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Devil's advocaat

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Devil's advocaat last won the day on February 17

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  1. If this takeover works out, and we get the debt sorted and have a decent budget for players, I'd rather have Clement than Mourinho. I stand by my assertion that PC was the right guy at the wrong time. Mourinho is a soundbite manager now, the press demand it from him, he always delivers. As Rousseau rightly says, he's just been owned by BF, managing a bunch of players that even our own fans don't think are good enough.
  2. God aye.
  3. I think VC will want a move to a bigger league, as has been mentioned before.
  4. But that's the whole point. We should have sold Morelos when Lille asked, he was a far better player than the one we signed from Finland. But he went for feck all, and you're then left trying to replace him without the healthy fee in your hip pocket. We have to sell when a players stock is high*, and trust our recruitment to go again. * and players look for their next move when they're in a strong position too.
  5. Aye, they're quiet, but that's mainly as their sports are duller than a Tuesday in Kilmarnock.
  6. Does anyone know about this dual ownership thing that's been referred to in some articles? Leeds have to get promoted as EFL don't allow dual ownership, is this correct?. Or, is the Cavanagh involvement a way around this?.
  7. Aye agreed, I think he'll improve no end in a more structured, flowing team.
  8. I did enjoy their whining yesterday, we're constantly hearing pundits talk about their strength in depth, the bench etc. Pumped at home - 'but mcgregor wisnae playin' Btw, the same mcgregor that we've dominated in the last few games. Up ye.
  9. Listening to Brendas comments after the game, he's sounding like he did when Gerrard had his number. BF is carrying on the good work in this fixture that PC did, I firmly believe PC had him worked out, and was it not for awful decisions, would've had a great recent record in the fixture. He mentioned the 3 zip game, and the cup finals too, he's all too aware he was as lucky as his dentist.
  10. I don't think he gets the opportunity tbh, he has a limited time to 'win' the gig, I don't think we have the depth to get to the EL final, and everything else is gone. I think he has a chance of an Archie Knox type role, but our next appointment is too important to be fucking about with.
  11. Agreed, he's a far better footballer than big Boyd, and to say he scores 1 from 9 is just silly talk. Dessers isn't the issue, it's our fragility elsewhere, and with the exception of Cerny and a wee spell Igamane had, there's no one else in the team that can be relied upon for goals.
  12. I do agree though, I'd be pretty happy if we got him.
  13. Correct me if this is pish, but did he not follow the current fashion of sticking to his plan, going down with the ship?
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