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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. Kuznetsov's childish jibe's aside, there really is no more of this "cup final" bs that I can take. Yes other teams are motivated to win. Great. So should we be.And we do have more quality. Talent also requires hard work to succeed though. You could see in the last 20-30 minutes the greater urgency and tempo of our play even if it didn't bring any more rewards. Play a full 90 minutes committed and see where that gets us. Or at least start with a determined style and ease off if and when the points are secured. Gonna be the only team who hasn't won away at this rate.

  2. Why should people be forced to shake the hands of people who are cunts? And people who they have good reason for dislike?


    Why should Ferdinand respect Terry? A racist who sleeps with his team mates exes and also was it not him that fooled around with some really young girls behind his mrs. back.


    Terry is an arsehole and this sham hand shake stuff is a nonsense.


    Cant be arsed to get started on him too but Cole is a grade A cunt too.

  3. That's a load of Bull the Scotland team is the SFA and if you want to buy into the media crap and Ally trying to Mr Nice again then shame on you.


    Bring on Team GB I'd rather watch decent footballers from Britain than that pish last night.


    Its not media crap.


    Allan McGregor

    Allan Hutton

    Steven Naismith

    Charlie Adam

    Kenny Miller


    are not the SFA. The SFA may run the game in Scotland but the boys pulling on the dark blue shirts are representing the nation.


    That said the behaviour of "hibs" fans ;) towards Black and all the other bullshit allied to the fact that we have no chance of qualifying has meant that i've found it hard to care about the team.

  4. no, they are spot on, all of them.


    barry wasnt guilty of the easy pass route which is vital for keeping possession, he favoured the lazy pass, the cowards pass. hemdani was a class act and didnt bully younger players nor lead mutiny against any managers, he was a proper footballer.


    Laughable. Barry pissed all over Hemdani in terms of footballing ability. But that's getting off the point that many online fans just utilise lazy buzz phrases that often have little basis in truth.

  5. this type of two footed jumping in and making an arse of yourself is what annoys me.


    who mentioned who brought him in? is ally not his own man? is he not the current rangers manager? he is now in charge of all football matters at rangers, if he wanted to reshape the first teams future life blood he would have sacked sinclair and got his own man in, the fact is he never and another fact is sinclair is a personal friend of ally. its impossible to argue with FACTS!


    staff changes are made at every club the world over when a new man comes in but not here, eh. jobs for the boys! the kind of employment policy which will forever hold us back.


    btw both eg's you use are perfectly correct too. barry backpass is 100% applicable and jig was shoehorned into midfield. :P and on the lazy thing, the only thing lazy here is the way you attacked me and my post wrongfully.


    All 3 examples are incorrect. And strangely the "backpass" crowd were also Hemdani's biggest fans who was more guilty of the easy pass routine.

  6. good reply. it is not the fact he is a celtic man, it is the FACT he is rubbish at his job. just another job for the boys for allys pal.


    This retarded crap winds me up.


    It would be Walter who brought these people in. Like McCulloch. But it's jobs for the boys for Ally>???????


    Probably the most annoying thing about Rangers forums is that people read a lazy and inaccurate criticism about a player they don't like and the regurgitate it without thinking if there's any truth in it.


    E.g. Barry backpass.

    Shoehorn and jig.


    It's tedious and boring. People should form their own opinions and not parrot lazy and stupid lines.

  7. I don't get the view that we should be beating Serbia, not even at home. Their squad is far superior than outs and they have a better head coach than us.


    And then the subs. Made to late.


    Agree with these two bits. Only watched second half so cant comment on the rest.

  8. I've already explained my thoughts on why Black was boo'd. If you're not going to read what I type then I'm not going to type it again.


    We've read your thoughts and demonstrated why there's a more than fair chance you are wrong. If you're not going to read that then we cant help you.

  9. Only paranoid people think Black got boo'd for being a Rangers player.


    Only stark raving lunatics think he didn't. No one can adequately explain why other jambos didn't. And you're argument about it being to do with the type of payer he was holds no water. Fans don't care what type of player someone was, just who he played for.


    Edit: Again craig says it first and better.

  10. Ian Black getting boo'd was because he was a Jambo and the game was at Easter road.


    No sane person can believe this. There were other Jambos who never got booed and even the usual media clowns who hate us admitted the real reason.

  11. My own preference now, very much bolstered by the recent Olympics, is for a Great Britain national side.


    Great Britain is the nation I live in.


    That is why I no longer refer to Scotland as the national side.


    As the Tartan Army keep telling us when they belt out their anthem of hate – Scotland is not a nation.


    For once, I agree with them.




    Just don't agree with this part.


    And if the Olympics are anything to go by a UK team would be horrendous. I wouldn't support a team of 99% English called Great Britain. Look at the Lions squad, often over represented by England players based purely on ability.

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