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Devil's advocaat

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Devil's advocaat last won the day on March 1

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  1. Aye, point taken, just not at the price and wage we paid for the big yin.
  2. Wouldn't be too bothered if he was 29 and playing in the Bundesliga or similar, but still playing in the SAP? hmmmm....
  3. I'd tend to agree on both of those, the ball is in our court with Igamane, we keep him and he keeps improving, it's good for us football wise, and good for our financials when we sell. Dessers is our Nunez, everyone wants him to do well, but it would be for the best if we recouped some money and moved on from him.
  4. The one thing that will destroy your credibility in such a role as he is in, is going off like a jack knifed milk float before you even have a full grasp of said role. Give him a chance buster.
  5. Lets face it, wouldn't really matter what he said, certain folk would be greetin' about it.
  6. That's for the best, it's like talking about sunset with a flat earther.
  7. Who said I didn't like it?. Take a day aff Cammy, you don't have to argue every time...
  8. Doesn't really bother me, it's a wee bit unoriginal is all I'd say, I'd echo the sentiments that we have a rich history that would be more appropriate. Canny knock the guys for the effort they put in.
  9. Massive well done to the gaffer last night as well, got tactics and team selection absolutely spot on.
  10. Aye, I'd agree, he actually put the ball the way he should have, towards Frather Forthterth feet, aye he could've lifted it, but he was just on as well.
  11. Uch, it's easy to be hard on Dessers, he did everything right and made the chance himself, but it wasn't to be. Imagine the buzz Igamane must've felt, that young lad will never have heard a noise like that in his life, here's to many more of them.
  12. Brilliant result, superb Rangers.
  13. I was unlucky enough to work with a lot of them. The tightest, laziest bunch you'd encounter, unless there was compensation to be claimed, then they'd get their arses in gear!.
  14. Technically we don't, however I agree, we have to carry a threat. First and foremost though, we have to be solid against them, I'd forego Taverniers threat for a solid right back defensively, allowing Jefte to be more of a threat (I believe their right back can be got at) and would prefer the a more mobile attacker than Dessers to start. He'll play a part at some point, for sure, he'll get at least half an hour I reckon, but he's going to have to start taking these chances against them, we need to be clinical.
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