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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. For the return on the investment in it Auchenhowie has been a failure, I wonder if we will ever see a name change now that CG and murray appear to be working together.


    Only if you view it purely as a youth academy.


    What it provides to the first team players cant really be quantified too easily in the way youths and ROI can.

  2. Just a thought but would we, here, be in general support for a petition to the club, to Charles Green, to reject any possible return to the SPL should they strip (steal?) any titles from us?


    I.e. if they take titles, assuming we win back to back promotions can we reject promotion from the SFL1 to SPL?


    Would Gersnetters be in support of signing such a petition sent to the club?

  3. There's not much mileage in coming on like an outraged fan of a specific team. The only approach which will cut any ice with organisations like Sky is if they are found to employ people who either hold or endorse what are now 'unacceptable opinions', Andy Gray and Richard Keys being two recent and good examples.


    Now, Elliot is making a career out of fighting racism and that is to be applauded. It needs fought! However, that doesn't give him carte blanche, if you will forgive the expression, to lie; this only gives racists an easy get out clause along the lines of 'you can ignore him, he makes it up anyway'. Attention needs to be drawn to Elliot's extremely questionable memories on the grounds that they will only hinder the fight against racism, not on the grounds that they are insulting to This FC or That FC.


    Avoid mentioning us, point to the bigger picture.


    You are correct actually. And that is the crux of it. Despite being an anti-racism campaigner as a proven liar he is damaging to that cause.


    Edit: Just looked at my email and actually think it comes across ok. Had to mention us to demonstrate he is a liar but without making it solely about being a disgruntled Rangers fan, I feel.

  4. Their response:


    Thank you very much for contacting Sky Sports News.


    We are grateful to everyone who takes the time to get in touch with us although unfortunately we are not able to reply to individual messages.


    Our automated system displays every message in full screen and we do read all of them.


    If you have queries about Sky’s services, please check out http://www.sky.com or contact our Customer Relations department on 08442 41 41 41.


    You can also contact us via our website: http://www.skysports.com



    Granted I probably used the wrong email but was the first I could find when being rushed to go to work.


    Need to work out how I follow it up as that is pretty poor.

  5. Dear Sirs,


    Could you please explain to me why you used Paul Elliot on today's news broadcasts to give his views on racism? In a report about a racist incident at the Spurs - Lazio game you ultimately went to Paul Elliot for his views on racism in modern football.


    The issue is that Paul Elliot is a proven liar when it comes to this topic and has no credibility.


    I include the link below that demonstrates Mr Elliot's lies:




    I would strongly suggest that you reconsider using someone for comment who has little relationship with the truth.


    I look forward to hearing your response.


    Yours Sincerely





    Only had 5 mins before work but its a start. Emailed to sky sports just now.

  6. Tut tut who rattled your cage, and as for your other pop, Ally is doing a fine job of backing up my arguement for me. As for the name calling I'm not the one throwing about the names, myself and others are the ones getting called an Ally Basher and our support questioned just because we have the outrage of questioning a club legend.


    That's the difference it seems between you and me I can separate Ally the legend from Ally the manager.


    If you can't see the "Ally basher" comment was a tongue in cheek reference to the Ally lovers etc comments from others than frankly we can't help you.


    No having a pop. You tried to suggest people get banned from here for merely holding a contrary opinion. You are one of a few posters on here who can't accept that posters get banned for abusing other posters and other such banned behaviours so once again it had to be brought to your attention.


    No more trying to spin what has been said as that is it in black and white.

  7. but everything he said was bang on the money so I'm sorry to see him go.


    That's crap and was proven so on several threads.


    Continue to think of yourself as someone who ruffles feathers, fighting the good fight. :D


    The use of the "so-called" comment is hilarious. You were the one who started pigeon-holing people into convenient little groups in this thread.

  8. Got to laugh at the Ally fans moving the goalposts


    And this is why you have to laugh at the fans who have to "strengthen" their view point with funny little titles and names for others.


    Why would a Rangers fan not be a fan of the manager and a club legend. Would be a rather perverse supporter who was not. I would be more concerned with the "Ally-bashers"!

  9. lets give annan a little credit i think everyone was expecting us to steamroller them it wont be a dawdle in the third but we should be good enough to take the title


    I dont mind that sort of reasoning for a one off game. It just loses any weight as an argument for 3 successive games. :(

  10. so no naughty step for the bad apples then justice is swift and sure the way it should be


    To be fair if you look at zappa's post he was previously given a 24hour ban so obviously had previous and has since collected a number of complaints. Seems he was given a lot of leeway prior to this decision.


    Back on topic of the Annan game now if we can please gents.

  11. To be honest i'd have thought debating things like the quality of the manager would be refreshing for everyone after months of talking about administration, CVAs, liquidation, incubators, TUPE and many other business things that really have no place in football.


    That was depression, this kind of chat you'll find on pretty much any football message board.


    Having 1 thread instead of many doesnt make it any less refreshing. Also makes more sense to do that. And its a sticky at the top of the board. So rather than DA's rather bizarre (one of many bizarre outbursts) assertion that it is for avoidance of something, it makes it a lot easier for everyone to find.


    I use the term 'die hards' tongue in cheek because really I'm meaning people like you and Calscot who talk a lot of shite and can't see the glaringly obvious.


    If you took the time to read people's vies and not try and place them into neat little roles or groups that allows your mad little world to make sense you'd note that my only major comment relating directly to McCoist and yesterday is that the result was unacceptable and we can't have any more of these "it's their cup final" type defences.


    Must be a struggle for you when you can't class someone as one extreme viewpoint of an argument.

  12. A specific thread for McCoist means that the die hards can avoid it and keep their head in the sand,


    The ironic thing here is that regardless of our off field problems, our on field problems could be just as problematic. Football is dictated on the pitch and our entire club has no strategy about how it should be conducted.


    Always wonder why certain fans use terms like "diehards" "uberfans" "'player-x' lover" etc etc in a negative light.


    Is it perhaps because they fear their own arguments don't simply hold enough water by themselves so they have to try and tarnish opposing views with some sort of lack of impartiality or emotional attachment before the counter point is even made.


    In any case make the perpetrator of such arguments look weak in debate.

  13. I dont understand this kamikaze nature to promoting our game.


    Scottish media failed to report our world record league attendance when nearly every other major football playing country in the world do.


    Now we have the SPL gleefully looking to strip titles from a club that is currently recognised as holding a world record of league titles. This may no longer be the case if they took some away. Looks odd particularly when their right or authority to do so looks decidedly dodgy.

  14. Sportsmanship isn't a bad thing outwith the game itself is it? Managers always shake hands before and after, even though it's not a rule.


    Although it has become a bit of a farce now with the personal conflicts that keep developing from somewhere.


    When it's completely false and fake it's not sportsmanship. It's just a nonsense authority enforced ritual.

  15. pretty desperate to include his first 6 months in charge to try and make a fantastic record look bad.


    Bit of a strange argument for a Rangers man to take too. Selectively making a Rangers legend's record look as poor as possible. A bizarre tactic to undertake. Then the repeated assertion that it is fact that Walter lost the first league of which he only contested half from an enormous disadvantage. Frankly his views and opinions hold no credibility and are woefully biased by something irrational that I cannot understand.

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