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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. I'm really beginning to be disgusted by PLG and its more the fault of the fans than the man himself. Like the England football team in some respects. Must be nice to blame your own ineptitude on anyone else but yourself? What is Boyd supposed to have done?

  2. I was going to say "good riddance" but in reality, who cares? Nothing to do with Rangers.


    Thing is, it probably is.


    What else has happened to the SPL recently except all the stuff to do with Rangers which probably affects their grand plans for reconstruction.

  3. Is this the pic ian?




    If so not as "conclusive" as others I have seen where they clearly lied about their attendance. No clear indication from that other than it has a lot of empty seats. Funny a tim minded journo says "half full" though as that would be circa 30,000. Not 45,000 odd which is obviously more like 3 quarters full.

  4. It seems, and our fans are equally as guilty of this, that it has turned into a "title stripping" investigation.


    Now that is only one avenue open to the SPL if they find against us surely? We do ourselves no favours by solely referring to it as such an investigation as, if they do find against us, there will be huge pressure for that to be the outcome.


    It should be dropped anyway, but as it wont be we need to point out that title stripping is not the only possible outcome (even though it is the intended one from the beginning).

  5. Brilliant. But have to say I was so impressed with Chris Graham. The guy just keeps his dignity and is so articulate for a fan's spokesman (if he isn't he should be). Just don't get the 'fury' Is that his nickname? If so, why?


    Its his username on the forums.

  6. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42143


    Get it signed guys.


    HMRC confidential info leak


    Responsible department: Her Majesty's Treasury


    We the undersigned request that questions from the government are asked of HMRC over their handling of the " investigation" into Rangers Football Club.


    Over the last three years, HMRC have pursued Rangers Football Club for " unpaid" taxes in relation to several EBT schemes operated by the club. These schemes were present in all of the clubs annual accounts for the years in which they operated.


    The conclusion on the three year investigation was found on 20/11/12 stating that Rangers Football Club were indeed not liable nor had broken any law.


    Throughout this " investigation" there have been several leaks of confidential information relating directly to sensitive information about the club, the employees and the current state of play within the " investigation".


    The source of this leak must be identified and dealt with accordingly due to the serious breach of protocols and completely undermining the role in which HMRC are charged facilitating.

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