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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. Forgot to ask, any idea why Sterling wasn't involved against Copenhagen?.
  2. When I saw they're squad, I was quite happy, as I don't reckon he'll get a game tbh. A fit and fresh Sima in a couple of weeks. 🙏🏻
  3. No, you've never understood why people would be different from you, don't worry, it's a common affliction. 😉
  4. Just as well we're not just talking about the folk you've met then, There were folks from ICI and Honeywell mentioned, from industry, and I've came across loads of them.
  5. I can imagine, Alpha males getting their ambitions confused with their capabilities.
  6. As has Ryan Jack, who looked like he'd never been away....
  7. I'm sure you're correct stat-wise, but his passing and and closing down has very little to do with who he has on his right hand side, and both of those parts of his game looked alien to him. I'm far from a Barasic hater, he's been a good servant for us, but I'm afraid his time is over.
  8. Barasic looked like a rabbit in the headlights on tuesday night (in a friendly!), this has to be his last season.
  9. I'd agree, but I think their midfield had a bit to do with that. I noted that it was 40 minutes before our back 4 made it over the half way line
  10. That's a favourite of mine as well Graeme, the walk in through that wee gem of a caledonian pine forest at the start is awesome too. Sorry to hear that mate, all the best.
  11. All the flapping was going on behind that particular bird to be fair.
  12. Tbf that was when we'd taken off the keeper and 2 centres, in the first half we defended the aerial ball very well, Copenhagen striker is huge as well, and a handful. They were clearly a better side, very slick, as you'd expect given the season they've had in the CL. We definitely grew into the game*, could've been 2 up. Playing 2 up front left us a wee bit short in the middle of the park I felt, Raskin struggled in particular (Jack looked a hell of a lot more assured). Robbie McCrorie just seemed to spread panic tbh, I thought Yfeko looked good with the ball at his feet, but we were lost at the 2 corners they scored from. Silva covered the ground, had some nice touches, dunno if he fancies the physical part, hard to tell from a friendly. Big Dessers never put a foot wrong when he came on!. * in the first half, 2nd half was grim, the usual mass substitutions making it thus.
  13. The thought has entered my mind numerous times today. Hopefully get a look at Silva.
  14. My BiL bought me a ticket for this tonight, really canny be a*sed, baltic oot there.
  15. For those of us that don't like that den of lunacy, what's it say?
  16. Superb sir, cap doffed. I never got into the munros over the festive period like I usually do, a batch of covid put paid to it.
  17. Not quite, I see A LOT of young folk out on the hills at the weekend, it's great to see tbh.
  18. Most of the big amateur teams around here no longer exist, what's left isn't great, the Junior game is pretty unrecognisable since it was all split up a few years back. No idea what the quality is like now. Can't bring myself to go watch either of them. It's changed days tbh, a lot more people have hobbies that don't involve football, not like it was 30 or 40 years ago.
  19. I wouldn't read too much into that tbh. GG has just been asked a question about one of their players, he's not gonna turn round and say he's shite, and no good enough for us, is he.
  20. Away and chase yersel, American fitba is aboot 5 mins actual 'play' across 4 hours of drivel, and they wear bigger shoulder pads than dynasty and dallas combined! 🤣🤣🤣
  21. Dowell hasn't travelled apparently? Wonder if he's for the off.
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