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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. No wonder Woodgate had to leave, with Owen and Ness coming in he had to free up space in the treatment room.


    I hope Edu does well, but I dont like Stoke. Adam continuing his slip down the ladder...I can see a few red cards for him this season.


    I'll be amazed if Ness hits double figures for appeareances.


    If anything surely it would be beginning his slip down the ladder.

  2. +1 more for the least motivated ever.


    Think its a combination of not believing we can do it. Plus the usual carry on continuing with the abuse Black got and the fact that many in a position to condemn tried to twist it.


    Might be different when the game starts but right now I'm just thinking cant wait to watch some piss poor div 3 football. Shows how much I care.

  3. Maybe so mate, I'll admit there was one or two decent moments in his Gers career, like skinning McGeady in an OF game at Ibrox, that was memorable.


    But overall, I think it's a sad indication of the acceptance of at best, mediocrity at Rangers in recent times. If a player of KB's ability is what is deemed acceptable at our great club, then that saddens me.


    A one year contract at a championship club, is a clear indication of the man's worth as footballer.


    You're changing the goal posts now though. :P


    Saying a player of his ability was acceptable and claiming he's not one of the worst players ever are not even close to the same thing.






    (I actually think he was acceptable as a member of the squad, but would expect there to be players of higher quality in that squad too).

  4. There will be plenty of instances of violent crime, or serious crime in general, perpetrated by the "supporter" of one club or another. I just dont see why the club should be denouncing the actions of a "supporter" that they have no control over. These muppets did all this from their own home.


    I fail to see why the club should be apologising for something that was a) outwith their control and b) nothing to do with them other than these guys wearing the club colours.


    I havent seen any other club make an apology for their supporters doing something they shouldnt when it is outside the remit of their responsibility. So I dont see why we should either.


    Dont forget, the club making an apology is tantamount to the club saying it is their fault or, at the very least, on their watch. And that isnt right.


    And further more a criminals club is only important when the individual(s) in question is a Rangers fan.


    Michael Carrol. Was that the lotto lout from Sheffield's name?

    And then Eamon Gormley (name may be wrong). Celtic fan who got killed or whatever it was and it was all sectarian this. Sectarian that. Then it turned out it was other Celtic fans and there was no retraction of the sectarian pish.


    Which team a criminal support is immaterial to their criminal behaviour (for the most part).

  5. No explanation of Perry's absence. Is he with the u21s?


    Know nothing of Murdoch, Walsh and Aird. Any comments from Elfideldo or someone else in the know?


    Cant really remember McAusland either though at least recognise the name.

  6. Without doubt, one of the worst players EVER to wear a RANGERS jersey.


    Not even one of the worst in recent memory. Don't play in a European cup final for a team like Rangers and be one of the worst ever players. Complete nonsense probably driven by players self-serving actions with the financial situation and drop to div 3.

  7. People saying cups are a bonus. And they are correct.


    But how fucking outstandingly awesome would it be if we could manage to nick the SFA cup or even the usually much maligned League Cup.


    Has a bottom division side ever won one of the major senior trophies.


    I know its highly unlikely but then Ross County beat Celtic in the cup recently, we beat QOTS in the final. And we have a team that is of high end SPL quality. Better than the two mentioned.


    Of course its not like before when we expected the finals. But it is also possible, if not highly likely. And alongside the euphoria of winning one of the two from the bottom division, the rest of Scottish football and our media would explode! :D


    I'd love to win even the league cup and normally wouldn't really bother my arse. Funny times.

  8. Hadn't read the posts after andy's before my first reply above. But again they show up the ridiculousness (is that a word) of the dignified silence.


    Rangers are to apologise for things nothing to do with the club and ban people.


    Yet no one questions that Celtic don't ban the regular missile throwers, pitch invaders and perpetrators of assault at their pit.

  9. Yes, I agree, but with one or two reservations.


    I still don't believe we have done quite enough to say we have cleaned up our act completely, though. Still a work in progress for me. I hope I just missed it, but has the club banned the two lunatics who sent the bombs to Lennon? A public condemnation is a must. Have we done away with the F word? Not quite, but it has to go. Not saying other teams have no issues but until we have solved ours we are and will remain vulnerable to the haters.


    Any points McMurdo might raise about others will inevitably be drowned in the tidal wave of hate for anything non-Unionist in his blogs. If he stuck to football he might get an audience; as it is, he'll just be viewed as another one unable to seperate football from baggage and so worthy of being ignored.


    There's no question we get a raw deal - I was unfortunate enough to succumb to curiosity and look at a Motherwell forum when we drew them, and quickly left. The hate is amazing. As Timotei is quick to almost comment, if you replace the word Hun with any other group you'd be in big trouble. I can live with it, but it's a bit unfair that we get slaughtered while others can say whatever they like!


    Didn't mean to suggest we had cleaned up our act completely. More that we had done it significantly. And with a club supported by hundreds of thousands across a wide spectrum of society I don't think you can expect any club to completely clean up its act. It is the fact that we have tried and largely been successful whilst others are still given a free pass that is telling to me.


    And the use of McMurdo etc was my point. We really only have two outcast bloggers that no one bar some of the Rangers support takes seriously. If the dignified silence stuff worked you'd get more main stream media making the case for us. So I wasn't putting these bloggers up as some sort of decent journo's. More pointing out what it says about the rest of the media in Scotland that its only marginalised bloggers who make this argument.

  10. I could understand the dignified silence position if there was any sign of the tide turning. All it does is encourage our detractors to steal another inch, take a bit more rope or give us a further kick to the guts.


    There is no sign of anyone outside Rangers friendly bloggers saying enough is enough. Rangers are cleaning up their act. We need to start looking at others. What are they doing about bigotry or anti-social behaviour etc etc.


    But there's no sign of that at all except from what; Leggo and Bill McMurdo.


    When we admit our failings, no one else does the same. The view seems to be "see they are the problem, lets continue until it's eradicated".

  11. It certainly is and it's a massive run of games coming up for Ally and the squad because there's undoubtedly potential banana skins in this run of 5 games.


    Cup games will take care of themselves. Massively confident we'll beat QOTS and Forres. Motherwell might be a different story but with home advantage and if the defence can hold up Templeton, Sheils etc should see us through.


    Really think we need a little run of league games too, to place us where we should be in the league. Don't like not being top in div 3 even at this early stage. Its embarrassing.

  12. 2 players in the squad Ive never heard of to be replace with another 2 unknowns. But TBH we need Wallace fit and Im glad he isnt called up which could make the injury worse.


    Serbia will win this game 2-0.


    Think Dixon is the ex-Arab who actually looked pretty handy for them.


    Danny fox was at Celtic for a bit I think.


    The other two I've never heard of tho.

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