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Devil's advocaat

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Posts posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. Taking away any of the chat about who would host such events, in no way should a country the size of Scotland, with the financial constraints that our footballing authorities have, ever be wasting any more money on a national stadium. It's a grotesque luxury, and not even a good one.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Bill said:

    It's interesting that 54 members voted in the poll about sacking Beale but only 22 (so far) appear to give a shit whether Muscat or Clement take the reins. In fact more people voted against sacking Beale than have voted for Muscat and Clement combined. Clearly, we are far more concerned with the past than the future.

    People's anger always comes to the fore, creativity and making a choice, not so much. Social media is pretty much based on this. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    Calories in Calories out I thought was undeniable? Not sure genetics can can circumvent it but I admit I'm not an expert.

    I'm no expert either tbh. Good discussion though.

  4. I don't know that it's quite as simple as that SBG, can something as simple as a good diet overcome genetics in a short time? I'm sure there's been peer reviewed papers on this, worth a look. I'm of the opinion that what you eat from a baby until you're into your teens will have a far greater effect on you than all of a sudden just having a sports science approved diet.


    There's probably plenty of players who prove that it can be done, Ronaldinho, Luis Diaz showed clear signs of malnutrition as youths, but have gone on to succeed.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Compare the size of McCausland to Lovelace or Bassey. 

    You can delve deeply into genetics and everything that goes with it, but even looking at boys football, at 7 or 8 years old, the kids that come from less salubrious area are generally still head and shoulders above the kids from better off families. They'll be the kids that are out kicking a ball outwith training and games, whereas the richer ones will only kick a ball with their team or training kit on. 


    However,  these kids from less well off backgrounds will not have as good a diet, and there's every chance all of their previous generations will be the same, and they're also the kids that are most likely to end up with addiction issues.





  6. There's definitely something in our psyche that means we seem to like to get off our tits more often than many other nations, I think there's many different societal factors in that, but even taking that out of the equation, there's still many cases of talents that don't make it, and many lesser talents that do.


    Roy Aitken was a perfect example of that, not a very talented player at all, completely over achieved, but had something in terms of drive that facilitated it.

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