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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. Hopefully they'll have their tails up and have a go, give us some space, but I fear Warnock will go full battle mode instead, it won't be pretty. Referee needs to be strong, and stop letting Shinnie away with murder.
  2. The manager and players have tunnel vision on the next game, a fantastic laser-like focus which has resulted in us reeling them in, despite losing twice to them. We are fans, not players or managers, and are as such a very different breed. 56. It's coming. Fuck the stoicism and the juju.
  3. Spot on Cammy, was bonkers to take that on, they've gone through some amount of managers.
  4. Dundee are a decent side, but fuck going to watch a team of several loan signings. 4 from one English team last week, Burnley.
  5. Oh, absolutely, one game at a time, I love how PC keeps that going. Fans humility has no bearing on the title outcome however, if that was the case that lot would've won nothing for years. There's nothing wrong with positivity, I get that you auld yins love a panic though. 🫣😊
  6. Nope, it's completely in our hands. They've lost the belief, so have their orcs, while we slowly build momentum. It's coming.
  7. Absolutely, we are on the up, have been for ages, they're one bad result away fae getting heras fenced out of the piggery again. Intae thum!.
  8. That's the spirit, positivity!!! We need to keep the goals coming from all areas, relying on a 'number 9' is yesterdays man.
  9. Overall a decent window, we haven't been left massively short anywhere, signed a couple of decent looking prospects, and looks like another coming in for free in the summer. I see dolly knocked back 500k for Barron yesterday, I'm hopeful he's gonna be another freebie for us.
  10. Would leave us with BB, so yes, fecked. I don't imagine we'd sell unless it's really daft money.
  11. My sentiments exactly. No one (I hope) ever actually wants one of our players to fail.
  12. I think it sometimes seems that way, but many, many clubs have similar situations, I'm sure, we just don't read about it on another clubs forums?.
  13. Yes, I do agree wholeheartedly. PC never recruited them to be fair to him, but he has to work with what he has. We can see some confidence returning to Dessers for example, if that continues then I'm sure we'll get there. Morelos looked like a rabbit in the headlights against them for long enough before finding his feet. Boyd never really got there, it's not all black and white.
  14. I totally take your point, but goals is goals. We only play them 4 times a season, that's a lot of other games to score in. It's our mentality, or lack of it, that has cost us against them.
  15. Sima, Dessers and Tav all have more goals this season than their no.9.
  16. Cereal is for kids and the unimaginative/those that can't cook, harvested from pub floors.
  17. Is saturday not the first game he hasn't started recently? Roofe? naw, just naw. Let the guy go, pay his contract, whatever, thanks for some great memories.
  18. Tbh I think PCs comments around how we've spent our money badly recently really ruled out spending the money Hertz will want for Shankland.
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