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Everything posted by Walterbear

  1. A real smugness on Radio Scotland on Saturday particularly from Gordon. I used to think he was ok but his bias is really evident now. I don’t mind him expressing support or fondness for Aberdeen but the weekly sarcasm on matters Rangers is way over the top. Also listening to the 2-1 win at pittodrie when we scored the commentators reaction was stifled like a foreign team scoring against Scotland and when they got the free kick t score there was unrestrained exuberance. Gordon also states idiotically that at last the saga has come to and end. Well it hasn’t for Rangers. Fair dos to chic young who corrected him on that albeit in a meek way. It’s got to a point where they can’t actually help themselves from being biased any more and they have forgotten they are a public broadcaster which we fund. This is their revenge for the fact we survived and they think we cheated irrespective of any legal viewpoints on the matter. We have one answer to all of this and that is to score goals, win football matches and celebrate.
  2. Fair point the Hamilton chances dB but turning that on its head we create lots of chances and still get beat 2-0 at home. There will be lots of games we create less chances but will we win or lies the games? I suppose like most in here I view losing at home against Hamilton as an awful performance irrespective of chances and that’s probably how we as Rangers fans should view it.
  3. Yes very good. Ashley's on his way back and Charles Green will be the new chairman ? I believe Ally is being lined up to spend the £100m. ?
  4. Ross County was a poor performance despite the 3 points and Hamilton/Dundee were awful. We can’t continue to play like that and maintain our position. The playing squad is weak.
  5. Mark Allen has already said priority will be to invest in younger players who will have a return. Given the limited funds that makes sense. I would hope that bringing in a DoF who is largely unknown to us would at least lead to some fresh thinking in recruitment and perhaps a couple of gems are uncovered rather than him suggesting names and signings that even the Daily Record can come up with. I’m not sure adding MacArthur would be the right thing to do even if his wages do drop. We have Dorrans as our midfield oldie with an experienced head and we have the makings of a solid midfield with a Jack and even McRorie making a midfield position his own. Where we are vulnerable in terms of immediate fix is left side defence, goal scorer and creative midfielder / number 10.
  6. A Glasgow Rangers fans forum is now spending hours discussing a PR man and his latest rubbish. It is truly absurd. By definition of his job description he should be sacked. Then sort out the other under achievers. Can King do that? Only if he sorts out the takeover panel stuff PDQ, or invests his fortune, or walks away. This all comes down to Dave King from now because his deputies are not capable and if wer’re not careful we will lose the benevolence of the individuals who have been pumping millions of their own money into our club and our survival will be threatened. This latest episode (irrespective of feelings towards McInnes as a manager) is not an exemplar of due diligence as Traynor would have us believe. It is an exemplar of incompetence.
  7. The problem with this long winded clumsy statement is that it talks unconvincingly about selection criteria, it talks negatively about McInnes it is oddly self congratulatory about Murty who in fact was thrown into the job for the second time in a year ultimately because of mistakes made by the Board. After 6 weeks it is clear that despite this in depth analysis of candidates and grilling selection process the statement alludes to, it is a statement so vacuous and devoid of real content that it more or less says we haven’t in fact spoken to or interviewed anybody at all. I can’t believe there are many managers we have rejected who are actually worse at their job than some of our Board members appear to be at theirs.
  8. Malky Mackay would be about the best fit left based on criteria set by King and the board. He would probably do a better job than McInnes. Other than he played for Celtic and is a mysogynist and racist he fits the bill. The Board have really fecked up yet again. I said it as far back as Progress that Robertson is a nobody and isn’t on the ball. Sorry a vastly overpaid nobody. My suspicion is McInnes would not have liked working with a DoF and combined with losing his number 2 it probably didn’t add up for him. Milne probably told him he was the number 1 at Pittodrie and that suits his personality and management style. If the reasons he rejected us are of that nature (and its perfectly plausible) then we should have known this and never made him a target. We don’t know what we’re doing. Again.
  9. Rangers don’t owe the BBC, Willie Miller, and the rest of them any information. We only owe explanations to our fans, shareholders and staff and we have been quite clear about the process to date and the fact that we have to get the appointment right and it will take time. It would also have been disrespectful to all those who applied to have started talking about McInnes at the beginning of this process. The BBC and club fans like Aberdeen’s have done all they can to declare us dead and try to wipe out our history and atheist BBC use every opportunity to disrespect and mock us and they now accuse us of not being open with them. Well I never!
  10. If fans or even large groups of fans in the support want to lean one way or another it’s up to them but like stu I’ve supported Rangers for over 50 years and no one will tell me what to think or believe. I know plenty of fans who think the same. In days where you see more kids with Barca, PSG, Arsenal or Chelsea tops running around Scottish streets the last thing we can afford to do is abandon inclusivity or make people who do not share a specific ideaology feel unwelcome. As for why so few Rangers fans appear in a survey you would have to ask the people who compiled it but certainly here in Edinburgh I come across a lot more Rangers fans than you would think. Most tend to keep a low profile and I think that is because they feel that if they project a strong support for the club folk will assume they are bigots and they can’t be bothered with having to explain they are actuall normal. There is undoubtedly a stereotyping of Rangers fans that causes this but we also have to recognise we have a history of exclusion which we have combatted hard against for years but which still sticks to us and we need to keep building on the good work to make ourselves more attractive for people to support. You only have to listen to some songs on the subway for example to know that we do have a group of fans who continue to damage our reputation.
