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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. Instead of all this was it was it not Euan Norris should be applauded for having a great game and that should be the end of it.


    Hearts pen - correct decision

    Webster "handball" - correct decision

    Celtic goal - incorrect. Helped Celtic

    Ki Dive - No pen. Correct deicision. Decision not to book wrong though. Helped Celtic.

    Black handball - Not seen it myself but on the radio suggested the decision not to give him second yellow was correct. As stated not seen it but will say it helped Hearts for now.

    Skacel offside - at 1-0 (I think, need to check) Skacel was given offside when he wasn't and was in behind last defender. Helped Celtic.


    Missed any major incidents?


    From that though, I think it's clear to see that if anything, Celtic got the rub of the green with decisions yet are acting like they got done. It's a joke.

  2. Utter, utter pish!


    Dear JB




    Thank you for your recent correspondence by email regarding your concerns about the biased approach that is taken by the authorities in Scotland in relation to the implementation of the new anti-sectarianism legislation.




    I share your concern about the unbalanced and unequal treatment that is accorded to various individuals that have breached this legislation. In particular, you have highlighted the case of Joe Oâ??Rourke who made a very public slur on Twitter. Despite the seriousness of his comments, Mr Oâ??Rourke has only been issued with a warning by the Police regarding his future use of social media sites. This stands in contrast to the actions taken by the Police and others in relation to supporters of Glasgow Rangers FC.




    I will certainly join with my Parliamentary colleagues in pressing the Scottish authorities to be more even handed and balanced in their approach to matters relating to sectarianism. It is essential that the Scottish Government, Police and courts act with impartiality and ensure that the legislation is applied evenly across the board.




    Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with me on this important issue. It is very much appreciated.




    With kind regards,




    Yours sincerely






    Lagan Valley


    Posted by a guy on FF. Seems that politicians agree. :P

  3. Extract from Fifa rule 12.


    A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following three offences:

    • holds an opponent

    • spits at an opponent

    handles the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area)


    This must be another rule where the referees can apply their own interpretation then because there have been hundreds of incidents where it could be argued the hand ball was not deliberate yet penalties were given and most agreed it was the right call.

  4. Yes there is. It has to be deliberate handball and there is a question as to whether it was deliberate or not.


    Is this "deliberate" rule in the laws as there are numerous pens given when handball was not deliberate but positioning/movement of the arms was not in what would be construed a natural position.

  5. This forum is fast becoming a joke when garbage like this is so welcomed.


    Did you leave or did the RST kick you out btw?


    Not followed the thread closely as the financial stuff if often to dull for me to try and get my head around. :o


    But the little I have followed the thread has not really been "welcomed" and you can hardly judge a whole forum off one thread.


    FWIW I am more on your side. I am quite unsure why we have a right to know so much about this potential investor outwith his role as an investor. I dont follow BH's line of thinking but admitted at the outset some of this is beyond me. Still quite an amazing generalisation you have made though.

  6. The Hearts banner should be highlighted. Very, very distasteful.


    However, the reprehensible actions AGAIN of the figurehead of Celtic should be given the media coverage it deserves. He should be given lengthy bans for EACH disciplinary breach, and NOT to run concurrently


    6 breaches?


    3 prior to today.

    1 for running on the pitch and abusing the ref.

    1 for purportedly abusing the ref in the tunnel, questioning his impartiality (to put it mildly).

    1 for breaching SPL guidelines on twitter.


    Could be as many as 6. Definitely 5 though.

  7. Utter, utter pish!


    Comment was partly tongue in cheek. They might "apply" to everyone, yet despite high profile incidents only one community seems to be affected. Or more rightly only one is being ignored.


    Maybe down to the media too who only seem to make a fanfare when it's Rangers fans, prods or anti-catholic.


    Somewhere there is a bias in the system. It might not be the police but then that means its the PF or whoever it is who actually charges people. You must admit that the incident craig highlights is a farce?

  8. There's a lot of moaning going on in here despite Celtic losing.


    The only controversial decisions went for them really yet they've managed to turn it into a hardluck story for them once again. Add in Lennon's atrocious behaviour that will almost certainly go unpunished/be punished lightly and it gets quite annoying having this pish peddled every time they are fairly beaten.

  9. Looks like Wanyama does deliberately touch the ball after it whacks Ledley on the elbow.


    AYe, never saw that at the time but lots of mention of that elsewhere in cyber space. Some suggesting the ref was holding up two fingers as if to say 2 handballs but not seen that yet myself either.

  10. Anybody on twitter?.


    There are a few death threats to the ref flying around!.


    Not on twitter been seen screenshots on FF. Disgraceful. Still, the new internet/footy laws only apply to one set of fans. :(

  11. Webster's "block" was of exactly the same "quality" ... the angle of the ref might have been different.


    The other thing that was different was that the ball clearly strikes Ledley's hands and clearly doesn't strike Websters. Comparing apples with oranges. Media have done their job already ensuring the decisions are controversial. :(

  12. S_A, how was Ledley meant to get his hands out the way of the ball? When the Hearts player hit it he was about a foot away from Ledley. It's a natural reaction to put your hands up. Definite no penalty but that makes it all te sweeter!!


    Disagree. Hands weren't up in his face but out to the side of his body. Not up protecting himself but out blocking the ball. A lot of media types (outwith the sky commentators) agreeing.


    And finally on radio scotland admitting Webster didn't handle.


    Edit: radio clyde.


    And brilliant a few saying Ki dived too. Brilliant. Telling the truth for once.

  13. Commentators telling lies re: Webster "penalty". At least McCann telling the truth in the studio.


    Ledley penalty def. Hands out to the side clearly blocking the ball.


    The webster one that the sky people are desperately clutching at straws with, it doesn't even look like it touches Websters hands.


    Oh and Hooper is offside for their goal.

  14. The arrogance of that club. When Killie beat them, before they had any other trophies in their grasp that "cost them the treble". Well came back and bit them on the arse big time.


    Only won the SPL because of administration and Naisy's injury too.


    Lennon still never won a "big" game. Killie the other week doesn't get rid of their bottlers tag. They were always going to win it eventually but the big game in the league was Ibrox.

  15. Watching sky sports yesterday and someone was talking about Balotelli. Saying he had great temperament and that if you had a last minute penalty to win the game he'd be the man you'd want to take it.


    In the same vein, if you've hit a ball to the back post and you have a man waiting at the back , completely unmarked, open goal then Ki is the last man you would want it to be. :D


    Hearts leading a charmed life there.. how the fuck did Celtic not scramble that in!

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