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  1. If you can let me know how to do this blueflag I can do this tomorrow when I am back at work.
  2. Good luck to the lad. Be interesting to see his fitness levels. Assuming he's been pre - season training with them
  3. I've emailed her and called her. She won't respond to me
  4. As you know Christine personally and she's avoiding me, can you ask her permission got me to post her emails?
  5. I can only go by her email responses to me Greg. And then her follow up failure to respond to 3 mails and 2 calls to her. But hey, they have further information. I'm sure you'll be able to find what this is and release it.
  6. You'll back this up with some facts and proof?
  7. I can honestly say that I did. We may well be.
  8. I really haven't. ? You'll also find RM was well behind RF ?
  9. So you're happy they've lied. Cool. That's all I needed to know. My pledge is if I get the correct apology I will sign up. And it'll be as a life member ?
  10. Have you asked similar questions to Christine and C1872. Apparently they have 'further information' - in the interests of transparency surely we all wish to see this. Or maybe that's not your wish and you're happy that this WP can get away with lies to its members and prospective members?
  11. What's to elaborate on... I was banned for no reason. RST was promoted on FF while RF threads were constantly deleted. The point is, I was looking to join C1872 (still am if the correct action is taken) The email states everyone deserves to have the past put behind them and a fresh start allowed.
  12. RST was due to FF. Checkered pasts - we've all heard 'accusations' , my question said everyone deserves a clean slate. Chris Jack - releasing results prior to official releases. Valid question. Rental space - question prior to it being confirmed. Ensuring funds are being spent appropriately. Again. All questions were posted on RM pre the email over a period of time ? You obviously see what you want to see. Once again, that's your choice and I respect that.
  13. I deleted my post in error. Here's a screenshot of my reply though.
  14. I just feel after the accusations made, a private apology would be better. C1872 has great potential, and I am sure given time the right people can and will take it forward. But, these things are just plain stupid to do - hence why I personally feel they would be better without the guilty party involved.
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