry with Ashley do not also see it as the duty of someone like mccoist who has taken fortunes from the club and who is historically of the 'legend' status, to vote with the present board - if that is what has happened.
  17. The Celtic signing debate is between lawell and Barton. Nothing to do with Rangers. So hope that's all Rangers da in that matter. Barton went to Ibrox and spoke to MW. We don't know what was said so we don't know why the 3 weeks. But criticising manager and colleagues if it is excess needs an apology not an appearance on talksport and further newspaper articles. Good riddance to him.
  18. Don forget Ler Wallace at Motherwell. Brushed over by the press.
  19. Think most folk are saying he should have waited until Monday and hat his chat with the manager. That isn't bad advice. He's now gone out on a limb and probably made things worse for himself and the club. I'm pretty sure the club only have one decision to make now and that is joeys fault from start to finish.
  20. On reflection Joey has done nothing for Rangers football wise. He has attracted publicity mainly for himself, nothing more. He is a good footballer but not nearly of the standard that can dictate to the manager of Rangers. Warbie must get rid of him or he appears weak. If he keeps him he loses respect and has a player who can upset the apple cart at any moment and who simply doesn't fit in to the football style Warbie is trying to build. Experiment failed. Bail out and buy a pacey CB if u can find one.
  21. He should have waited until Monday IMO. It's not too long to reflect. I like the fact this bust up has happened tbh but it would have been better to talk on Monday and then let the manager give a view. I am sure Warburton would have protected Barton if required. Afraid this is more about joey and his self image than about Rangers. Interesting to see how we respond v Ross. I think this has a bit to run but if there is any open challenge or disrespect to the manager behind this then JB has to go.
  22. Don't normally join forums but I'm so disgusted by this. I have forwarded images to Spanish half family and Ecuadorians. They are shocked. My Ecuadorian pal loves football and finds this beyond the pale. If you have friends abroad then I suggest you let them know what (some/many) Celtic fans really feel and the hatred they have and the depths they are prepared to go to in order t satisfy their bigotry. On the positive my pal in Ecuador wants a rangers jersey (don't know how to explain the ashley thing). But trust me you don't need to rely on MSM. Just send these images to your friends wherever they are. It will get round.
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