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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. I see that Thompson is retaining Blair Spittal, Scott Fraser, Simon Murray and Luis Swick, presumably to flog to rasellik at the earliest opportunity, at fire sale prices. Young Mr Spittal is something of a Bluenose, which may have to be taken into account. Actually I think that he has potential, and is worth a look.
  2. Any reasonable person who had read Gillivan's notorious "Incubator" blog, would be inclined more to bury the wretch than to praise him.
  3. Should have used the half track, Gessler.
  4. Uilleam

    Good grief

    As far as I recall, Duff & Phelps, an international firm of finance/accountancy/insolvency consultants, acquired a smaller UK outfit called MCR Partners. The three characters who were involved with Rangers, and who have subsequently appeared in Court on charges various relating to that involvement, were with MCR. Duff & Phelps, it has been suggested, acquired something of a vipers' nest, and were stung, not least in a reputational sense.
  5. I have always thought Lennon to be ideal sellik material: a guttersnipe manager, for a guttersnipe club, run by guttersnipe, for guttersnipe. If he returns, will he bring Mjallby, and the painter and decorator with him? Oh happy day!! Oh bring that on!!
  6. Let us fervently hope, and pray, that the SFA manages to fix that pesky penalty spot before the Final. As it stands, or rather as it moves, it could fair ruin Scotland's showpiece game.
  7. Uilleam

    Mr Warburton

    I had thought that the Magic Hat thing was just a bit of fun, but now.........
  8. You know, sometimes we have to give credit where it is due, and rasellik did very well, coming back against a superior team, twice, and forcing, first ET, and then penalties. Their players should hold their heads high. The final result places the green dahlia's jacket on an even shooglier peg, and that represents a win for them, in a manner of speaking.
  9. So, even if the SC finds the scheme as operated by Murray, to be legal (on however fine a point), and the loans, therefore, to be loans, and not taxable as earnings, HMRC may pursue the beneficiaries? And may, in the interim, demand a deposit of such tax as it deems "owed", by each of the beneficiaries, until the legal case is fought again? Wow, the Austro Hungarian Empire rides again!
  10. If Murray International wins its case at the Supreme Court, then, surely, Messrs HMRC have no basis for demanding tax from the EBT recipients. Equally, Advanced Payment Notices, surely may be resisted, given the imminence of the SC decision.
  11. A big blow, I believe. I had Forrester marked as a One Eyed Jack, floating, confusing the fhilth, none of whom have played against him before, and making a major impact, something like Toto Schillacci @Italia 90.
  12. If this player, Immels, is wont to regale the support with songs such as "We are going on a Jew Hunt", then, frankly he has no place at Ibrox. indeed no place in Scotland.
  13. Rasellik has an overblown, overpaid, and over rated squad of players. I read recently that there were 16 midfield players alone on the books at Porkheid. Small wonder that the wage bill is astronomic. Mark Warburton has said, consistently, that he favours a lean squad, so even if Rangers paid wages commensurate with those on offer at the Piggery, it is unlikely that the total bill would approach that of the Green Dahlia's squad. Let us look forward to The Magic Hat's lean, mean, football machine leaving the bloated green and grey carcass somewhere in its wake next season........
  14. It is clear that, when the Authorities elect to kick Hampden Park into touch, thon Piggery at Parkhead will become the new "National Stadium". There is already a discernible campaign celebrating its wonderful, unique atmosphere, alleged popularity with support, and players, and a drip, drip, drip of black propaganda against Hampden. Hampden, of course, is a dump, and the monies spent on rehabilitating it, a waste, but The StuporBowl? Really?
  15. It seemed to me that Denmark managed to master the conditions, except in front of goal, but that was hardly the fault of the pitch. It did, however look, well, scabby.
  16. I wonder if he took advice from Mr Peter Houston, who may have advised, as he did with D. Goodwillie, that moving to Glasgow would see him stabbed. Of course, that intervention probably allowed us, totally unintentionally, I may say, to dodge a bullet. (PS Happy Independence Day.)
  17. Some years ago, The Milky Bar Kid reported, for The Times of London, no less, on a match between raSellik and Dundee Utd FC. The referee was Mike McCurry, who, some may recall, was a Baptist Minister. Rahoops' support subjected the the official to significant amounts of verbal abuse. Speirs' article described this as the History Men and jolly craicsters displaying ".....a natural denominational antipathy..." towards the official, with the clear implication (there was no criticism) that this was acceptable. To date, as far as I am aware, he has neither clarified nor elaborated this rather odd defence of sectarianism, nor on his implicit distinction between "natural", and acceptable bigotry, and that unnatural and unacceptable.
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