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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. This season in Europe was incredibly poor for United - normally they make the semis, final or win. I'm not sure their dire performances in Europe this season are a fair reflection of their team overall.


    Gijon drew with Bilbao on the 25th of last month - does that mean Gijon are equal to Bilbao and therefore better than Man Utd?


    Results aren't literal. Never have been.


    Not all about results and all along i've been speaking about performances rather than just scores. Played off the park home and away.

  2. Do you truly believe Bilbao are a better team than Manchester United?


    Right now United largely live off their name. Their midfield is pisspoor without old man Scholes who wont be there next year. 1 shot on target at Wigan the other night. Yes, Bilbao could well be better than United and how better to judge than two games were they played the English side off the park home and away. The point was though that if the a middling team in Spain can horse the best of the English home and away then how can you claim the English league is better? We're not even comparing best with best. The mid table sides of Spain had too much for the best of the EPL.

  3. Questions were asked on this board about another of the bidders surely in the interests of fairness the same questions should be asked of any and all bidders?


    Your posts on the matter come across defensive and as if you have a vested interest in one of the bids or lack impartiality. Whilst I agree that questions should be asked of all bids i'm sceptical of your motives.

  4. I take it you've never been in a fight? You make sure the guy knows his place. The first punch obviously didn't do enough damage to the twonk so you make sure.


    I'd hate to have gutless friends like you


    This same arguement came up before with the Dutch keeper getting assaulted on the field. The idea that when you are in a fight if you hit the other guy once he will think "oh well, thats me told now, I wont get involved anymore and will leave it there" is naive and stupid. I agree with you, in a fight give the guy as many digs as it takes to ensure he doesn't come back for more. This situation is a bit different in that Goodwillie isn't protecting himself, but the guy blindsided Swanson and frankly the rights of the original attacker mean very little to me compared to the footballers. Give someones mates a cheap shot and if you get a doing for your troubles well then tough shit. Perhaps it will stop the ned from going around thinking he can punch whoever he wants when they're not looking. Goodwillie may have done society a favour.


    And i'm not talking about whats right by law, i'm just talking from own moral standpoint. Attack someone else with no obvious provocation and if you end up getting a hiding well then you deserve it.

  5. Anyone notice him having a wee sly go at Rhys McCabe ?


    Jogging past McCabe he "bumped" into him and you could see he wanted McCabe to react - McCabe, acting more like the senior professional whilst Brown acted more like the petulant kid, basically just walked away, giving Brown zero ammunition.


    The barge on McCulloch at the half way line for a throw in. Not that bad on its but when part of 4 or 5 other incidents. There was another attempt to throw his body into Papac I think down in our left back position in the first half. As I say, not major incidents on their own but just several nasty. niggly and late challenges or attempts to leave a boot or body part in to rile or hurt an opponent.


    Add in the fact that he's a pretty average player and I'd rather not have him in the Scotland team. We have better.

  6. That incident was the 3rd or 4th time Brown went in for uneccesary afters or left a foot in or just generally committed a cowardly foul. Still has the brass neck to dive about to get a booking for Kerkar (joke decision btw). If Brown spent less time trying to play the hard man and more time trying to play football he might become half the player he thinks he is.

  7. There's been some good, some bad with Lee and to suggest he has been a complete waste either shows a lack of knowledge of the game or a personal dislike for him.


    Moments like the opener in Lyon and scoring against Celtic show he has had many good contributions. We would not have won as much as we have with him in the side if he was as bad as made out.


    Up there with Ross, Hutton and Adam of recent years who many fans like to make out are far worse than they actually were/are.

  8. Bit of a shame that Levein had to get the presenter to talk about Killie. Post match in the studio he just wanted to talk about Celtic and when he brought Levein in he said something along the lines of "we spent the build up talking mostly about Celtic and that was right because they were favourites but now we should be talking about Kilmarnock and what the've achieved". Back to the presenter who starts talking about the penalty incident and celtic again before admitting they should talk about Killie more.


    Congrats to the wee team though. Trophies look better in blue n white ribbons.

  9. The charlatan should be liable.


    When Whyte bought Rangers, whyte effectively was Rangers. How would the club know he was dq'ed unless he told others at the club and even then as the majority shareholder or whatever it would still be down to him to have announced this. How does sanctioning the club he takes over and leaves in the shit reprimand the right people and how were we to avoid this without him declaring himself.

  10. 12M for Flo??? No I dont think so...20k / week for Whittaker wins the best Twat deal! Are u kidding me? Who even let this guy sign for Rangers. Jog on....Ortiz must be thinking 'Huh..."


    Who's the twat here? Whoever gave Whittaker the deal?

  11. Sent off against Celtic as well.


    That was a fucking farce though. Almost like the ref did it to save the Celtic defenders (almost! ;)).


    Is that the game where the ref sent off one of them to even it up after making an arse of it against us?

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