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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. Hard to say, we've seen the best of Barisic, pretty sure Yilmaz will improve.
  2. Show me a footballer who hasn't had a few injuries. No one is saying Ridvan is the next Maldini, but atm he's the best we have, Barisic is done.
  3. I really hope Diomande and Dujon are the future of our midfield. Raskin hasn't been anywhere near his best since he came back, fingers crossed that doesn't continue.
  4. Give the malaria stuff a break mate, seriously, it's very wearing and not relevant in the slightest.
  5. Aye, ditto. One at a time, good enough for PC, good enough for me.
  6. You managed to escape Hawick? Bravo 😉
  7. I agree re Dessers (supersub could end up being his role) but I'm all for keeping Yilmaz.
  8. The wee man is looking like he's settled and showing us what he's capable of now. Bye Borna, aw the best.
  9. Agreed. This obsession both appointing a 'name' is up there with a similar obsession within our fan base to always go for former players. Hire a real bloody coach. #comehomealfredo
  10. Spot on Gonzo. I'm quite happy to not dine at the top table, if the price is selling your soul. A well run, well fed club can always still punch well above its weight.
  11. Aye, I'd bloody love to see us completely ignore the wee rodent. Won't happen though.
  12. All depends, I seem to recall a good few folks willing us to 'just get to the winter break' a few weeks back, after having a good few injuries. It's not really a break, it's a chance to spend some time with the players tactically as well, which a good manager will thrive on.
  13. Great minds, I was about to use him as an example!. This is where stats can be unhelpful, McCall may not have won a huge amount of aerial duels, but you didn't have a free header if he was marking you, this makes a huge difference. We have many examples of great midfielders that you wouldn't say were dominant in the air, Albertz, Tugay, Ferguson, Reyna to name but a few....
  14. Not many teams do this now, a man marking a post means a man free on the opposition side.
  15. Absolutely, what a day that was. No hate here, I'd have loved that shellsuit back in the day! 😆
  16. Who knows, we can only speculate. Anything can cause the 'stall' - immaturity, ignorance, lack of intelligence, outside factors, injury, lack of physical requirements, he may even just have peaked.
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