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Everything posted by ian1964

  1. That's a great win, tough match especially after Thursday. Into the next round. Couple of injuries is a bit depressing!.
  2. I've gone for Butland, important saves kept us in the match. Great all round team performance
  3. The whole team defended well tonight, front to back, as I said earlier a soft pen & an own goal stopped us winning 0-2 tonight. Our manager got it spot on tonight.
  4. You know the thing that really baffles me about VAR, why do they call the ref to view the video? if the linesman flags for offside/penalty, or any other incident the ref accepts it! the VAR operators are qualified refs so why does VAR call the ref to view it?
  5. We played well tonight, defended well, game on for the return match at Ibrox. Well played Rangers
  6. An own goal and a very soft penalty stopped us winning 0-2 😁
  7. His yellow was never a booking! the tackle on him at the edge of the box was!. Very soft pen as well imo! looked to me like Souttar headed the ball onto his own arm.
  8. Don't think you could ask for any better from us! great first half against a quality side! very tough 2nd half to come but we have shown we can cope with them. Same again lads!.
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