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Everything posted by StuGers

  1. I think you will find that based on online activity, they have a much, much higher proportion of moonhowlers.
  2. It was O’Donnell. They allowed Celtic to postpone as he was a past player. They didn’t let Motherwell postpone even though he was their player and died on the field of the same players. Spot the difference.
  3. Any copy and paste? What’s the just of it this time?
  4. Goss was excellent again. We should be making moves already to make his move permanent.
  5. Funny, I must have been watching a different game! To be fair I was catching snippets but all I caught was him cutting back constantly and giving it away.
  6. I hate to say it but so far in Murphy’s Rangers career I’ve not been impressed. He just doesn’t look composed and more often than not doesn’t make the right decision. Maybe I’m just expecting too much of him but his output seems to be zero. Has he got any assists yet?
  7. After the damage has been done. As usual.
  8. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-42967425 Have a look at this BBC news article about the situation. Notice any omission of key information? You would think it would be in the public interest to know where this abuse happened in case any of the public’s children were potentially involved. sweep sweep
  9. In all seriousness, if this actually happened, and the guy was really upset, why didn’t he go to the hundreds of police that were around him? Wait a minute, don’t say that this was a completely made up story to make the Rangers fans look bad! That would never happen would it!?
  10. So the latest made up story is that a blind Hibs fans was spat on by Rangers fans. Where is the police report to back this incident up?
  11. So where is the police report to back this horrendous story up?
  12. Is that not 7 paedophiles at Celtic now? And that’s only the ones that have been caught. Strange how no-one in the press ever mentions this remarkably high number over the years.
  13. But why the fascination with Pedro then? Why are they constantly reporting on a manager that has nothing to do with Scotland?
  14. Every single game I’ve been to apart from one this season has had “questionable” refereeing performances. Whether it is the referee being pressured by the press, Rangers players having no fight and not pressuring the ref, or they are being paid / influences to be more harsh on Rangers, I don’t know, but it’s certainly not down to bad luck.
  15. I would normally agree with that but that particular linesman was out of line with play on more than one occasion during the match.
  16. I look forward to the next article detailing Ronnie Diela’s loss.
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