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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. There has to be some sort of impressive gesture because despite all the attempts to downplay it deep down the authorities must know that not only was this outrageous and danegrous it was an embarrassing spectacle which Hibs fans are justifying which means they think it would be justifiable to repeat anytime they feel like it. The best way to get the point across is a fine, pay for the damage, ban from the cup and the Euro spot given to St Johnstone who have fans who know how to sit in the stand even when their club achieves a first time win that NO ONE IN ANY LIFETIME had ever seen.
  2. JFK-1


    Excellent. Ask him if that will do for next season too. Stay in that league indefinitely and be infinitely happy wining a cup. Presumably they think we're miserable about our state? No cup win just crappy promotion?
  3. I take exception to this part of it. That implies Rangers fans were from the start storming the pitch in the same fashion and in equivalent numbers Hibs did which is nothing like the truth. The Rangers fans were a miniscule percentage of all bodies on the pitch and wouldn't have been there at all if not for THOUSANDS of the Hibs menagerie invading the pitch and charging towards the Rangers end.
  4. I think that's good. You would imagine it unlikely that anyone outside the blatantly bias Scottish environment would see the skewed ranting of these oddballs as anything but bizarre. The whole world has seen what happened now and they're not going to look at that and be cooing with admiration and understanding at the "exuberance" They're going to see it as any normal person would. Total insanity. I hope the folks over at UEFA have a look and ponder what they're inviting into the Europa league. I doubt they would consider such activities at any of their matches in the same light the Scottish authorities appear to be so far though in saying that as far as i'm aware there is no actual SFA comment thus far.
  5. You can't take what Mark Warburton may say about another manager as a totally honest appraisal. He's a polite guy when it comes to talking about people in general and people in the same business in particular. You will never see him be anything other than complimentary to someone who has never given him any cause to be anything else.
  6. A lot more than that needed. I just signed it and it's showing "2,424 needed to reach 5,000"
  7. See the thing is aside from anything else Rangers fans are not displaying any hate or disloyalty to the nation they're living in which in itself would be bizarre. And who IS doing that? Which group chants abuse of our head of state aside from our army? Let's take it a step further and say that Scotland had decided to go it alone after the indepndence election. What then? There is no British army so are they then just going to hate on the English while wanting to play in their league? They're like a fifth column in their own country. There may indeed be things we would have to adjust if we were to go to the English leagues but you're talking more like minor tinkering in comparison to what they would have to do. For them it would be a roots up cultural revolution I believe they're entirely incapable of and 100% resistant to from the very word go.
  8. I have no objections to anything you have said, it's fair comment and no doubt accurate regarding views in the South but in saying that I still think there is a chasm between Rangers and Celtic fans when it comes to acceptable behaviour or songs. The vast majority of what you mention regarding Rangers fans is anachronistic and likely wouldn't even be understood by the average person in England which given that fact would be unlikely to lead to any offence. How many in the South would have any idea what Billy Boys refers to? The Celtic support on the other hand have a vast repertoire drawn from recent times which everyone will instantly grasp. They know what the IRA is and they know the IRA have murdered British soldiers and civilians both in Northern Ireland and on the British mainland. Tack that on to continuing absue of current British soliders and the British army in general one example being not just a total lack of respect for remembrance day but deliberate and abusive actions to disrupt such things as a minutes silence on remembrance day and you're looking at a whole different ball game. How would THAT go down in the South if they happened to have a match in England on remembrance day and disrupted any activities? And as far as the schools go well i'm as bamboozled by that as the English are but who is insisting on perpetuating that?
  9. Fair point which I hadn't actually considered. We would quickly fit in down there as I don't foresee any objections to Union Jacks and support of British soldiers. On the other hand Irish flags along with praise of Irish terrorists who murdered British soldiers and civilians alongside common general abuse of the Britsh army may not blend in quite so comfortably.
  10. That was my feeling at the time and even more so now. I'm tired of the poisonous one sided environment and if this new setup came to anything I would jump at the chance to start a new life in English league 1 just two steps away from the riches of the EPL. Though the fact they would undoubtedly want us as part of a double act would be somewhat irritating. If we get out I would prefer leave it all behind.
  11. I'm excited about the way the midfield appears to be taking shape but still concerned about the achilles heel which has been the defence the entire season. Unless he simply thinks that will sort itself out with the defensive midfielder he has talked of requiring which may be filled by Crooks. I would also like the Daniel Bartley signing to go through. At 6 foot 4 he may go some way to calming my nerves every time a high ball comes into the box from the wings or corners plus at 22 and out of contract would be great business with a tidy sell on fee.
  12. JFK-1


    Nevin has to be kidding or trolling. I have seen even their own fans and management concede that the cup is nothing in comparison to getting out of that league and that there is nothing they would trade for promotion. The entire pile of shit is being transformed into a fantasy on countless levels including bands of happy friendly little munchkins dancing on the grass of Hampden.
  13. No acknowledgement of the fact that no one in any lifetime had seen Caley or St Johnstone win the cup yet there was nothing like this from their fans. Don't recall any wonderment at the behaviour of Caley and St Johnstone fans who stayed in the stands. And completely bypassing the goading of Rangers fans and attacks on Rangers players and staff. In fact not even a mention of that at all which is the core of our complaints not the actual invasion of the pitch.
