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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. Lick of paint away from losing 4 goals against butchers and joiners as well.


    And to follow up my point elsewhere.


    Contrast gunslinger and stewartys post here. Glass half full.


    STB's glass half empty post is agreed with by kuznetsov.


    Some people are never going to look at things from a positive point of view. Some will never see the bad in situations.


    Neither side of the debate is right or possibly has an accurate view of the situation.


    I obviously fall in the glass half full camp but I bet myself, stewarty (just say if you don't want to be grouped in with me, I wont be offended :D) etc all enjoy our time watching football a damn site more.

  2. Article from 6th December in The Courier states that Montrose have confirmed a capacity increase, so as I thought, they must have applied and had it granted.


    In the black with green and blue: Angus clubs hope to cash in when Old Firm come calling (last paragraph of the article)


    Was it not rumoured that Elgin sold tickets for a capacity increase prior to it being granted, hence the cock up there? may be bullshit though. Irrelevant to the current point anyway I guess.

  3. Great call and the hosts rebuttals were very weak.


    First one - I just ask questions. I.e. absolve himself of all responsibility and try and duck and hide.


    2nd one - Charles Green agreed to the transfer ban. And then basically admits he was blackmailed too. (Would've been better had some really hammered through that point and used the word blackmail or something as strong).


    They had no answer to the points.

  4. I think I read the extra £350K is only for the winner of the First Division (or SPL 2). Currently they only get £70K but that would rise under the new plans.


    Hardly an English Championship like carrot! ;)


    So a complicit media are making their proposals seem far better than they are?


    Also, they talk of a potential £350,000 increase in league payments. But no mention of how their finances are affected elsewhere. E.g. 2 missed games at home with the biggest support in the country which would be guaranteed money. A pishy tv deal. Shit sponsorship deals. etc etc.


    With the fact that the SPL is currently failing and can't support 12 teams and additional 12 SFL teams would be mental to agree to this and fuck the rest of the SFL clubs over. Especially for an unlikely potential few extra pounds.




    As Ian posted, hope the SFL see the agenda, see the ludicrous SPL idea for what it is and HOLD!

  5. Is Tatters the chairman? Did he not resign?


    Lunny can fuck off.


    Elgin have been charged. The Chairman has retired. What more needs to be done.


    I really feel for the guys who lost out and I can't fully appreciate that as I wasn't travelling. But we're out of the vindictive, toxic world of the SPL. The SFL have dealt with it. They've made their judgement and the club has been sanctioned. We don't want them to be repeatedly charged and sanctioned for the same issue. At least I don't. I got confused and didn't realise Lunny was SFA and not SPL. He' so corrupt I had assumed it was the latter.

  6. if they (the SPL diddy teams) think this is bad wait til CG refuses to sign a new TV deal for next season. I actually think this proves he means business with them & they know it now


    I really hope we get to do this, regards the tv deal.

  7. Whilst the SFA shouldn't change their rules and we should get the 40% or whatever it is, ultimately it doesn't matter. The fact the fans have asked for and the club have supported a boycott is more important than a few grand. We can afford to miss out on the pay day far more than they can.

  8. running away to the SFA for help and calling us 'the Rangers' in their non response. i expect the rules to be bent in their favour here.


    I thought they apologised for doing that when they publicised the draw on their website. Clearly that apology was hollow.

  9. Al our foreign friends are welcome to get in touch for a UK address


    PM'd mine to Dude.


    Could probably just get one at random off google/google maps though?

  10. Another point that pisses on their argument.


    It will be up to our fans to attend the game if they want, if DU sell tickets direct to our fans. Our club merely aren't applying for any tickets and have suggested our fans don't attend on the grounds of safety. Fuck all wrong with that. No grounds for retaining the money. Idiots.

  11. When did ITV4 start covering the Bundesliga?


    Excellent entertainment on a Monday night.


    Didn't know they did but often hear fans who watch many leagues saying its the most entertaining (screw the EPL and La Liga :D).






    I'll keep my coat zipped up til I'm near the ground then.

  12. Always thought they would check on it. Unfortunately I don't personally know anyone who lives in the UK. All my British mates are living in Australia.


    I'll give you my address if you want to sign it? No reason why that wouldn't work right?

  13. People need to highlight that the Arab trust statement is based on a bullshit premise.


    Their argument is that it is all in the past (even if this was true, so fucking what, we dont have to "move on" when we are told if we have grounds for complaint, but this is off my point) but the title stripping case is ongoing. Nothing is over. Not yet. And as the "injured" party, not until we say it is!


    We need to stop the media doing their usual and taking the anti-Rangers line and point out this!

  14. This petition is very good and necessary, unfortunately I'm not able to sign it without a permanent British adress. Looks like I've got to move to help my beloved club out! ;)


    Or use someone else's address?

  15. I also defended the idea of a boycott elsewhere, as I said I was pretty torn on the issue.


    The club officially advocating a boycott is just a small thing that's changed in 24 little hours. :whistling:


    Sometimes being open to a change of view isn't a bad thing and the clubs official stance on it makes a big difference to many who wanted to go. So good on you I say.

  16. Now the SFA will give DU the full pot and they will probably make more money than they would have done. Rangers will probably be granted an expenses packet for the team turning up. Green could have handed the tickets back(If possible) and then he could have claimed the half of the gate.


    There is nothing in the rules that allows this.


    And if they try it they set a dangerous precedent whereby clubs only get their share for selling their allocation. Something many small teams (in fact most teams outwith Rangers) can't do.

  17. Just a wee comparison.


    Would David Murray have shown the leadership, the conviction of character and the strength to do what Green has by backing the fans and backing the boycott?


    I would answer almost certainly no. He just wasn't interested in what the fans wanted.


    Green may have some way to go to convince many fans, but I think he has to be applauded for this today.

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