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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. I think the type of people who watch Scotland Tonight will be 'politically active' in that they'll use social networks and websites. Thus, they'll be well aware of the overall story and Spiers' performance.


    The programme wasn't about highlighting Spiers' inadequencies. It was a short segment about the FTT decision so not to be wasted chasing after Spiers. I doubt McKay would have allowed the few minutes set aside to be taken up by Chris getting Spiers' tweets out for all to see.


    The camera work and reaction of those present did that easily IMO. I even had a Motherwell fan at work say how obvious it was that Spiers had been caught red-handed...


    Maybe you are correct and maybe i've misjudged how others who aren't, as you say politically active, will have seen it that way. It didn't necessarily come across that way to me, but I am in a very small minority.


    I should point out I'm not trying to dig up Chris at all as he has obviously made a huge contribution, much more than myself. Just pointing out my views.

  2. Still just cant agree with this.


    We are all seeing what we want to see. But we only think he "won" the debate because we know the facts. Anyone who isn't on Gersnet, FF etc will think Speirs held his own as he was able to refute anything put to him and the liar comments weren't pressed home with facts.


    This was an opportunity to highlight to those who don't know and who aren't of a Rangers persuasion of Speirs etc agenda.


    I'm not saying there should have been ranting and raving, but the advantage could have been pressed home more. It was all pretty tame.

  3. I think it is time that the footballing authorities listened to any input the fans groups may have on the way forward for our game. After all, recent events has seen fans being asked to dig into their pockets to help their cash strapped clubs. As a thank you, the member clubs on the whole, should listen to the voices of the people that help pay their wages. In any other business, surveys are taken, which in turn helps sell their product. They can continue to operate a self interest system until it's milked dry, but it is time to sort out the reconstruction, to create stability for the generations of fans to come. They owe that much to the people who turn up to watch ever week.


    Whilst in principle I agree, last time the SPL clubs listened to their fans it led to them kicking Rangers out of the SPL on the basis we were guilty in the BTC before the evidence was ruled on by the experts.

  4. I have to wonder, does this car crash give them a convenient excuse to enact the plan that they want to follow through?


    They can really now have a judgement against us that results in title stripping. They would surely get pilloried for it, even by our press. It would be farcical. Sit and have the judgement in 3-4 months when its all died down and maybe they can pull out the title stripping card again to much less protestations (bar our own)?

  5. The "Small tax case" came to light before Whyte took over. This was a bill for circa £4m I think. RFC admitted the misuse but were challenging the penalties. When Whyte took over, he agreed to pay the small tax bill, but reneged and didn't pay. Why then ran up a further £14m in unpaid PAYE/NI & penalties.


    Maybe i've got the wrong end of the stick, been a lot to take in. But pretty certain Speirs has been shown to be lying about his comments.

  6. Does the SPL have a facebook page or twitter that Rangers fans could bombard with points like this and the hundreds that have cropped up since yesterdays announcement.


    We've been pretty much ignored for years. But perhaps using social media would be a way to get our voices out there and publicly pressure the SPL to "do the right thing".

  7. No one from any of the SPL clubs will come out and apologise to us. I wonder if Britney will apologise for calling us cheats?


    Watch the videos from last nights tv. Lies and says he called us cheats in regards to the small tax case.


    This is a proven lie as he tweets calling us cheats for years of non tax payments, but the small tax case refers only to White's less than a year in charge.


    SO, no, he wont apologise. He'll just lie his way out of it.

  8. I actually thought he got out of difficulty quite easy. It is a pity Fury didn't have a few quotes or twitter messages with him to prove his point.

    Does anyone have proof that he did have a negative part in the BTC?


    Having watched i'm in agreement. :(

  9. Traynor gets his info direct from SDM so he'd have always been aware of the likely outcome.


    The club and officials related to it had always maintained their confidence in a positive outcome. As, surely, did those involved from and HMRC perspective.


    I guess in this situation it is largely posturing and you must show confidence of winning otherwise it demonstrates a lack of conviction in your own case being represented.


    What I do not understand is why everyone else in Scottish football and our media (bar one or two journos) all took the HRMC side prior to the decision and assumed they were the ones who were rightly confident. Where was this persistent drip of information that led so many to believe we were going to hammered with a huge verdict.

