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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. Yes, but Mr Steele is speaking for, and on behalf of the Police Federation, and not, for better or for worse, Police Scotland. I could be wrong, and the Police Federation is being use to test the water, as it often speaks for, and with the same voice as its employer. I do not know.
  2. I do not know quite what I have exacerbated. I think that the intervention of the Rangers hating, Rangers baiting Mrs Hamilton will make it difficult, if not impossible, for Police Scotland, to even attempt to blame the Rangers support (and their weans!) for deliberately, consciously, cooperatively, preventing officers from attending the Hibernians inspired riot. As far as I am aware, Police Scotland, for all its sins, is not actually peddling the Hamilton clap trap. The handling of the Cup Final, overall, was a clusterfuck; that much is obvious. Of the greatest interest will be Police Scotland's explanation of deployment of personnel, before, during, and after the match. Actually, I don't think that Police Scotland has come anywhere close to Hillsborough levels of conscious, coherent, and organised mendacity. To suggest so is, quite frankly, ridiculous. Mrs Hamilton and the monkey on a stick from the Police Federation will, I hope, be called to defend their assertions at the forthcoming enquiry.
  3. I thought that it was merely the dimwit journalist, Mrs Hamilton, and her unnamed "sources", who have accused the Gers' support of ambushing the police, and preventing them from entering the National Stadium. Has Police Scotland, itself, actually, officially, concurred with her (and her "sources") fantasmagoria?
  4. I think that I should be grateful for such a circumstance, frankly.
  5. He appears also to be a study in smugness, and disdain for others; a smart arse.
  6. The 2016 Scottish Cup Final? Isn't that the one where the Rangers supporters ambushed the police outside the ground, to prevent them entering and stopping their comrades' vicious and sustained assault on the men, women, and children innocently, if exuberantly, celebrating Hibs victory? We were lucky there weren't deaths.......
  7. Some years ago, rasellik played the Dundee Hibs, in an SPL match. The referee was The Rev Michael McCurry, a Baptist minister, whose church was in Mosspark Drive, I think. Anyway, during the course of the game, rahoops support subjected Rev McCurry to a barrage of abuse, much of it founded upon his religious persuasion. This was covered in the press, etc., at the time. On the following Monday, I consulted the sports pages of The Times, to see what this one time Paper of Record made of it. Its correspondent was Graham Speirs. In his match report he did refer to the hostile verbal assaults directed at the match official. However, in an expression almost worthy of Orwell (although with neither ironic nor satiric bent, Speirs having no conception of either), he declared that the fun bhoys merely had expressed "....a natural denominational antipathy..." towards the unfortunate Minister. (My emphasis.) His meaning is clear: when an Irish, indeed, perhaps any, Roman Catholic abuses a person of the Reformed Faiths, because of that religious affiliation, it is neither sectarianism, nor bigotry. Denominational antipathy, religious prejudice to you and I, therefore, is not a social phenomenon but is a product of nature, not nurture; or at least, anti Protestantism is: he fulminates often against reverse traffic, as we all know, which in his eyes is inexcusable, and cannot be, therefore, in any way "natural". This is an astonishing stance for someone, who was paraded as an expert witness, in a ScotGov enquiry into sectarianism, to adopt. I need hardly add that his position has no scientific, sociological, or anthropological basis, which in itself is instructive in understanding the mind of this balloon.
  8. Frankie, In all honesty, I doubt that you and the estimable Ian1964 were "masquerading as sports' fans". (Great work on twitter; keep it up.)
  9. It is all very well to criticise the police, and, frankly, they do not deserve the most fulsome praise for their handling of the post match "events". The blame, however, must lie with the coked-up cretins who invaded the pitch, and sought, and created, mayhem. The dregs of East Lothian, masquerading as sports' fans, were let out for the day, and behaved like the guttersnipe they are. I am a little surprised that I, and everyone else, was actually surprised at this.
  10. I think that JB will play , and will want to play, more often thanpeople perhaps suppose. He has significant experience on, and, ahem, off, the pitch. The former may prove invaluable, the latter, I hope, salutary. One thing lacking on Saturday (apart from water cannon, obviously) was an auld heid, to enable the team to close down, and see out, the match. Rangers were winning 2- 1, lest anyone forget, yet contrived to lose.
  11. Hibernian FC: a vile club, run by vile people, for vile people. I had quite forgotten how utterly despicable they are.
  12. Rangers' fault: King refused to accept a reverse charge call from Leith.
  13. Till a' the seas rin dry, I shouldn't wonder.
  14. A "Bringing the game into Disrepute" charge from the SFA, perhaps?
  15. Frankly, and this is something that seems to be overlooked, if you cannot guarantee the safety and security of players, then you have no "Game". Yesterday, players and staff were assaulted and prevented from taking part in the post match ceremonials, in the interests of their own safety. Any sanction must recognise this. The term "exuberance" cannot be used to condone, excuse, or mitigate. On an immediately pertinent note, how do you sign a player when you cannot guarantee his safety on the field of play?
  16. I hope not. I hope that the Club, the Board, and the fans group(s) do not let it go. It has to be pursued, because, ultimately, security of the workforce is of paramount importance. There does seem to be sufficient evidence to prevent the perhaps customary avoidance of the issue by the sellikFA
  17. No. They won it fairly, and squarely, on the pitch, and I do not think many (any) would disagree. The "authorities" must take action, because if players and coaches may be attacked with impunity, then soon there will be no "Game" at all.
  18. Remind me what happened when a solitary sellikfan ran onto the pitch and slapped the opposition 'keeper in a European tie.
  19. Surely there is too much evidence even for the bogtrotters who seem to run this country to ignore.
  20. European competition down the pan, then. Be interesting to see how midi-fhilth FC gets on, in the Europa, once it has flogged off its best players, to cover its losses.
  21. The dragonchasers can't get any better; Rangers cannot get any worse. Surely?
  22. If the attack works, it seems Gessler won't be able sell anything with badges, TMs, branding, logos, etc. He will still have a 7 year deal for merchandise, which he may make, but will be unable to sell in appreciable nos. Is there not some part of the contract which obliges Rangers Retail to pay the fat slag for unsold gear? Would the fact that his product would be rendered "unofficial merchandise" obviate that clause? It is unclear whether Rangers may sell, by itself, or through a n other, its own officially branded, ratified, and certified swag? Surely, however, Rangers, if the present action is successful, will be able to dispose of/licence its IP as it sees fit, and for an acceptable price.
  23. A coup, not a coo. Vive la difference.......
  24. Warburton and King in Las Vegas, to win next season's transfer budget. Impeccable source: Rangers expert from Donegal .
  25. Treasure Island, it would seem.
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