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Everything posted by Super_Ally

  1. Confirmed on official site.
  2. People on FF trying to argue LL performed better for us than AM last season. Honestly can't fathom this. Even if they are right in LL making less mistakes. He played 8 times for us. McGregor played 41. Definitely think he was more consitent. LL is a nightmare.
  3. Totally agree. For me its not the first time i've felt we have a vulnerable keeper. Letitzi? He's a damn sight better than him. Best clean sheet record in the league, including super Boruc. Will do justfine for me. Very good keeper imo, who will improve.
  4. This was posted on FF by a poster who seems to be reliable when commenting on French Football.
  5. This was posted on FF by a poster who seems to be reliable when commenting on French FOotball.
  6. This was posted on FF by a poster who seems to be reliable when commenting on French FOotball.
  7. Happy enough with that. A transfer that didn't workout, but if we recoup the transfer fee I think that's about the best we could've expected. Now to do the same with Sionko and Sebo.
  8. Smith should be an able deputy. Now for Beasley, McCulloch, Faubert, Cuellar, Naismith. :devil:
  9. I agree Dave. Anyone remember what he cost us and are we re-couping any kind of fee. A bit poor the official site has made no mention of this.
  10. At McCulloch's age we could quite easily get another 4/5 seasons out of him, so I don't understand that arguement either.
  11. So Keane thinks he's good enough for the EPL. Always thought he would've been a good signing, but we have plenty of CB's now with maybe Webster and Cuellar to be added.
  12. Of the players we are strongly linked with; Naismith, Cuellar, Beasley, McCulloch and Faubert(the least likely admittedly), I would most like to sign McCulloch. Its a close run thing. Naismith's age means he's a close second. I don't remember playing v Cuellar. I think his status is immediatley elevated by being Spanish. Beasley. Imo, he'll either be excellent or shocking. Is he soft or is he hard. That will honestly decide his fate in Scotland. TBH I hadn't heard of Faubert until we were linked. The fact that his team want 4mil plus will not make me immediately assume he's excellent, i'll make up my own mind. McCulloch is a strong player. Can play wide left or upfront. Is good in the air. If asked to play wide he'll give width, unlike other players I could name, such as Hartley who doesn't have the discipline to play wide when Walter/Eck asked him to. When attacking from the right he'll make the effort to be an extra attacker at the back post. He'll give 100% and will work hard for the team. Knows all about the Bears. Will offer competition to Adam and forward positions. IMO will be a very good signing. Yes many will say this is symptoamtic of Murray's downsizing, but of the players we are strongly linked with, I would be happiest with his capture. Now I'll duck for cover as I am shot down.
  13. BBC report latest �£700k bid for Naismith knockbacked. Ascender think you're right re: McCulloch. If he was even an Austrain int'l for example with his record I think fans would be hapy enough.
  14. More stories linking us with Faubert, Naismith, McCulloch, Cuellar and Beasley. If we got these 5 in, would everyone be happy with that. Would be all our movements in the transfer window?
  15. Agree with all of that. Don't think its often we do lol.:cheers:
  16. I've been trying to figure out my own opinion on McCulloch's value. I know that's going to make me sound a bit nuts but i'll try and explain. The papers initially say he's available for around �£1.25mil. So regularly reading that, that is the value we accept he's worth. Then when we actually get into negotiations with Wigan they tell us they value him at �£2.5mil. As we are used to him being in the �£1.25mil bracket we see a doubling of his "valuation" as extortionate. However it is the papers' initial mis-information that has set our perception of this player. Bearing in mind he is a regular international footballer and an established premiership player, are Wigan really asking that much. I genuinely can't decide. Is my opinion warped by the tabloid nonsense?
  17. Super_Ally


    F him tbh. Don't remember many people saying PLG could've handled his problems with Barry an better, so I wont apologise for not feeling sorry for a player who has been absolute murder for us.
  18. A direct quote showing our interest is progressing. I'm happy with that, as long as Bain doesn't do his usual (under Murray's orders) as stewarty describes above.
  19. Well I got Nacho, although as Gribz says, it's a bastard for the spelling. Wrote Nacho Novo and it didn't accept it?
  20. Webster will be back, on loan if the issues between Hearts/Wigan aren't sorted out.
  21. Aye I don't see that one happening. Was just a quick summary of the players the article linked us with. Having said that if we were to make those signings I would be happy although extremely suprised. I'm unsure on whether Beasley would be a good player for us, I guess you'd be a better judge than most.
  22. Still in for Faubert, Cuellar, McCulloch with Beasley supposedly signed and looking at a loan for Webster.
  23. Are we likely to sign a �£10mil player though?
  24. Gatusso behind De Rossi. Remind me which one is the others understudy for Italy. Also behind fat Frank. WHich one just won the WC. Poor list, but that is the one that stands out for me.
  25. Despite PLG being one of the worst things to happen to Rangers, you can't blame him for this. Was down to Lovenkrands "greed". Although anyone else would take the best money on the table.
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