  11. It’s tricky Pete. We will have to give them something north of £500k and Aberdeen will suspect we don’t have a plan B. If this is who we really want we are not in a strong negotiating position. We might save money by not bringing their number 2.
  12. Law 12 “SERIOUS FOUL PLAY A tackle or challenge that endangers the safety of an opponent or uses excessive force or brutality must be sanctioned as serious foul play. Any player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force or endangers the safety of an opponent is guilty of serious foul play. VIOLENT CONDUCT Violent conduct is when a player uses or attempts to use excessive force or brutality against an opponent when not challenging for the ball, or against a team-mate, team official, match official, spectator or any other person, regardless of whether contact is made. In addition, a player who, when not challenging for the ball, deliberately strikes an opponent or any other person on the head or face with the hand or arm, is guilty of violent conduct unless the force used was negligible.” There must be reasonable doubt whether Jack used excessive force considering it is May who mistimed his challenge and it was he who had the most distance to travel before contact. It is clear Jack did not lunge at May as May came in late and Jacks foot trajectory was constant and covered less distance than Mays (using the Dons player at the top of the photo as a reference point and assuming the photo is at a perpendicular angle to the play). Collum could not have seen the relative distances the players legs travelled prior to contact given he was behind May and therefore at the wrong angle. Like many on here having played the game and un the interest of balance it is possible Jack is protecting himself from May as he senses a late challenge and then potentially turns his studs and ankle up at the last moment but I have seen no evidence of that so would have to discount it. If that did happen it would be to protect himself and was not a lunge and the excessive force is because of the poor attempt at a tackle from May. There is certainly reasonable doubt this is a red card foul (or even a foul) but I don’t know what criteria the appeals panel use to assess guilt or innocence. What is likely is that a Scottish ref has has simply once more demonstrated the consistently appalling level of ability of our refs (reference the inability to red card Shinnie in the same game for a far clearer lunge with excessive force, no where near the ball on Tavernier). It is also highly likely that the embarrassment of overturning a wrong decision yet again on a Jack red card will be too much to bear for the SFA and given their capacity for incompetence they will compound Collums error and co tribe to dismiss the appeal. The incident also yet again indicates the rotten state of punditry in Scotland that not one ex pro or so called sports journalist who make a living out of being ‘experts’ in this game can bother to quote rules, reference actual events accurately, or review incidents of foul play from any team other than Rangers.
  13. Walterbear


    Couple of things for me. Ashley deal and dropping investigation into him re stadium advertising deal was part of the deal. All in all good work by King and Paul Murray on that. Also the Directors snd NOAL (King) still putting money in up to 2019 if needed. The fans are still the biggest input to sustaining the club. Whyte our the picture in terms of litigation against us is strongly stated. As you say Gonzo it’s time for the footballers to show up and do their bit. I think a low risk option will be taken on manager front based on the still difficult position we are in. I wasn’t sure about McInnes before but reading the accounts points to that solution. We must at least by 2019 be winding down the investment (currently at £16m) from directors alone with guarantees of another £5m+ this season. Some of us (including me) have been giving the board a hard time over the last few months but this report shows they are doing a good job behind the scenes. Always room for improvement of course.
  14. Delahunt comes across as a bit of a dimwit. I think the club should ask him for an explanation.
  15. Neil Mcann in an assistant role under Walter with a view to take over in a year.
  16. Tbh mate most teams are 2 or 3 players away from being a half decent side.
  17. I like Jack but he made a mistake. So long as he learns
  18. Need a reality check here. We got Pedro coz he was cheap. We now have less money and we have a chairman whose lawyer declared he was skint 2 weeks ago in a court of law.
  19. Stay list for this season from the first team: needs 5-10m put round this lot to start with. I said a year ago I would take a few thugs from South America. Probably pick one or two up from across the M74 at a fraction of the price. Then spend the rest very carefully. Fod John Jack Alves Dorrans Morelos Candeias
  20. Christ. The body isn’t cold yet. Get a grip Barry.
  21. Probably, but squaring up in an aggressive manner despite the fact he did feck all when we are in a must win situation and the managers job is on he line and we are 1-0 up in the last minute and we are taking a penalty is just plain stupid.
  22. FFS Darther. Pat Jack on the back and tell him he did a good job. Hope the next manager doesn’t think that way.
  23. With MMA qualifications. The bottom line is that unless we wan to be Aberdeen Mark 2 we need significant finance in the club and the current board can’t provide that. INew manager needs to be part of a strategy that sees the board replace itself. King doesn’t have what it takes. We need to rid ourselves of the issues he has. That is holding us back and led to low cost gambles in the first place
  24. Clearly we need a new manager but there is a lack of corporate governance, ability and most of all finance which needs fixed top to bottom if we want to dominate Scottish football and beat celtic. That’s the fact of the matter.
  25. Board appointed DOF.
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