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Devil's advocaat

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Posts posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. Good.


    For the simple reason that the first time our new players walk out the Ibrox tunnel, they'll get the atmosphere of a new season, feel the weight of the Jersey and thrive on the expectation.

  2. Old Trafford is in the state it's in purely down to lack of maintenance, preventative maintenance is essential with any exposed structure, neglect that and it's not long before the costs will spiral, we got into the same place ourselves not so long ago. We need to continue to grow, to extract profit as much as possible, we've already seen that we can't rely on european money, and we've made some poor contract choices in recent years too.


    Kudos to you for travelling up twice a month, that's superb.

  3. 4 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

    We need a high profile, big hitter for the CEO role at Rangers. One who is prepared to confront the SFA and the SPFL. 

    The response from the club to the corrupt refereeing last Saturday was abysmal 

    Disagree, we need someone who is good at their job, profile is irrelevant if you know your onions.

  4. 9 hours ago, Hume said:

    That may be the case, Rab, but we have lost Cordoba to Norwich City. That is due to salary and nothing else I don't it's because Norwich will be in Europe next year. They have no chance so effectively we don't have enough to offer Cordoba enough of a salary. Lets see what the Argentinian brings, he looks next on the list we may get lucky. WATP



    Players go to such English clubs as Norwich as it offers them a faster route to a Premiership contract, and that's about the height of many players ambitions.

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