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The Moonlighter

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Everything posted by The Moonlighter

  1. Tonight at 7.30pm folks. £5 on the door.
  2. I'm afraid not, our May Tours are both sold out.
  3. Once again due to overwhelming demand we're delighted to add yet another date to this year’s Founders Trail programme. Sunday 9th July. Adults : £25 Children (under 16) and Senior Citizens £18. Group discounts are available upon request. Reserve your seat here: https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/book-online For further information please call 0790 2855536.
  4. This Tour is now completely sold out. Thanks to all who have reserved seats.
  5. Places on our next Tour still up for grabs folks. To reserve your place please send an email to thefounderstrail@gmail.com
  6. It will be an honour for us to present the Founders Story in Kilwinning on Saturday 5th August at 6pm at the Woodwynd Community Centre 50 David Gage Street. This event is to aid the Scott Laughlan Together Fund. The Fund operates in aid of the Butterfly Trust to raise much needed funds to assist in the support of CF sufferers and their families in Scotland. Tickets which are selling fast can be purchased here. https://www.facebook.com/LaughlanTogetherFund/?fref=ts
  7. This Friday night folks, hope to see a few of you there.
  8. 7 seats have become available on our next Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour on Sunday 16th April. Adults : £25 Children (under 16) and Senior Citizens £18. To reserve your place please send an email to thefounderstrail@gmail.com
  9. We have seats remaining on today's Tour which departs Ibrox at 12pm. If you'd like to join us please ring 0790 2855536.
  10. Would all who are booked on tomorrow's Tour please note that there will be a Founders Trail welcome desk available within Bar 72 West at Ibrox Stadium from 11.15am prior to our 12pm departure from outside of the Ibrox Megastore Access to Bar 72 is via the main entrance to Argyle House . This will give us an opportunity to greet you, check you from our loading chart and distribute our travel packs. Parking is available throughout the day around Ibrox Stadium. If you have any questions before the tour please don't hesitate in contacting us on 0790 2855536.
  11. Back the Rangers and support the Founders Trail ! By purchasing one of our scarves you help keep the wheels of the Founders Trail turning. They are only £12.00 (+£3.00 P&P) and can be purchased here on our website. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  12. On the 30th March 1901 our Founder Peter McNeil passed at Hawkhead Asylum in Glasgow. He rests in Craigton Cemetery with his brothers William and James and parents John and Jean. Rangers team-mate William Dunlop wrote in the SFA Handbook of 1881. Using the name ‘True Blue’ that ‘’Genial Peter McNeil would travel on a Saturday morning to a desirable part of the Glasgow Green, set up the noted standards and stand guard until the classic hour came when he would be joined by his friends’’. We felt this was a very dramatic and moving image and commissioned a painting to be done depicting this scene . The painting by artist Helen Runciman hangs at the top of the Marble Staircase at Ibrox. In September 2009 Peter McNeil’s Granddaughter Heather Lang unveiled the Founders Plaque at the Glasgow Green Football Centre which marks the momentous spot in the city where our Club was born. Peter McNeil. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/peter-mcneil
  13. We presented the Founders Story at Lodge Old Monkland in Coatbridge on Sunday. A wonderful £105.06 was raised via our Restoration Project bucket. We have also recently had donations from : William Connell The Swinton Loyal RSC Gary Robinson Founders Trail group. We'd like to thank everyone for their generosity. Donations can be made here on our website or in person before any future match at Ibrox. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/t...rangers-graves
  14. 20 seats left for this Sunday's Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour. https://rangers.co.uk/news/club/extra-founders-trail-date/
  15. Once again due to overwhelming demand we're delighted to add yet another date to this year’s Founders Trail programme. Sunday 2nd April. Adults : £25 Children (under 16) and Senior Citizens £18. Group discounts are available upon request. Reserve your seat here https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/book-online For further information please call 0790 2855536.
  16. Tomorrow afternoon folks. Shaping up to be a cracking afternoon.
  17. Would all who are booked on tomorrow's Tour please note that there will be a Founders Trail welcome desk available within Bar 72 West at Ibrox Stadium from 11.15am prior to our 12pm departure from outside of the Ibrox Megastore Access to Bar 72 is via the main entrance to Argyle House . This will give us an opportunity to greet you, check you from our loading chart and distribute our travel packs. Parking is available throughout the day around Ibrox Stadium. If you have any questions before the tour please don't hesitate in contacting us on 0790 2855536.
  18. 24TH March 1887. Rangers required funds to help with the move from Kinning Park to First Ibrox subsequently a committee was formed which was chaired by Tom Vallance. The ‘’Monstre Concerts’’ which were organised proved to be extremely popular and quickly sold out. The outlets shown at the bottom of the advert show that tickets could be purchased from Harry and Peter McNeil’s shop on Union Street , and from George Gillespie and James Watson who both played in that legendary series of games that was the 1877 Scottish Cup Final. This was the lads who’d formed our Club, and others from our early years, fund-raising to help their dream become a reality. This was the Rangers in the process of moving to Ibrox and somewhere we could call home. The Waterloo Rooms stood on the corner of Waterloo Street and Wellington Street. In 1910 it became The Alhambra Theatre which was demolished in 1971. Today it’s the Alhambra House office block.
  19. This *Sunday at 2pm folks. The Presentation will also provide an insight into The Rangers Graves Restoration Project and The Founders Trail. £5 on the door.
  20. This Tour is now completely sold out. Thanks to all who have booked seats.
  21. We're delighted to announce this morning that the target amount of £500 for the Peter Campbell Memorial Plaque has been reached. We'd like to once again sincerely thank everyone who donated to the appeal for their generosity. Details of an unveiling and dedication service in Penarth will be announced soon.
  22. 7 seats have become available on this Sunday's Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour. We depart Ibrox at 12pm. Adults : £25 Children (under 16) and Senior Citizens £18. If you'd like to join us please call 0790 2855536.
  23. The Tom Vallance painting is now in Helen Runciman's workshop awaiting restoration.
  24. Once again due to incredible demand we're delighted to add yet another date to this year’s Founders Trail programme. Saturday 17th June. Adults : £25 Children (under 16) and Senior Citizens £18. Group discounts are available upon request. Reserve your seat here https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/book-online For further information please call 0790 2855536
  25. Before Saturday's match i met with The Grapes Bar Loyal RSC Bishopton RSC ''Stevie'' Who all wished to make donations to the Restoration of Rangers Rangers Graves Projects. We'd like to thank them sincerely for their substantial contributions which will help the project move forward over the coming months. Donations can be made here on our website or in person before any future match at Ibrox. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/the-restoration-of-rangers-graves
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