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Devil's advocaat

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Posts posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. 15 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    Of course you are correct.


    I propose Emma, Marvin, Alan and, Michael all chorus, 'we are the People' before every broadcast.

    That came across as very 'moral high ground' when I read it back, not my intention! My granny was very CoS, but always eschewed the Jock Tamson bairns ethos, that just stuck with me.

  2. 2 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    Marvin Bartley - black.

    Alan Hutton -white.

    Emma Dodds - Lesbian.

    Michael Stewart - complete and utter ginger cnut.

    I'll be honest, I don't even consider the likes of these things when watching football, or anything else for that matter, they're just people.

  3. 15 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Other than Mark Hateley, has there ever been a better old fashioned Rangers centre forward in recent times than big DJ?


    Big Dado is about the only one that springs to mind. For a handful of games Daniel Cousin looked like he could be mentioned in the same breath, but for whatever reason it didn't last.

  4. At - beating that lot 1 - 0 at Hampden SCSF* after Joe the dip dived to get Robertson sent off. Pissed all night, they hit post and bar, bears never stopped singing. 


    Not at - Helicopter Sunday, how could it be anything else?. I was working a 10hr shift, never took it off as no one seen it coming. Had a cast on my leg after breaking my foot playing 5s, had to jump the wall to get into the cross keys as the polis had told them to not let anyone else in.


    * Destroying PSV in the CL at Ibrox pushed it close.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I'm sure no one wants to receive a full body search going into grounds and the security staff aren't well paid enough to do it properly anyway, so it's just something we'll have to deal with.

    And it would take even longer than the game at Dens park did.

  6. 3 hours ago, Gribz said:

    This IMO should be scrapped, if teams are level on points and GD then neither games won or goals scored should then matter and if it was at the end of the season a play off should take place

    No, its a league not a cup.

  7. 1 hour ago, yuddie said:

    Fuck it I'll say it, I reckon if we stay unbeaten from now until January we win the league - 8 games if we make it to the LC final (we should). Not impossible and is doable but that's where my thinking is at.


    Just because of the difficulty of the fixtures more than anything, Dundee last night was one of 3 aways in a row.

    I'm with you Brother. 

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