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The Moonlighter

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Everything posted by The Moonlighter

  1. The Greatest Football Story Ever Told. Only £15.00 ( + £1.72 P+P).‬ ‪Our copies are all signed by author Gary Ralston. ‬ This is the updated version of the book which has a chapter devoted to the Founders Trail. ‪ A must read for all True Blues !‬ ‪Purchase your book here on our website and we’ll post your copy out within 24 hours. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop ‬
  2. Our full range of merchandise, including our popular scarves,is available to purchase here on our website. All orders are posted out within 24 hours. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  3. Last week I was contacted by a Davie O’Connor who asked to meet me at Ibrox before last Saturday’s match in order to make a donation to the Restoration Project. Davie and his wife donated the incredible sum of £150 which came from them selling their season tickets for a recent Old Firm fixture and the following home match just in order to help the Restoration of Rangers Graves Project. I’d like to thank them sincerely for their overwhelming generosity and kindness. Thank you. ? ?. If you’d like to donate to the Restoration of Rangers Graves please do so here on our website. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/the-restoration-of-range…
  4. Treat the Bluenose in your life to a Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour Gift Voucher. The Gift Vouchers are without limit of time and reserve a seat on any Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour of your choice (allowing for availability). Tours will run from January to December 2020. Adults £30 Senior Bluenoses( 65 and over) and Wee Bears ( under 16) £20 +£1 P+P per order Gift Vouchers, which can be purchased here on our website, are posted out within 24 hours. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  5. Tickets priced at only £6 are available from the host on taylor.e2@sky.com or by calling 07914 768943
  6. Our scarves are designed on the original colours of the Club. Royal Blue Jersey, White Shorts, Blue and White Socks. They’re only £13.00 (+ £3.10 P&P) and can be purchased here on our website. All orders are posted out within 24 hours. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  7. Earlier this month I met daughter Audrey Mcleay at the final resting place in Slammanan Cemetery of two brothers John and Richard McLeay who didn’t come home from Ibrox on the 2nd January 1971 with a view to restoring the plot. The restoration work was carried out today. We will remember them.
  8. It will be an honour for us to present the Founders Story in Kilmaurs on Sunday 16th February at 2pm. The presentation will also give an insight into the Founders Trail and The Restoration of Rangers Graves Project. Tickets priced at only £6 are available from the host on taylor.e2@sky.com or by calling 07914 768943. We hope to see you there.
  9. On Saturday night we had the pleasure of presenting the Founders Story for the Corby Loyalists Flute Band and friends. At the end of the evening our Restoration of Rangers Graves Project donations bucket was sent around the hall and the wonderful amount of £195.01 was raised. We’d like to thank everyone for an incredible weekend ,we were treated like royalty,and for your generosity on the night as this will help to ensure that our restoration work continues over the coming months. Thank you.
  10. We at the Founders Trail are aware that due to time constraint, distance and cost many supporters can't make the journey to Glasgow to join us on the Founders Trail so six years ago we launched the Founders Trail Roadshow which is an alternative format which lets us take our wonderful story out to you. The Founders Trail Roadshow tells the story of our Founders from the shores of the Gareloch, to their arrival in Glasgow and their journey to the front door of Ibrox Stadium and beyond. This is done by way of a slideshow presentation. We profile each of our Founders and the subsequent growth of our unique club. The presentation also provides an insight into the Restoration of Rangers Graves Project and of course the Founders Trail. We hope that by telling this story it will give everyone an understanding of the very foundations upon which those lads built our club. Over the last few years the Founders Trail Roadshow has visited places such as Belfast,Londonderry,Plymouth,Blackpool,Campbletown,Fraserburgh,Thringstone and Aberdeen,over the coming weeks we have bookings all around the country with supporters clubs lodges and organisations. The presentation lasts for approximately 90 mins, with a 20 minute interval we also encourage a Q&A session at the conclusion. The roadshow can be booked to coincide with other entertainment you may wish to provide for those attending. We have all of our own equipment, all we need from you is a plug point and an audience. If you would like to discuss us bringing the Founders Trail Roadshow to you then please email us at thefounderstrail@gmail.com or call 07902 855536.
  11. During the Founders Trail we have a half-time food and refreshment break, we had our pie and a pint last Sunday at Crawford Street Orange Hall in Partick. At the end of our break the lodge donated £70 to the Restoration of Rangers Graves Project from the days takings. We’d like to sincerely thank District No.15 Partick for their overwhelming generosity. You are the people. ?
  12. Would all who are booked on tomorrow’s Trail please note that there will be a Founders Trail welcome desk available at the reception desk of Argyle House from 10.45 prior to our 11.30 departure. This will give us an opportunity to greet you and distribute our Trail brochure. Parking is available throughout the day around Ibrox Stadium. If you have any questions before the tour please don't hesitate in contacting us on 0790 2855536.
  13. This Sunday sees the start of another touring year for the Founders Trail. With this is mind we’ve had the plots at Craigton Cemetery,that we take our groups to, tidied up. Founder Peter McNeil. Manager Mr. Struth. Trainer James Wilson. It’s important that we keep all of the plots restored in top condition, this also let’s all of you who have donated to the Restoration Project see where a percentage of the money raised goes to. Thank you.
  14. Hello and sorry about the delay. The link for making a donation is here on our website. Thank you. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/the-restoration-of-rangers-graves
  15. At the final resting place in Slammanan of two brothers John and Richard McLeay who didn’t come home from Ibrox on the 2nd January 1971. The boys Dad Finlay died of a broken heart on the 12th July that same year. I’ve today met with Richard’s daughter Audrey. The plot will now be restored.
  16. The Greatest Football Story Ever Told. The book sold out on the run up to Christmas but is now back in stock. Only £15.00 ( + £1.72 P+P).‬ ‪Our copies are all signed by author Gary Ralston. ‬ This is the updated version of the book which has a chapter devoted to the Founders Trail. ‪ A must read for all True Blues !‬ ‪Purchase your book here on our website and we’ll post your copy out within 24 hours. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop ‬
  17. Due to incredible demand the first five Tours for 2020 have sold out, once again we can’t thank you enough. We’d like to reassure everyone who have purchased Gift Vouchers that additional tour dates will be released throughout the year, no-one will miss out. Our incredible and unique Rangers story is reaching more people than ever before. Thank you.
  18. Today is the last posting day to guarantee delivery in time for Christmas. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  19. Tomorrow (Friday 20th ) is the last day for posting folks. With Christmas fast approaching treat the Bluenose in your life to a Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour Gift Voucher. The Gift Vouchers are without limit of time and reserve a seat on any Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour of your choice (allowing for availability). Tours will run from January to December 2020. Adults £30 Senior Bluenoses( 65 and over) and Wee Bears ( under 16) £20 +£1 P+P per order Gift Vouchers, which can be purchased here on our website, are posted out within 24 hours. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  20. Still plenty of time to place your order. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  21. Scarves are only £13.00 (+ £3.10 P&P) and can be purchased directly here on our website. All orders are posted out within 24 hours. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  22. Please place your order here on our website soon to avoid disappointment. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
  23. The final posting date to guarantee delivery on Founders Trail items from our online shop is this Friday 20th December. Please place your order here on our website soon to avoid disappointment as Santa, even though him being a Bluenose, can struggle. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/shop
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