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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. I watched a wee piece on social media yesterday with Robbie Fowler - what a finisher he was - and he was openly admitting that players in his day weren't as fit as now, and that's only around 20 years ago.
  2. By using your eyes. Look at the conditioning of your average top level footballer now. You don't get tone like that unless you work bloody hard and manage your diet correctly. You rarely see a footballer now without a 6 pack, back in the 60s you rarely seen one with one. All professional sports, and the once amateur sports like athletics, have moved on significantly in terms of fitness. Player never even used to do any other training apart from ball work and running, whereas we now know that strength conditioning is key along with cardio work.
  3. Joe Garner was on £18k a week, I know that for a fact. You can take it from that, that we'll have many more players over your £25k limit.
  4. Yes, exactly. People think it was about fitness, wrongly.
  5. Work, that's a broad word, but if you mean training, our players are far fitter than those that played during the Gullane days, no question.
  6. The Mussels are usually below the tide line, no up in the dunes chief.
  7. Naw, I know, you played to a pretty decent level if I recall correctly, so know what I mean!.
  8. I think he's shown on a few occasions that he offers a lot more than Lammers. Tbh I'd rather we didn't give anyone such treatment, it hardly inspires them, folk howlin abuse at you when your confidence is already low.
  9. The Tillman example is not representative of the loans we've had over the years, he helped us into the CL and we might get a few bob from a future sale, but the vast, vast majority of loan players haven't paid off in this manner.
  10. Not sure what you mean by 90s. Lots of folk moaning about paying circa 5M for a 28 year old Scotsman cos he's 'no sell on' value, but quite happy to spunk big wages on players that won't be here in 5 months. January is a tough window, and loans are inevitable, but no one can be happy with our 3 main strikers being other clubs players. If they win us the league, I'll be a two faced bastard though, hey ho! 😄
  11. Where's it from, there's a shed load of dreadful Rangers 'outlets' on social media that post any old shite for clicks.
  12. Desailly and Boksic both in that Marseille team as well, both absolute class.
  13. Not to forget the wooden haddie
  14. Aye, agreed. I took my father in law as a wee xmas present just after new year, stadium tour first, then the museum, absolutely superb value and the aul fella loved it. Tour guide was excellent, Billy was his name but I never caught his surname, sure I recognised him from somewhere. Can't recommend it enough.
  15. Agreed. Of course there are, but injuries can happen to anyone, at any time.
  16. No, vignal was after porrini. Big Sergio played a decent amount of games, are you perhaps mixing him up with someone else?.
  17. Conte was a lovely footballer as well, De Livio a live wire. I loved Vialli, a fantastic striker.
  18. No sadly, I'd love to have seen him.
  19. Ronaldinho played against us for PSG IIRC?. Hadnt reached greatness yet, was quite young.
  20. Players that I've left Ibrox thinking I never realised how good they actually were. Gaizka Mendietta Lilian Thuram Diego Forlan We knew how good Alessandro Del Piero was, but he still roasted us.
  21. Yup, but they also have nowhere near as good players as we do, to supply him. No one is guaranteed goals of course, but he's about as close as you'd get in our league.
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