  10. The SFA and SPL have a lot to answer for.


    They must make a statement today and not just in relation to EBT's but an explanation of what happens now in relation to their treatment of us.


    We have been proven to be the victims here of an HMRC witch hunt and will be proved to be the victims of a fraud by CW. We don't know for sure who the big players were but if there is any justice in this we will find out.


    I would also expect statements from the SFL and the Scottish government........but I won't hold my breath.


    Only bit I disagree with is HMRC witch hunt. It wasn't just them it was a witch hunt from them and the SFA, SPL, member clubs, particularly Celtic and anyone with a connection to that poisonous club, our media and more.

  11. We had it all summer and even in to the season as the transfer window stayed open.


    All these SPL teams blaming their financial woes on Rangers. Any negative press statement by a team would contain a veiled or obvious reference to Rangers and our apparent "financial doping" and subsequent relocation in div 3. That's why certain teams couldn't buy players or were struggling financially.


    Well with this announcement on the tax case it transpires that it is all their own fault. They were already living outwith their means and they compounded these errors by kicking their cash cow out of the league and further damaging their own finances. They tried to make out morally they had to kick us out of the league and the responsibility was ours. But it was all down to them and in their rush to kick us they have likely hugely damaged their own clubs. I will not be sorry to see some of them going bust.

  12. Thinking on this more. The thing that really stinks for me is all these (predominantly) celtic minded people who had "insider" information that we had lost the case or would be losing the case. This dodgy committee that was formed with the individual intention of stripping titles and all these people who had already decided we were guilty before any evidence was seen and were merely deciding which punishments were appropriate and how hard they could hammer us.


    Where did this over confidence come from and why did they decide we were guilty before the case had even been heard? Did they assume like anything to do with football and the SPL, that when it's Rangers we're always guilty. Regardless of the cold hard facts.


    Something really, really stinks about all that and I can't really put my finger on it or even explain what I mean fully.

  13. The Rangers Football Club Ltd is a company free of external debt. The judgment serves to further undermine the validity of the SPL Commission into the use of EBTs. As we have said all along the SPL decision to press ahead with a commission was ill-timed and fundamentally misconceived.


    These statements dont go far enough for me. Much like the refs who wouldn't name Celtic as the reason for the strike the other year, we should name names. We should identify this Celtic supporting scum bag lawyer and state that he is not doing this out of lawful right or sporting integrity but from bigotry and prejudice and jealousy of the countries greatest club.

  14. Had today's ruling come through a bit earlier, had Whyte not bought the club and avoided paying tax would we still have been liquidated and in div 3?


    Or is this ruling completely separate to that? Some of this financial stuff is way above my head tbh?


    Are there other liabilities that would mean we would still be where we are now or was it merely the spectre of this "potential £130m+" that has left us where we are?


    Ps on another note the BBC article on this is a disgrace with repeated mentions to new club, old club etc and down right disingenuous reporting.

  15. "The old firm are back together on ESPN" they state. I wonder, what the fuck is this all about?


    We both happen to have games in the coming weeks.


    The "Big teams" in the SPL not a big enough draw on their own huh? :D

  16. I've made a thread about this in previous years but poached this from FF as it interests me. (Granted many will find it dull, but I find it quite interesting:






    Just browsing on the Scotprem site and found a few wee things our press seemed to forget to mention.

    There have been 14 SPL seasons. In that time Rangers have won the title 7 times, and the scum from the other side of the city the other 7.

    Rangers also managed 6 Scottish Cup wins in that time, the scum had 5, Hearts getting 2 and Dundee scum one.


    So from that its clear there has been little between the clubs, yet in a surprising twist, the SPFA and Writers player of the year awards (14 each) and Clydesdale POY award (5) have been won by one of them 22.5 times, and 6.5 times by a Rangers player, with one going to a Hearts player.

    To look into that further, when Celtc have won the league, 12 of the 16 awards have gone to one of their players, 3 times to a Rangers player and one other. When we've won the league 10.5 awards have gone to celtc players and only 6.5 to ours.

    Not that the people that decide these things are biased in way, or heavily influenced by the totally not biased press.

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