Statement from Kirsten Robertson, Head of Football Operations, St Johnstone FC.
St. Johnstone Football Club is extremely disappointed with the completely inaccurate and unfounded comments about our facilities made yesterday by Neil Lennon, the Celtic FC manager, in a media conference.
We provide one of the largest away team changing areas in the league. Every team, including Celtic, is also provided with a large area for team meetings.
We follow all protocols and guidance to ensure the health and safety of all players, staff and officials.
When Celtic FC visited McDiarmid Park on October 4th for an SPFL Premiership match, we made sure their every request and requirement was met. Celtic viewed all of our facilities before the game and no issues were raised. No issues were raised with us after the game.
All during this challenging period of the past nine months, our Football Club has maintained adherence to the highest of standards. Indeed, the SPFL delegates have commended us on our work during this campaign.