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Devil's advocaat

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Posts posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. I'm not saying I don't think he deserved to go, I just hate how many managers we've gone through in the last decade or so. I think hiring him was probably the issue, we need to get away from a manager being a massive punt, but more than anything I wanted to see him succeed.

  2. Tbh it's pointless asking fans this, as we only see them on the field, when they're shit. 


    We don't get to see them looking awesome in training, or as youths. 


    I played amateur with a guy who was head and shoulders above anyone in our team in bounce or training games. He was superb, but for whatever reason it just never happened for him on a Saturday. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Bill said:

    I wanted Clement from the start but lately I can't get Paul Le Guen out of my head and the Aussie is starting to grow on me. The fact is that no one will know for about a year if any choice was the right one.

    Aye, I'm in the same boat tbh, its maybe the name, clement, reminds me of the Jeremy the sailor.


    Muscat is becoming far more palatable than a couple of weeks back.

  4. We played the ball out from the back perfectly well in the 55 season, the best football I've seen us play on a consistent basis.


    Yes we don't have the finances of real, but last time I looked neither did the dross we play every week.


    Sam is yesterday's man, who can't even keep teams up any more, his only trick.

  5. No idea why people are suggesting other players would have been better, its a moot point, we've no system, no style, you could put Messi in there, no one running off him would see him useless as well.


    The only positive, it's clear there's not going to be a 'bounce', hopefully this will focus the board.

  6. 1 hour ago, RANGERRAB said:

    So who is your choice?

    I don't follow football worldwide enough to know, pretty much the same as everyone else on here. The line that's oft repeated - 'Who else is there?' is moot because of that, But that doesn't mean you can't state who you don't want.


    I'd actually agree with Bill, if it was a choice between those two, I'd say no thanks and give Davis a shot at glory.

  7. 36 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Why would he be a disaster?

    dont you think if he got the right backroom/coaching staff he might do well like Souness & Gerrard?




    11 minutes ago, weebluedevil said:

    If you could choose only between Lampard or McInnes, who would you rather? 



    I'd rather eat my own shite than have any of the two of them.

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