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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. THEY netted nearly 160 goals for Rangers and have over 80 Scotland caps between them.


    As Gers battle it out in the Third Division, the sight of Kris Boyd and Kenny Miller combining to gun down SPL opposition is a distant memory at Ibrox.


    But gaffer Ally McCoist has revealed how both stars have been playing key roles in helping his side regroup and go again.


    SPL record scorer Boyd is at MLS side Portland Timbers, while Miller is with rivals Vancouver Whitecaps.


    But McCoist has allowed both to train with his squad at Murray Park during their off-season.


    McCoist said: â??It has been great to see them and it has added some hilarity to training. It is an important part of Rangers â?? boys being able to come back and train and join in.


    â??Can it help the young lads? Of course it can, absolutely.


    â??Kenny and Boydy are not the type of guys who are going to come into training to mess about.


    â??They come in to train. Their attitude is very good and they are a pleasure to have about the place.â?


    Young Gers stopper Ross Perry admits the pair have certainly kept him on their toes. Perry, 22, said: â??Kris and Kenny have been in for a few weeks and it is good to be up against them.


    â??They have played here before so they are friends as well and it is good to have them around.


    â??Boydy is a character so he brings that to training as well. You hear him before you see him!â?


    One player unlikely to be at Ibrox this month is Ryan McGowan. He had talks with Gers last August on deadline day, but opted to stay at Hearts instead.


    He was a target for McCoist this month, but is set for a switch to China and Shandong Luneng.


    McCoist added: â??I donâ??t know the exact ins and outs of his contract, but Ryan is a player we would liked to have brought here and he would have been good for us.â?


    McCoist has other targets ahead of their embargo ending on September 1 and said: â??We have been encouraged by the interest shown from one or two players we have been monitoring. The great thing is with Rangers, the support, stadium and training ground â?? this is still a big pull for some players.


    â??It would be great to get things done by the end of January, but I can understand it is not ideal for players too. We have more obstacles in our way than most clubs.â?


    Gers take on Elgin today and they are on course to beat a 49-year-old record if they secure the title before March 16.


    McCoist â?? his side on an 11-game winning streak â?? added: â??Iâ??m hoping one of the big factors in keeping going will be the eagerness and enthusiasm of the youngsters and the example shown by the older boys.


    â??It is important a lot of the boys have come through with us, ten of the 16 last weekend came through Murray Park one way or another.


    â??Managers have probably moaned in the past about wanting an opportunity to bring kids in.


    â??I would not say we are looking for an opportunity to rest ours, but itâ??s maybe gone that way a bit now. Iâ??m delighted they are now reacting to the league and handling the situation well.


    â??I know we can play a lot better than we have in the last few games, but it would be wrong to criticise when they are doing the most important thing, which is winning.


    â??It would be disrespectful to the opposition in the league to try to tell people we are trying to set a record.


    â??We are just trying to win the league.


    â??If and when we are lucky enough to do that I will be delighted. I will never use the record as an incentive.â?


    McCoist might not be able to sign players now, but what he has seen from his kids on the pitch has already influenced his thinking when he can buy in the future.


    He said: â??If we can continue to keep the nucleus of youngsters we have, for them at the age of 20 or 21 to have had 80-odd games would be fantastic. It would benefit the kids and Rangers.


    â??It would be totally wrong of me to spend and bring in players that would be to the detriment of the youngsters.


    â??You have to get the balance right and it has to be to the benefit of Rangers and the team, that is an absolute must.


    â??At the same time, you have to be very careful to help the youngsters as well so they can continue to blossom.


    â??Thereâ??s a balance, especially at a club like this. In an ideal world, you want to give youth a chance.


    â??But this is a club where you want to win games. If I bring in kids and they donâ??t win games, Iâ??m out.


    â??Managers and coaches will argue the importance of winning is as high wherever you are.


    â??But you could possibly get away with it at a lower level.


    â??I have been delighted with the response we have got from the youngsters who have come in.â?


    From the Sun. Some promising comments from the manager regarding our future direction particularly in terms of player recruitment.

  2. Can we not get another option beside the , thanks and agree option , something like disagree or dislike or no thanks or this guy's a fecking zoomer lol


    I think you can only had two and it was decided that the dislike type ones wouldn't be used as it annoyed posters when people disliked a post but didn't type a comment to explain why. Might be wrong on this and maybe Frankie or Zappa can elaborate. It may be possible to have something different if enough posters wanted it but I think last time it came up agree and thanks were the majority agreed options.

  3. McGregor was, for me, a good goalkeeper but nothing more - and he was responsible for some shocking lapses of concentration, one of which effectively put us out of the CL against Kaunus.


    Even Goram made some howlers. McGregor was absolutely top notch even if that in the same class as Goram.

