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Devil's advocaat

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  1. We can quote Tavs numbers all day long, and yes, they're great, he's been a fantastic buy for us. But his time has gone, he never really was a 'winner' tbh. Dessers just isn't good enough. As others have said I wouldn't really mind him being a squad player, an option, but the days of us having £5M squad players have gone.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/CJJbsNwaUFtpzRXb/ Robbie McCrorie for the first 😬🤣
  3. I'm positive about our current playing staff, it's early yet but we've signed a lot of potential, just need a few more experienced players and we'll be in a decent position. I'm sure we'll see some of the dead wood moved on, nothing much happens with this til late on in the window every year. We also have a manager who has earned the right to build a squad and a playing style, that I'm sure will bring success. We need to trust in someone, and get into a position where we're strengthening every year by adding 2 or 3, not having a clearout every time. In terms of the stadium delays, it's not great, but show me any big infrastructure project that's on time. It doesn't happen, and it's nothing to do with low quality steel, the supply chain for materials is an absolute nightmare these days, there's a huge shortage of good project Engineers and Managers too. The situations lies firmly at the feet of previous boards, who let the stadium maintenance drift. I'm an optimist, partly by choice, as it's a nicer world to live in. Yes it means I get disappointed a lot more than a pessimist, but I bounce back quickly. Mon the Rangers.
  4. Compo won't like that, this boy should be doing his talking on the park!. 🤫😉
  5. Been to Berlin a few times, and agree, East is far more interesting. First time I went was a drinking weekend, stayed in a hostel boat on the Spree, which was superb. There was a chuck wagon close by that did excellent curry wurst, which I saw in the best street food in Germany guide in Observer food monthly a while later as best currywurst in Germany!. Went back a couple of times with the wife, tbh it's wasted as a drinking destination (as most places are) and I enjoyed it far more seeing the many, many interesting places. Enjoy Gonzo.
  6. Aye, absolutely, but my point was that he never blew his way into a first team at 16 and stayed there. If anything, it shows our coaching up in this country that he has to go to Italy to be the player he is.
  7. I'm of the opinion that it's not a Rangers problem, it's a national problem. Who was the last player any club here started playing at 16 or 17 who actually went on to have the career that the early promise suggested?. Gilmour had the odd flash of first team football, but never was a first team pick, I can't actually recall anyone else. An extreme example, granted, but Jamal at 16 has 30 odd caps for his country, and has looked on pf the very best at the euros. He's not alone, Spain have had a few in recent years. Lowry is basically a classic, oft repeated example of a young, talented player who just disappears up his own balloon knot.
  8. Christie played 50 odd league games for ICT before he went to tenko, but yes, your point stands
  9. Who needs bheggar infiltrators on here when we have you, Compo? 🤣
  10. I've said before, he's not for me, but I'm sure he'd be decent for a couple of seasons, As long as he's not on stupid money.
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