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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. In the process of starting up my own business to do PT privately and less through a major gym chain who cream off a large portion of the income.


    Have someone making me a website and whilst I wait for that I have set up a facebook page:




    Would appreciate it if you guys on here could like the page. Not looking for any business or money through advertising it here (i'm based in Buckinghamshire anyway and most here are Scotland based). But the extra likes will help it appear more popular and hopefully increase my audience.


    Also hapy to talk fitness, healtha and training with anyone who wants to.



  2. I think that you are missing something.


    If you're referring to Naismith, then he could have transferred across and then gone to Everton which would have been straightforward due to the minimum release clause in his renegotiated contract. However that would have resulted in more money for the club and less for him so he didn't do it.


    Who's to say Everton or whoever would still have come in for him if they had to pay a fee. Yeh, someone probably still would have. But if its a choice between a definite and an unknown what would most people do.


    Naismith didn't know anything about the people coming into the club and by all accounts the players weren't being kept up to date. More worrying time for them with their jobs on the line.


    As I say, talking from an uneducated position and may be missing some of it.


    Interesting to note that you may well have acted the same and understand the full sentiment of your last line.

  3. Another problem is that the one man is also responsible for a variety of other tasks.


    As always, we're spread too thinly behind the scenes.


    Bet there's some tech minded fans who would do it for free given the opportunity? Worth suggesting if you know who is responsible?

  4. I didn't read much of the stuff about finances etc. It got depressing, hard to keep up and my work has me working long days so if it wasn't a quick job to find out the "truth" then I didn't have time to read 50 different opinions on what was going on and then guess at the closest truth.


    That said, if your company is going bust and you dont know whats happening and Everton for example are offering you £20 grand a week you would be stupid not to go. If they hung around at Rangers there's no guarantee they'd up with another club (certainly not as good an offer anyway) and are potentially damaging their future career and international prospects. Easy to say hang around when your own ability means you'd be lucky to get a game for the Nags head XI in your local Sunday league. Fair different when you're an International class footballer.


    But maybe I missed something?

  5. They've just had a few Bears calling in and saying they are member of this place and that it's better than another Rangers forum that we all know of lol


    Thats mostly down to me tbf! :D

  6. To be fair though we're not going to come up against many teams as good as Falkirk(i'm not taking the piss!) That was a big test for us to come through tonight


    How the mighty have fallen, but you are right we wont play many games as tough as tonight. Possibly some Div 1/SPL in cups if we get that far. :S

  7. I look at the headlines and open it up if it interests me. I don't use Newsnow, although have in the past.


    Exactly the same as yourself. Look at the ones that interest me and also no longer use newsnow having previously done so. Works well for me with the feeds here.

  8. Sports Direct @ Ibrox Stadium, couple of million a year job done.


    I could live with that.


    West Ham haven't played at Upton Park in a very long. Boleyn Ground is it now?


    Many example where names and stadiums change but the fans stick with the old one. They could call it what they want but we'd still call it Ibrox and I dont see a problem with that if it increases our revenue significantly.

  9. I don't read many of his articles due to the inaccuracies. What was it he said about them and how was he correct and what was the significance?


    Let's see what lies he has told recently . He incorrectly said that the JJB deal still existed and had 4 years to run. He said that accounts will not be published.


    Not read any of his columns for a while. Not read much footy news at all over the summer as it was all about finances and administration and I found it hard to do. Disappointed that he has fallen so as he used to be a decent blogger fighting our corner. :(

  10. We could just replace the SSN SPL RSS feed with the official SFL site IRN-BRU Third Division News RSS feed. At least we'll be getting 3rd division news feeding in rather than a load of pish about Celtic and the other SPL clubs.


    I vote for this. More relevant to us and this site. :thup:

  11. We've been bumped into div 3. A big win doesn't paper over the "cracks". They're not cracks at Ibrox right now. They're giant fuck off, meteoric craters!


    But we're on our way up and things can only get better as we rise back through the ranks of Scottish football.

  12. As some of you will know I recently wrote a piece for Rangers media & thecoplandroad.org on Paul Elliott lying about our fans. Article is here




    As you'll see from the article I was getting nowhere untill Clarke Carlisle got involved. Clarke has been excellent through this and lastnight came back to me with this:


    Hi Brent,


    Your piece is very, very interesting. The amount of research that has gone into it and the level of knowledge that you have (and would have access to), make me compelled to ask further questions. I hope you understand that I can't immediately agree or disagree with you, especially when I have the opportunity to take it to the accused's door, which is exactly what I'm doing.


    I asked my colleagues at the union and they agree that that should be my course of action, and I think it's only fair that I let Paul respond. As and when he does I will let you know, and I'll hopefully be in a position to add an opinion.


    God bless,


    Clarke Carlisle



    It may come to something or nothing but one way or another we will get a response. I'll keep you all posted here & on twitter @brentmacfarlane thanks to everybody for their praise and support of the article.


    thebluenosebear on FF.

  13. Sort of agree with Metlika - foreign names are all well and good, but I'd like to see it leavened with two or three seasoned Scots pros who have operated at first division level. We'll need plenty of dig as well as ability. But it's good to see McCoist adopting my FM tactic of offering a trial to any player who is ooc - sometimes you pick up a diamond.


    Maybe McCoist feels like he's brought in the players with experience in the Scottish game in Kyle, Black, Shiels and even Sandaza?

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