  14. It really has reached and actually gone beyond time to go. Time to leave them to rot in their backwater which will descend to the level of Irish football without us and make a new future for ourselves. It's obvious nothing is going to change. If they had killed one of our players yesterday even that would somehow be downplayed and spun to be somehow our fault. To quote Shakespeare. “I must be gone and live, or stay and die.”
  15. Well first of all you have to appreciate that you're raising points which are gone over here on a regular basis plus taking the side of what our views are likely to be on a number of these issues as well as displaying a general disregard for the recent activities of Celtic which we would too and while I'm not accusing you of being a troll that's more or less exactly what a troll would do as a first step to portraying himself as genuine.
  16. The statement will get absolutely nowhere with HIbs if you take their fans response to it into account and so far they appear to have been humouring that fan response no matter how ludicrous. http://www.hibs.net/showthread.php?311496-New-Statement-from-The-Rangers&
  17. The club shouldn't even need to take action the footballing authorities should be doing that. There has to be some sort of tangible consequence from the authorities over and above a fine which the average grunt among their support couldn't care less about. Personally I would favour a one year ban from the cup and the Euro spot going to either Rangers or St Johnstone. That would get the attention of both the club and the grunts.
  18. They're far from being the most intelligent of fans. They wanted Falkirk to be beaten by Kilmarnock simply for spite because Falkirk had beaten them. Not a thought to the fact that this entire season Falkirk have been a serious thorn in the side and Falkirk even while playing in the Championship actually have a higher average attendance than Kilmarnock do and in fact a higher average attendance than half the SPL. Falkirk know exactly what battling to get out of that league is about and are perfectly capable of finishing above them again while a relegated Kilmarnock would be downsizing and in an unfamiliar environment. So they got what they wanted and I suspect it may blow up in their faces again.
  19. Report: Rangers still targeting Daniel Bentley for Ibrox move According to the Southend Echo, Rangers are still in the race to sign Southend United goalkeeper Daniel Bentley - but are battling Bournemouth, Brentford and Burnley. Bentley, 22, was on the books at Arsenal before being released in 2008, and the Basildon-born stopper joined nearby Southend United shortly after. The giant 6ft 4in stopper has come up through the ranks at Roots Hall, and since making his first-team debut in 2011, he's racked up more than 150 appearances for the Shrimpers. However, Bentley is out of contract this summer, and looks set to leave Southend having so far snubbed any chance of a contract extension - and reports suggest it's a four-team race for his signature. The Southend Echo report that Rangers remain keen to lure Bentley up to Ibrox this summer, but three English clubs are also keen; Premier League sides Bournemouth and Burnley, as well as Championship side Brentford. The Gers saw Wes Foderingham impress in his first season at Ibrox, but with Cammy Bell seemingly having little future at Rangers and January signing Maciej Gostomski already gone, manager Mark Warburton may look to bring in another shot stopper this summer. Warburton has already landed three players from English clubs as Accrington duo Matt Crooks and Josh Windass, as well as Liverpool teenager Jordan Rosster, have signed in controversial fashion, as they have penned pre-contract agreement for minimal compensation. The compensation laws for out of contract players means that Scottish clubs can sign players from England for a fraction of the cost that an English club would have to pay. That would be the case for Bentley to, as he's out of contract this summer, and could join Rangers for a fee far below what Southend would demand in a tribunal - and having done so already this summer, that could be an appealing avenue for Warburton and Rangers, even if they face a battle with Premier League clubs for his signature. http://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2016/05/20/report-rangers-still-targeting-daniel-bentley-for-ibrox-move-fac/
  20. We have all known for a considerable time that the defence is the weak spot and since it's so glaringly obvious to us we have to conclude it's just as obvious to the management who must surely be taking steps to rectify it. And regarding yesterday we fielded a weakened side missing players who would have been in the mix if not for injury, suspension and cup tied status plus a striker coming back from injury with little match play behind him and an entire team with no competitive play in weeks. Given the players we have already signed and given that the management must surely be looking at the defensive problems I'm confident for next season.
  21. I somewhat doubt the Dutch authorities will adopt the same view their counterparts in Scotland appear to and in the Dutch case you have an example of what's absolutely certain to happen while this behavior is condoned. As we already know Rangers players and staff were assaulted yesterday and in that article from the Dutch example we have this. No one sees this will be the common outcome of such "exuberance"? Must we wait till some crazies take to the field carrying knives and a player is stabbed before it's not fun anymore? What's going to happen if say the Hibs fans decided to take their exuberance on to the field at Easter road after a Euro tie and foreign opposition is assaulted and spat on. Or if they decide to do it in an away tie because hey it's all fun right? UEFA will put that down to exuberance and laugh it off? Again, it's a disaster waiting to happen.
  22. A quote I just took from a BBC article describing todays win over Falkirk by Kilmarnock. And why wouldn't they invade the pitch? It's simply exuberance and all good fun. Right? What I see happening right now is that pitch invasions if not actually being outright encouraged are being condoned and this is a disaster waiting to happen on many levels. UEFA wont be so accommodating if Hibs fans pull their party trick in a Euro tie and that affects all of our clubs.
  23. I'm guessing if there were no actual photographs and video it would rapidly be a handful on the pitch at all.
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