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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. I think it is a credibility issue. Losing the FTT case was a big blow for HMRC specially after putting Rangers into liquidation, all the publicity and the rush to judgement by the Scottish media. They now have to contend with a PF/Crown Office investigation as requested by Murray and his high-powered lawyers, an e-petition which has garnered 32k signatures in just two weeks and questions from a couple of MPs who want to ensure that they don't lose the 'blue' vote at the next election.


    M guess is that the 'high heid yins' at the HMRC are desperate to have a result so that they can say they were right all along. It also defuses the current situation as everyone will now be waiting for the result of the appeal. And that will take around three years.


    If enough pressure is applied in the right places I could see them getting the result they want, regardless if whether or not that is the right thing by law. :(


    Look at previous appeals against us with singing in Europe. Don't get the result we desire, appeal until we do. :(

  2. celtic will rake in at least £20m from their euro run. no worries money wise for them.


    Of course its a worry.


    That "£20mil" will no longer be felt to its full benefit as it is going to have to make up for shortfall elsewhere in their finances. Shortfall that would not be there if Rangers were still in the league. Sponsorship and TV money will be down for the SPL as a whole. Celtic's ticket sales, hospitality and all other match day income is massively down.


    Sure there books will be ok this year. But that wont be as good as they would normally be with a champions league bounty. Which they may not even get every year for the next 2-3 anyway.

  3. No not at all, I regarded it as a helpful assist, and you're having a go.

    Hypocritical repetitive? That's a strange observation. Can you be more specific?


    It is hypocritical of you to ask for censorship of someone else's posts on here when you got stroppy when zappa suggested your repetitive thread on the boycott (there was already one active) was unnecessary. Not too difficult really.


    Who do you think you are helping?


    It appears there are several bears interested in this, they can discuss it in this thread. Those who aren't interested could quite easily leave it alone without comment.


    How about instead of wasting your money at Tannadice you go spend it at the next ladies game. ;)

  4. There's been more than one thread sticking up for boycott this thread is sticking up for something else. I posted it and it's not because of what you say. Precious? Give me a break SA


    I repeat, it is the opposite side of the same argument and was completely unnecessary. Could and should have remained in the other thread and in fact is not a view any sane minded bear should be holding anyway.

  5. My assumption was on Rangers fans attending the game win or lose. A non attendance is risky to the fact we lose the game because of the obvious, referee decisions on crowd reactions young 'Gers losing the plot because of again crowd reactions, this game is a big step forward if you'd rather not be there to push us on then that will help the opposition no doubt.


    Pushing for a boycott might harm them but it wont help our team and I'm exasperated at your agenda.


    Actually the only certainty is that a full boycott would harm DU. Not that it "might".


    Attendance of our fans may or may not.


    Your agenda is equally perplexing as its about more than just one little game. Its about sending a statement to the rest of Scottish football, the SPL and the sponsors.

  6. This is an anti-boycott thead and I for one support it.


    Follow follow.


    It's presenting the opposite side of the same argument of other threads but once again people are getting precious about ownership of their own threads and pretend it's down to not having a conformist opinion.

  7. Take it you've never been to Tannadice while we were playing there, we get nearer 50% than 15%.


    Correct. I was trying to remember what the official entitlement was supposed to be for away clubs. Thought there was an agreed percentage?


    Only been to a handful of away grounds and Tannadice isn't one.

  8. “Some SPL clubs are terrified of giving up something but the reality is that I had to give up something and that was TV rights.


    “I met with Neil Doncaster last week and told him very clearly that once this agreement is finished we will not give them up again and I have already written to David Longmuir to reinforce that.


    Here's our big bargaining chip.


    We are the only show in town. If we stick to this it doesn't even matter if a few SFL teams join the SPL proposal.

  9. If I could wipe one man from the history of Rangers it would be PLG so people would stop pretending that anyone other than the man himself was responsible for his exit from Ibrox due to being a really shit football manager and in fact a really poor manager of any kind with zero people skills.

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