  4. Charles Green has never fully clarified exactly what was agreed, but essentially what was eventually agreed and signed under duress wasn't for our re-application to play in the SFL, it was a set of conditions for the transfer of our existing SFA membership. That's why we ended up having to accept their shady transfer embargo and other conditions because without the transfer of SFA membership our history would have stopped rather than continued as it has. They had us by the short & curlies and did indeed blackmail us, but Green never clarified whether he had agreed to the farcical 'no legal recourse' bullshit they wanted to impose on us as part of the agreement.


    Can they legally do that though.


    Even if we have signed to no legal recourse, is there anything to stop us going back on our word and saying fuck you SFA we'll do it anyway. Would such an agreement be legally binding? How can you enforce that? Surely it goes against some sort of rights?

  5. Shit manager though :rolleyes:;)


    Sreriously though, I dont think that we will break the record but we certainly have the personnel capable to do so.


    For all the negative stats and facts people can throw out about Eck there's at least as many positive ones that dont get the same publicity. First i'd heard of that record.

  6. A guy on FF who is apparently McGowan's mate and several people are vouching for (he had all the right info regarding McGowan and Templeton during the summer transfer window) is saying he's off to China for 9 months until we can register him in September apparently.


    I dont remember his posting from August/September time so can't add anything to what i've posted above and whether or not he is likely to be trustworthy.

  7. Wouldn't disagree with that. If I can get a bet I will take 'draw half-time, win full-time' (just!).


    A decent shout on your bet there. No idea what odds you'd get for that though. Could be a lot different though if McLeod is fit to play and the flair players turn up.

  8. Shiels, Kyle, McLeod, Little and Naismith all struggling for this one.


    What score lines are we predicting for this one? Struggled to a draw there last time out. Not my preferred options in midfield.


    Going to say 2-1.

  9. I will be honest, it surprises me that any Bear even views scotzine. He is a rabid, biased Tim. No need to check that site out, at least not for me there isnt.


    The more people that read that the more traffic, influence and credibility he attains. And seeing as we all know it is a Rangers hating site dressed up as neutral, why people have a look at all I dont know.

  10. need i tell you football is not played on paper or computer screens. :facepalm:


    Exactly, and the players don't stand in specific formations outline by simple terms like 4-4-2, 4-4-1-1 etc. So to try and use that to run down the manager when there are such minuscule differences between the formation he started and the one you wanted is foolhardy.

  11. 4-4-2 played right is completely different on so many levels to 4-4-1-1 played wrong. the lengths some folk go to save the managers face is embarassing. this is a new one.


    Look at the top two pictures. Difference? Very little. And when does a team ever resemble its formation whilst in open play? never.


    And the problems today were not up front. It was further back which meant that any issues with the front pair weren't fully exposed.


    But then, the lengths some will go to to castigate someone they don't like are embarrassing.


    Edit; Complaints about the manager are fine. But when you are complaining we "only played 1 up front" because we played a formation that can be more easily labelled 4-4-1-1 than 4-4-2 I'm not going to let people get away with pursuing such an agenda.

  12. _41705404_4_4_2_416.gif






    Grand scheme of things what's the difference? negligible. fuck all.


    The manager definitely has his flaws, but criticisms of him need to be fair and based in fact. Not just easy sound bites about 4-4-2 or players out of formation when these things are either incorrect, partial truths or simplistic concepts to define difficult to explain concepts that are fluid and ever changing.

  13. hegarty, crawford and templeton all out of position.


    tactics are 4-5-1, show them respect, keep it tight, dont lose a goal, give it time, the goals will come when they tire late on. embarassing.


    i would have played 4-4-2




    cole or argyriou (both proper right backs by trade)





    templeton wide right

    mckay wide left


    both wingers and both comfortable on either wing so they can be switched if we need to spice it up a bit.





    in the middle, both comfortable centre mids by trade.



    sandaza or burrows or walsh.


    all strikers by trade.


    simple, easy, comfortable, attack minded and exciting.


    we could see how that half was panning out after 10 mins yet nothing changed. same old rubbish from super. utterly clueless.


    football is not hard. we make it look almost impossible.


    Pissing over 4-4-1-1 compared to 4-4-2 is laughable.


    You can equally say that none of those players are out of position. In this day and age most players dont play just one role. Look at Barca's attacking line up. They all move all over the place.


    To simple to moan about a dynamic system like a team's formation with a simple series of numbers. Makes it easy to bask a manager you don't like.

  14. sure we will go on and win this game, probably comfortably too, another one where the opposition tires late on. sure we will win this league, which was a gimme from the start but the initial tactics, line up, formation and players out of position in this match is completely indicative of ally mccoist as a manager. he has learned nothing since taking over. same mistakes as day 1 still happening.


    there is a bigger picture and the world of football is passing us by.


    Who is out of position?


    What are our tactics set out by the manager (often impossible to know) and what would you change about them. What would your starting line up and formation be?

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