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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. If, If, If, actually burst out laughing when Bale screamed one into the top corner. Maybe you should be asking fat Charlie why he let Bale waltz past him as if he wasn't there.


    If the officials correctly applied the laws of the game, yes :confused:


    And why was that funny?

  2. For every Suarez there's a Bale, a Ramsay or a Gerrard. We all know up here in Scotland that largely the media set the agenda. They can label Lafferty or Aluko as a diver and that's their card marked for their entire career in Scotland. They can also ensure worse offenders largely get away with it by not having a giant shit storm every time Nakamura or McGeady throws himself to the floor.


    I don't know as due to my age I can only really remember football from the mid-90's, but I wonder whether the bloody foreigners were really to blame for bringing this ugly action into our game. Or did our media just find it convenient to blame them?


    Ramsay should have seen red only a matter of seconds before the Berra penalty incident. So that shouldn't even be a discussion point. Officials do their job properly and Wales are down to 10 men and that incident never occurs.


    Bale is also a diving little rat bag and I wont be sad if he sees another period out of the game. I have no sympathy for cheats. And that is what he is. He has cheated another squad of players.


    The Brits are every bit as bad, if not worse than their continental counterparts and it is past time to stop pretending that they are the blight on our game.

  3. wales were denied a stone wall penalty too. they were the better team. far more organised than scotland were. Adam though was an absolute disgrace for the second goal. let bale walk past and have a free shot.


    In the same passage of play Ramsay should have seen red for a second bookable offence or diving so I dont think the Berra challenge should even have come about.

  4. strange you say that because top european club sides are known to train 7 days a week, morning and afternoon, it does them no harm nor their players.


    Got any good links outlining player training routines at top clubs or any specific examples?


    Not doubting you. I just have personal interest in this sort of stuff.

  5. Pete, my take on this is that the 'elitist' comment was not aimed at certain posters (I can name names if you wish, I've no problem with that) as a form of insult. My impression is that it was aimed at those who fairly openly (in previous threads including this one) have alluded to the fact that they would like this to be some form of 'elitist' forum. And comments are often aimed at posters who despise this whole snobbery idea e.g. me, that we should go join some 'lower class' forums. I'm a bit longer in the tooth than most in here probably but this was never the Rangers way in my eyes and I personally despise all it stands for.


    Rangers has always been about standards:


    "I have been lucky - lucky in those who were around me from the boardroom to the dressing-room. In time of stress, their unstinted support, unbroken devotion to our club and calmness in adversity eased the task of making Rangers FC the premier club in this country."


    "To be a Ranger is to sense the sacred trust of upholding all that such a name means in this shrine of football. They must be true in their conception of what the Ibrox tradition seeks from them. No true Ranger has ever failed in the tradition set him."


    "Our very success, gained you will agree by skill, will draw more people than ever to see it. And that will benefit many more clubs than Rangers. Let the others come after us. We welcome the chase. It is healthy for us. We will never hide from it. Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity."

    "No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome. That has been the philosophy of the Rangers since the days of the gallant pioneers." - Bill Struth


    I don't mind people expecting high standards of debate on here. And respect for those you debate with. We certainly want to avoid making it appear that people are unwelcome in any way though.

  6. Word of mouth is the best way of advertising.


    Aye. Certainly helps.


    Found out one of my clients will have "his story" in the Sun on Thurs. But maybe that will only be in the English version?


    Bit of a shame that they're not really talking about his training and more just lifestyle stuff. :( Lost over 100lbs whilst doing heavy weighlifting as part of his training (goes against the grain).


    Word of mouth is certainly the most effective method.

  7. No millions to be made. Big money only if you know the right person. Or if you are willing to push and promote bullshit gimmicks.


    All about what works with me.


    Working with one celeb and hopefully before long he'll put me on to some of his mates and I will make a few quid. :D

  8. we should have brought in half a dozen good first division players to get us up the leagues .


    Can just imagine the reaction of fans if that is exactly what we had done.


    What we should have done is not bothered with the foreign mercenaries and just got Brits who know how to play lower division British football. Clichéd. But for a reason. Cos its fucking true!

  9. We've played 7 games from 36 and 4 of those 7 games have been away from home, so there's still 15 home games and 14 away games to play.


    So that's 12 points we've got with 45 home points and 42 away points to play for.


    I think after only 3 home games and 4 away it's a bit early to start worrying.


    I've gone from being 100% positive that we will piss the league winning it by 20 points or so to realising that there is some possibility, however slight, that we may not actually gain promotion outright.


    It shouldn't even be entering our minds that its a possibility. But now I think it would be stupid not to.


    There are 29 games remaining. So our maximum points tally if we dont drop another point is 99 points.


    Clearly we will drop points in a few more games and maybe at best will finish up with 80 odd points. Now seeing as other teams are matching or exceeding our results so far and that crap teams like Alloa and East Fife have accrued +/- 80 points I think it certainly conceivable that Peterhead or one of the others could give us a run for our money if ultimately fall a bit short.


    Before I was adamant we would win this league by 20 points or so. Now i'm thinking maybe 5-10 and having to push hard til the last couple of games.

  10. Points accumulated by the last few league winners:



    12/13 - 77

    10/11 - 66

    09/10 - 78

    08/09 - 67

    07/08 - 88

    06/07 - 75

    05/06 - 76


    Ave. - 75


    Rangers projected points total based on points per game so far and extrapolated for a full season:


    61 or 62 points.


    No particular reason for stopping on the season I did other than I got bored.


    Anyway, evidence to date suggests we'll be looking at the play offs.


    Nice one lads.


    I'm no longer 100% convinced we will win the league. Don't get me wrong, we probably will. But its far from the foregone conclusion I initially believed.

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