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Everything posted by Super_Ally

  1. :admin: Sebo has raw pace and power. Not much in the skill or tecnique department though.
  2. Sounds better than getting the duds from Austria Vienna to me.
  3. That's fair enough imo. �£15 to see Chelsea. �£15 to see Ajax. I was hoping they'd be around the �£12 mark, but would not be suprised if the club went a bit higher. The tickets were always likely to be sold individually nearer the time. Do you honestly think on the night the club would not sell you a ticket for the one game rather than the package? Doesn't make business sense. There's no way the games will sell out, although Chelsea will be a high gate. So pick up individual tickets on the night. The package works out better for guys going to both as they'll save a few quid.
  4. 700k, thats about half what you said PSV were after in your previous post, so sounds a good deal for once.
  5. How can Osasuna ridicule bids and demand treble for a player they are trying to flog. As people always say when we're trying to offload a player, the player is only worth what buying teams are willing to pay.
  6. Can people include links or at least name a source when they post stuff like this please. What does official mean? Are there any direct quotes or is it a paper story with a headline sreaming EXCLUSIVE and then actually not including any quotes from anyone who matters.
  7. Lol, shouldn't be so lazy with my posts, but as I put it in Rangers chat you got the gist. Squad of 21, 1 bear. 4 mhanks.
  8. ET - Gers closing on on Beasley No direct quotes about us, but agent confirms interest from UK. Not seen him play in a while so not sure what I would think of this signing.
  9. Only lowing has been selected. Good job the under19's and below seem to be a much stronger group.
  10. :cheers: Fair do's. Got into a tireless arguement that's a pet hate of my own anyway and shouldn't take away from the main point of the thread.
  11. And yet the "anti-English" line of FOS was about repelling an invading army, even less offensive the the GSTQ line? Its not anti-all English just about defending your country from an invading force. I understand the arguement about the rebellious Scots stuff, however not everyone will know this. And I fail to see how it is any less offensive than the FOS line. If anything it is more so.
  12. GSTQ - dirge, anti Scottish. As I say what confuses me is so many Gers get offended by an "anti-English" song but not an anti Scottish one. Baffles me. The parallels are obvious to be seen, yet I would expect an anti-Scottish song to be more offensive to a Scot.
  13. Good team for that game assuming all are fit and on their top form. Don't think I'd make a single change.
  14. Do you mean the midfield I posted up for the Lithuania game? If so I'd rather have McFadden as one of the forwards as I think McCulloch would help dominate the mdifield more with a more natural midfield player. McFadden wont help with the defensive aspects of the game.
  15. Only in as much as GSTQ is anti-Scottish (anti jacobite bla bla bla). It just annoys me so many Rangers fans get up in arms about the "dirge" that is FOS and can't see the parallel's with the dirge that is GSTQ. A bit off point but still irks me.
  16. Awful performance, did not enjoy watching that at alll. Very few with pass marks for me. Gordon - Solid enough. Spectator first half, some good stops second half. Alexander - Started off ok but when Faroes dominated second half everything was coming down his flank. Not helped by Hartley's inability to play with discipline and stay on the right. Hutton should definitely be playing instead. Of course international managers don't wanna rock the boat and will persist with the older player as he has more caps and hence experience, even if he is clearly a lesser player. Weir - Pretty solid overall. The odd mistake but playing beside McManus can't help. McManus - Very suspect. Looks out of his depth at international level. Lost by attackers time and again. He and Hartley nearly cose us a goal from the right but Weir (I think) saved our ass. Naysmith - Not as good as versus Austria. Fairly average game. Hartley - Atrocious. Should not be in the squad never mind the team. Hasn't played well in over a year. Fergie - Not as dominating as normal, but kept possession well, looked for forward balls when they were available, if not kept the ball. Got forward occassionally but we as a team could rarely put together a passing move. Fletcher - Second poor game in a row. Expect more from a Man U regular. Could hardly find a team mate with the ball. Maloney - Goal will take away from another anonymous performance. When he gets the ball you expect him to do something. However in inevitably ends up getting tackled or just slows the attack down. Gave more width than hartley. O'Connor - Scored the vital second. Good touch. Always looking for the ball and dropping deep to link play. Due to lack of service was too deep at times. Boyd - Worked hard enough but not his best day. One chance with which he should of worked the keeper, but didn't connect correctly and blazed over. Also suffered from a lack of service. Teale - In less than a minute on the right he hit the bye line and got a cross in. More effective than Hartley was on the right for the first 65 minutes! Adam - Not afraid to have a shot but they were optimistic at best. Fresh legs when we were tiring and the Faroes were taking control. Naismith - International debut. Came on and tried to offer a bit of movement. Little time to impress. With Barry suspended I worry if we are able to beat Lithuania with a midfield of Maloney, Fletcher, Hartley and a.n.other. Hopefully by the time the game comes round I hope Fletcher has regained form as that's two poor performances in a row. Really disappointed with him in this double header. How Maloney and Hartley started after their "efforts" versus Austria is beyond me. And today there performances largely vindicated that opinion. Maloney's only saving grace was the improtant opener. I also hope these two are dropped and we have some of the injury casualties back. My midfield for Lithuania if fit would be: McCulloch Quashie Fletcher Brown. I also hope McManus is dropped as he always looks suspect for Scotland as does Caldwell. It has to be Anderson unless Webster is challenging again. Unfortunately Hartley will likely start along with McManus/Pressley.
  17. Where is this being quoted? Read it twice on here but not seen a link anywhere yet.
  18. That would be the team I put up then, but you'd have Hartley central and Fletcher out wide. I'd have it the other way round as I think Fletcher is the better player and would help control the game more. However Eck would need to boot Hartley in the balls before he went out and tell him to make sure he bloody well plays on teh right unlike last time out.
  19. Just had a quick look and completely misread his post. Thought he was saying the exact opposite.
  20. I would go with that. However if Brown and Anderson were fit, Maloney and McManus would drop out with McCulloch also replacing Adam. Hopefully this injury crisis wont have too much of an effect as we're playing the weakest team in the group. I like your team and from those available that is probably how I would go. However Maloney was very diappointing versus the faroes and needs to improve big time for this one or I would be looking at someone else getting in there. Eck on the other hand will not play Hutton, I am certain it will be Alexander although I think that is the wrong decision. With McCulloch out i'm not sure about the left. Naismith would be an option but Eck wont be that brave. However it would be a fairly brave decision to include Adam as a starter in his second cap. I can even imagine a shuffling of the pack to include Dailly on the right and Maloney shunted to the left. As I say my team would be as alan's although Maloney would only be in due to injuries and lack of options. I expect Eck to go: Gordon Alexander Weir McManus Naymsith Hartley Fergie Fletcher Maloney Boyd O'Connor If it is the above I will not be best placed as the two wide players will likely be horrendous, Hartley more so than Maloney. Also will expect much more from Fletcher than the performance he put in versus Austria.
  21. I see where you're coming from but surely the experienced keeper who is prepared to play back up would want a decent wage compared to a young Scot. I really don't think it would make financial sense to bring in a keeper above McGregor as he would leave and then in another season or two we'd be looking for another high quality expensive purchase. Bringing in an experienced keeper as back up would make you feel more comfortable if AM got injured, but that has to be weighed up against the expense of having an experience player picking up wages for warming the bench.
  22. Pretty sure Walter (or someone else at the club) has been quoted as saying we're not after Quashie. Don't belevie the Fowler rumour either. Koevermans would be an excellent signing though.
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