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Everything posted by Super_Ally

  1. Every time we get beat by one of these diddy teams and mocked endlessly for it, they always seem to go to teh latter stages of the tournament. But never do the press admit there mistake and say "actually Rangers had a bloody hard tie there, its just we hadn't done our research and found out it was a team full of quality players about to do the business on the european stage for the first time". Not saying that is the case this time but look at Valencia when they beat us or even AZ who now are regularly in the latter stages albeit the UEFA, can any Scottish team say that. Saw a post not so long back on FF that showed how far the team that knocked us out of Europe got each year. Quite a number where winners and finalists with a few SF's. Bayern and Feyenoord bot spring to mind here. Not saying we can bask in reflected glory, just that we are sometimes unduly criticised for getting knocked out by very handy teams.
  2. Obviously you know a hell of a lot more than I do about the dutch teams and as I say wasn't fully concentrating, just looking up when something interesting happened. (Farting about on my laptop as usual ). Just absolutely shocked that someone was a) stupid enough or b) prepared to put himself in where it hurts for his team or c) had such a desire to win, that he would try and tackle the ball at a players feet with his head. Absolute nutcase. Only put the game on to get a look at Koevermans and then hardly watched it. Commentators said it wasn't his best game but I couldn't say.
  3. Half watching the AZ game. Steinsson tackles Frings, the ball brakes to another Bremen player and from lying on the floor, Steinsson dives head first to tackle at the Werder players feet. That's the kind of comittment I want. Wrongly booked for a handball. Absolute legend.
  4. Probably singing derogatory songs about scousers. Deserve everything they get. If our media don't report it that way then surely this country will wake upto the bullshit. That or they like it how it is now.
  5. Re-read the post. My last point states that just because others connected with the club can't be fucked doesn't mean i'm going to copy their attitude. But if you want to use that as an excuse then fine.
  6. Because many fans claim that the club means so much more to them than the overpaid lazy footballers. Act like the club means more to you, or don't use it as a stick to beat the players. Bit hypocritical is it not? Just because the fan next to me or players on the pitch can't be arsed doesn't mean i'm going to be the same.
  7. Another perspective on Fergie demanding the ball and tackling his own players. It appears to me he does this when the rest of the guys around him are not performing. This weekend as an example, second half, just sitting on a 1 goal lead, no urgency, no ideas. So fergie drops back deep, demands the ball, drives forward and then plays Hutton in behind the defence who then wins a corner. Positive play that wouldn't have happened if Fergie hadn't dropped back. Admittedly overall Fergie had a bad game, but after being the only Scot who didn't look out of place v Italy, I think we need to look at his performances as a whole and not jump on one bad game to knock him or 1 good game to say he's world class. One of the first posts in this thread was also very telling. As a captain and key player he obviously carries a huge amount of responsibility. But when the other ten players aren't performing why is it down to Barry to completely change a game, which remember is being affetced by 21 individuals. Would KT or Hemdani not single handedly changing the course of a match going badly against us be used to knock them. I only use KT and BH as they both play in the middle of the park where ability to influence the game is greatest. He seems to be the only player expected to do this and it is a bit unrealistic. If perhpas he was regulalry getting help from other senior players then fair enough. The man still is the best player at the club and the odd poor performance doesn't change that.
  8. Hope Derby go up, Davies and Bob Malcolm.
  9. Fuckin PSG did me out of another 50 quid on Sunday. Been out of the country since January and he's still fucking up my weekends.
  10. Have the mhicks linked themselves with him yet? There fans are living in a dream world on the trasnfer front atm.
  11. I still beleive Hemdani is nowhere near as good as many make out. Don't get me wrong he's a good player but never seems to play better than (or worse than) average. Think you've been a bit harsh on him there though Frankie. Disappeared for about 15/20 mins in the second half but I would have given him a 6 with Hutton taking MoM with a 7. Only others to get pass marks from me would be Weir, Papac and McGregor. AM claimed all the crosses I remember him going for comfortably under a lot of pressure. So those who labelled him a flapper should be honest enough to admit he did much better yesterday. Papac had a solid game overall, although should have done better at the goal, along with IM. At least I think it was Murray. Weir was solid as usual imo.
  12. Aye, thought they'd bloody duffed it. Phew Also had Man U, Derby, can't remember the other's at the momment. Edit: Gretna were one.
  13. Singapore? Fuck sake. Cyber pints are all well n good, but I was hoping for a real pint. Cracking weekend though mate.
  14. Good call Gribz. Waiting on Chelsea for mine, just a wee win though.
  15. He'll not be a fan of David Healy then. 90th minute winner for Leeds.
  16. Lowing is very young but making first team squads. Played a game or two under Eck as well.
  17. I'm not renewing but it's not for any of the above reasons. In my final year at uni and don't know where i'll be come the summer.
  18. Problem is he was deployed as the lone striker. Shouldn't be anywhere near the starting line up imo. Never really fancied him before. It was just N.I bears pushing for him all the time and with his rank form at Leeds I couldn't understand where they were coming from. However his form at international level the last year or so has been awesome. Perhaps outwith our budget though?
  19. Ok so we were slightly more attacking than expected. Very slightly. But another one I should have ahd a bet on, but could never bring myself to do that. We should never play 1 up as we don't have a single player who can do that. Boyd can't but Miller is just as bad but for different reasons. Play to our strengths 2 up every time. Probably Boyd and Beattie atm although McFadden is back soon. As Isaid better to get beat having a go then not trying. I gues to some extent we did that, but with that formation and personnel it was never going to work.
  20. Took Portugal but not NI. Hope someone took "my tip" of NI though?
  21. Overall happy, better than the players mooted for the 4-1-4-1 with dailly in. Still not happy about Misser up top on his own, means we're playing for the 0-0 and we're fucked if Italy score.
  22. Bloody hell, did not expect that.
  23. Fair do's. Thats a new name to me. Take it he is one of the youngsters drafted into the squad?
  24. Goals from Little and 16 year odl Archie Campbell. The real reason I'm posting this though is that that a Smith was named in the starting line up and I wondered if it's Stevie? Anyone know? Report is on the official site.
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