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Everything posted by Super_Ally

  1. Well seeing as everyone is easily pleased by Sebo's running about, McDonald put it a pretty good performance last night for a very poor Motherwell team. He's also pushing towards the top of the scoring charts. He's got a lot of strength for a wee guy, hassled defenders, makes chances and was unlucky not to score last night. Think he would be a useful addition to the squad.
  2. I'd go with the same starting line up as yourself. Sebo did admirably on Sunday, but we need goals and we know they are not coming from him. Novo can do the hard work and I think Prso's presence could be useful. He plays coming in for teh left for the national side and i think he did it at Monaco too. Its worked for us a few times.
  3. With the way he left Hearts he couldn't go to a Scottish club so he went to Wigan who we obviously have a few link with, Murray, Whelan, JJB. I think his signing is similar to an alleged story I heard about Gough, whereby we have persuaded Wigan to sign him and then initially loan him back to us, before we sign him permanently. Keeps UEFA happy and we get our man. Just conjecture on my part though.
  4. Was just laughing at that same pic with my flat mate about 3 seconds ago.
  5. Been saying this for absolutely ages, but how so many cannot spot it is amazing. Also wanted to talk about the "discriminatory abuse" Nakamura received. Was shocked, appalled and down right amazed that a "journalist" in a national newspaper, the Sun, lifted the nonsesne re: the Dambusters from Celtic fan sites. I'm not even going to go into all the reasons why it is idiotic, but the man who wrote this peice, Thomas something or other, is quite possibly the dumbest, must redarded idiot ever to be paid to write for a living. Either that or he is the most bitter Celtic fan around. Actually fuming at this absolute arsehole of a person. It seems all journalists are now prepared to pint down right lies and fabricate bullshit stories to have a dig at our fans and club. This man should also be banned from Ibrox forever. Murray get your bloody finger out on this one! Enough is enough.
  6. Super_Ally


    Of the faults you have listed there the only one's that don't apply to Sebo are lazy and slow. Sebo is quick and tries hard. But... he cannot hold the ball up, can't control teh ball, is worse than Boyd in the air and as such, in an attacking sense is more easily nulified. Yet some would argue he was MoM at the weekend. Boyd definitely has his faults, but is still one of the best options available to us. Also in another post you ask if a manager should change his formation to accomodate Boyd when people suggest he performs better with a partner? This same 4-5-1 formation which noone is happy with and want WS to change. Damn staright he should change it.
  7. Yet again you can't fail to be impressed by the RST. Excellent work. As Cammy says, lets hope the club back them and the rest of the fans.
  8. Agreed, was really hoping for a defeat nad actually expected 1. Mind you not holding on against ten is poor. Still 5 off of relegation.
  9. Oh well, at least they didn't gain anything this week. Team immediately behind them drew.
  10. Cheers Frankie, don't think we were too different. Good to see some of the much maligned players having good games.
  11. Just seen they've gone 1 up home to 3rd placed Valencia, Punal pen. He didn't play v us but is back this time I beleive. Was hoping they got beat again as that would be trouble for them. Bugger.
  12. McGregor - 7 - Celts dominated first half, but McGregor didn't actually have to make that many saves. Comanded box well, no "flapping". Hutton - 9 - Star man, bombed up the field and defended well, notably covering late on for the Cb's on the left hand side Weir - 9 - Solid as a rock. Hand in the goal. Won everything all day. Ugo - 8 - Scored the only goal and it was a peach. Struggled with JvoH early on but improved with the team second half. Murray - 6 - Struggled early on and gave Nakamura too much space to cross at times. As with Ugo improved second half as the team go a foothold in the game. Novo - 8 - Great work rate in defence and attack. Slightly better cut backs late on and we could have run out more comfortbale winners, although that would have flattered us. Fergie - 7 - Started quiet with the rest of the midfield. As the game progressed was comfortable on the ball. Quiet by his recent high standards. Hemdani - 6 - Like most, out of it early on. Not the best display of one of the most consistent midfield performers. Thomson - 6 - Came onto a game later on. Still adapting to life at Rangers. Improvement on last 2 outings. Adam - 6 - Off the pace early on with a couple of late fouls. Solid display later on. Has played better and will need to produce it more often to keep his palce. Sebo - 7 - Ran all day and hassled and tackled the celtic back 4. Needs to improve his hold up play if he is to play as a lone striker and add more of an attacing threat when on the ball. Prso - 5 - got the last 15. Holds the ball up better than any of our other strikers and linked the play far better than he did as a sub home to Tel aviv. Rae - Not long enough to have an impact.
  13. Could be one of those odd situations you get sometimes where the are pushing for the latter stages of a cup comp (a European one at that) but potentially getting the team relegated. Needs to turn it round soon in the league.
  14. HT 1-0 Auxerre. Botom placed Sedan drew away at Lens (2nd place), and if PSG game stays the same Sedan will be just 2 points behind.
  15. Lol. Must have been a few times Hemdani was picking up Pressley then, as one time when he did Weir definitely had Sno.
  16. Super_Ally


    That about sums it up. 6 to me doesn't suggest bad game. I would say it denotes a fairly good game.
  17. Agree, although again this is a tactical error. Why was Hemdani marking Pressley at corners and Weir marking Sno. Which of our players is the better in the air out of the two and which of those tims is better at heading? Obviously Weir should have been picking up Pressley in these situations.
  18. Had enough of your paranoia Cammy! Shouldn't really be joking, the joke is that we don't have the same rights as other fans.
  19. Super_Ally


    For the way we played to day in terms of tactics and formation, the choice of Sebo was spot on. Only complaint is he needs to be more of an attacking threat, but a very strong display from Sebo today.
  20. It wasn't meant as a sly dig at Hemdanim, just something i'm always confused about, and it seems you agree with me to an extent. WS picked the wrong line up and asked Boyd to play a way that doesn't suit him, so I wish people would lay off.
  21. Had it in my head that there last game with Germany was a friendly.
  22. Good response mate. Still think I have a point re: some players getting away without criticism and others taking an unfair amount. Only grip I have with your post is about Hemdani being given more freedom. I may be wrong, but I beleive it is an unwillingness on his part to cross teh half way line and make forward passes or shoot (2 key goals aside). Which is odd, as when he does come forward, he can be effective. Maybe on weds, with Barry out, Thomson will sit in and we will see if Hemdani is held back by the managers or if it is his style of play.
  23. Nevermind the SPL, PLG can't do Ligue 1 either. Didn't play today and with Nantes winning they drop further into the relegation zone. 1 of the teams near them lost, Troyes, to Valenciennes who are down the bottom to. Nice picked up a draw. So 3 of the teams down at the wrong end of the table picked up some points with one losing. PSG play Auxerre at home tomorrow, a winnable game, but with Auxerre being a wee bit further up the table i'm sure they'll think the same. And yet still many fans come out with classics like "we've lost the only manager who can take us forward".
  24. Boyd was poor playing as the lone striker on Thursday night true. But more often than not Hemdani was absolutely gash at CB but is given dispensation as he was being played out of position. Well I would argue that Boyd is not being played in his correct position when it is as a lone striker, so why do I read so much abuse for him re: this performance and yet Hemdani will prob win POTY? Surely it is Walter we should be looking at for this mistake?
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