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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. Read online somewhere the number of season tickets we sold last year was made public in something to do with duff and phelps and administration.


    Anyone have this figure and will we get a reliable figure this year?

  2. All the gang together? What a shock.


    I've posted sporadically on here through the summer due to being too busy with work and don't really remember debating specifically with you so how i'm part of some gang I don't know?


    You asserted if we dropped points in div 3 Ally should be sacked.


    simplythebest said:


    The job to do is win the league, you can't tell a manager he's sacked because he didn't win every game.


    As i've said before, we can take decisions based on Ally's ability in the top flight when we actually get there.


    And you respond "agree mate".


    Now stb's first line is the exact opposite of what you are suggesting


    All I asked was how you can agree with someone who's views are the polar opposite of your own I dont know??


    No "Allly is god" views. Just a basic grasp of English and reasonable expectations.

  3. Agree mate, but the normal suspects just cant handle any other view than Ally is god. Sad very sad.


    Also, the idea that we should be ok dropping points against the level we are playing is shocking, but it's only because Ally is the manager.


    I'm really not convinced you can be in an agreement with a post that seems to contradict your views on this thread? :confused:

  4. This to me stinks. Seems the SPL are having their cake and eating it too.


    Kick us out their league and handicap us in every and any way possible yet shoehorn our games from a different competition into their tv deal so they don't lose out on tv revenue. Absolutely reaks and shame we cant tell them to go and take a running jump. Very clever from those devious bastards.

  5. Used to get some good write ups from tannochsidebear (i think it was) prior to the majors. Shame we dont have that anymore. Work makes it difficult for me to catch much of it but saw some of Murray Karlovic, Nadal - Rosol and Fed against Benneteau (sp) last night. Been a good tournament so far from what i've seen.


    Well done to heather Watson. Did better than she could have expected really and had no chance in her last match. Press dont seem to like her as much as Robson even though she seems to get better results.

  6. Don't know about Brimingham, they were a yo-yo team when he arrived. They're not much different now.


    Aston Villa were on their way down but he didn't help any.


    I don't think he can be fully blamed for where they are but he certainly didn't do much good.


    Gotta agree. Gav isn't far wrong but you can't say Eck "ruined them". Selling their only decent attacking players who provide width; i.e. Young and Downing, and not replacing them cant help as well.

  7. What a load of deluded piffle! Every time they lose or draw, which has been rather a lot this season, you're just going to use that line? That on another night they'd have won?


    Come on, open your eyes man!


    Its piffle that Chelsea somehow figured Barca out and now have the template to beat them. If riding your luck and getting extremely lucky is the "template" then its not going to work most the time.


    I think you need to open your eyes.


    Messi scores that pen and Barca go through as they wouldn't commit everyone forward for Torres goal.


    Real deservedly beat Barca the other night but it is borderline retarded to suggest Chelsea defeated them with some master game plan. They got unbelievably lucky over the two legs. As Fabregas said in his interview in football it happens sometimes.


    DOnt try and suggest I in someway always excuse Barca defeats because of some kind of bias. I actually prefer Real. But this is a very weak attempt by you to defend your Messi v Ronaldo nonsense.

  8. Who have now been figured out by their opponents. This could be the end now of the Catalan supremacy which has become so tedious.


    Found out. Laughable. Failed to take their chances against Chelsea does not suddenly equate to everyone knows how to play Barca.


    Chelsea rode their luck big time and good luck to them. On another night those ties would've seen about an 8-3 aggregate win for Barca.

  9. I'm not starting a thread to bash David Healy, but given that we have Andrew Little on the books who has scored more and looked a better alround player it makes you question why we even signed Healy. You can guarantee he will be on bigger wages than the younger Little in a time when we don't have any spare cash to throw around. Poor singing imo, although no harm to him personally.

  10. I agree but he won't mate, mulgrew will be one of the worst players ever to win it IMO.


    how many times was oor Kris Boyd top scorer in the SPL and never even quoted!!


    I would go further and say Mulgrew would be the worst player to win it. I certainly cant remember a player even half as bad.

  11. Why has it taken so long for Lennon's hearings to take place? I can understand - to an extent - that his Twitter outburst after the League Cup Final could get delayed, but at Ibrox he got a red card. After Stuart McCall got a red card he was immediately offered a 1 match ban, rejected it, and the appeal was heard before his next game. Why didn't the same process take place for Lennon's red card at Ibrox?


    As above, I understand the delay for his League Cup Final Twitter outburst, and also in investigating the other issues which he's being investigated for at Ibrox, and even his outbursts yesterday. But his red card at Ibrox, and yesterday if he was sent off, should have been dealt with immediately.


    Also, if he's found guilty on all fronts - League Cup Final, Ibrox Red Card, Ibrox outburst, Scottish Cup Semi Red Card, Scottish Cup Semi Outburst - then that's potentially 5 instances on top of his previous. Does anyone know how big a ban that would incur?


    6 potentially. Confronted the ref in the tunnel as well apparently.

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