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Everything posted by Super_Ally

  1. He wont rule out a move to England, despite the fact that he does in the followig line. This is why you can't trust the papers. Make it up as they go along.
  2. Perhaps not a whole season of away games, but maybe a wee period that includes the JT's. Say 4 or 5 games Ramgers refuse ticekts. That would send a clear message.
  3. My only complaint of him at LB now is that he just sits in the LB position and doesn't get forward like Smith or Hutton.
  4. Is the charging �£50 idea a non-starter. I seem to remember before Dunfermline or some equally pishy team ripping off the OF, but they can get round it as long as they are charging their fans the same extortionate price for seats in the same stand. Something like that anyway, maybe someone else remembers the details of the story I mean?
  5. I think yours is actually the more common opinion amongst the fans, certainly going by busier message boards. However Frankie sums up my own opinion on AM perfectly. Give this guy games, the backing of the manager and experience and we'll save ourselves a fortune on a new GK.
  6. Cheers Frankie Second choice I would've thought Gribz. Or did you know that and are making a point?
  7. He sneaked in under the radar. No parading of the player by the club. No official online story.
  8. After the Brown debacle? I agree mate. Just posted it for people to see. It's upto the individual to decide what they beleive or not.
  9. Stolen (like so much else) from another forum.
  10. Soccerbase Squad List Soccerbase - Smith's page
  11. http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport.cfm?id=952592007 Does the above change your view on the interest in Brellier Frankie? The story is dated today, but are the quotes regarding us old ones rehashed from older stories?
  12. Smith has stated we wont pay anyone off. So who's going to buy Papac. I would have no trouble in moving Hemdani to CB for the odd game or two. Our most consistent player last year but not indispensible in mdifield especially with KT in. I think Webster will come good with fitness. That's a gamble, but so is any signing, for example Cuellar.Also how many games did Weir miss for us? Ehiogu I accept has problems there though. In an ideal world we'd have the funds to buy what we need, but we don't have that luxury. Heally is almost certainly joining Sanchez at Fulham. Imo we will have Webster, Papac and Broadfoot as ample back up for UE and DW. Infact a fit Webster would get UE's place. Svensson has shown signs of improvement in the weaker parts of his game and will hopefully improve some more. Then as I say in really unlikely and unfortunate circumstances there's also Murray and Hemdani.
  13. Am I even happy with Weir and Ehiogu? Debatable. But I think we have other more pressing issues. We would be very unlucky to lose two first choice CB's at the same time. Not saying it wont happen, but that's just something you can't legislate for. How many CB's can you keep happy. It's just not realistic. I'm not convinced we'd offload Papac and am positive Webster will be here even as an extended loan. Also, in Europe I beleive Hemdani is capable. So in the unlikely circumstance we lost DW and UE, we would have Webster and Papac and even Broadfoot for the SPL, with Hemdani if needed for Europe. Although I disagre about needing Cuellar, your last line shows how many players we need and on our limited budget we need to save funds for those positions.
  14. Well as I say for reasons above I disagree. We can definitely wait a year. Right midfield, left midfield another decent striker, a creative mdifielder of Buffel doesn't buck up and back up GK and RB are greater necessities.
  15. Was worried Beasley may be to soft for the SPL, but reports of him at the Gold Cup say he's not having problems being booted round the park. Hope you're right on that one. If we have over 2 mil for Cuellar can we spend it elsewhere. With our limited budget a CB is not a priority. We have Weir, Ehiogu Webster(probably, even if just another loan initially), Svennson, Papac, Broadfoot and Murray and Hemdani can do a job if the other SIX get injured. Get a right or left mid in with the money instead or stop scrimping on Naismith. We can use next seasons transfer budget to get a new CB when Weir and Ehiogu move on.
  16. Aye that's probably what grinds my gears ( ). I beleive the Gudjohnsen stuff is a non-starter. Never heard of the Italians (there was a Delvecchio who was ace, but was that not a stiker?). Also are Sampdoria (or maybe a.n.other Italian) team gazumping the bid for one of them? Wont worry about the Italian bids or Eidur yet. Looks like Lawwell or someone else is linking them with unrealistic targets to rub salt into the wounds of our lack of activity. You hear Appiah etc all the time which gets there name in the papers, but then they buy Killen.
  17. This time of year you see many people complaining about the bs rumours getting annoyed with the paper talk and generally wishing the window was shut. Am I the only one who feels the opposite and the lack of activity this summer, even paper bs, is doing my head in?
  18. :thup: :thup: Or we could just support JcD simply because he's not Scottish. Good call Ian. However sometimes I find it hard to support my club because the fans of my club hate their nationality. It's embarassing.
  19. As long as we win the league, they can bugger all the boys they want!
  20. Heard a rumour Clyde have reported we have offered �£2mil take it or leave it, 48 hours to decide for Cuellar.
  21. Reputed comments posted by Naismith's dad on a killie site. Doubt the authenticity myself. Calling his son Naisy?
  22. Try and start a wee debate (not the most imaginative). Who does everyone think of the guys already signed; Broadfoot, Gow, Darchevile, will make the biggest impact next season and why. Personally going for Gow. Knows what the SPL is all about and really impressed me from what I saw of the Galaxy game. I think Broadfoot will struggle to get a game this season but can hopefully learn from experienced pro's Ehiogu, Weir and Webster. The Darcheville signing concerns me. I just think he may struggle to adjust.
  23. The star, lol. Could be pish. Notice the ET have picked up this story now, with quotes from the agent. However have they just taken the story from a "lesser" source such as the star?
  24. I like Brellier. Impressed me at Hearts and I don't understand why they messed him about. Where did you hear all this? Paper talk?
  25. Hardly anyone on here has seen Darcheville play much and already the two-year running top scorer in the league is being benched. Hope i'm wrong but i'm concerned Darcheville will turn out to be a very poor signing.
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