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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. Romania is a better side than Scotland.
  2. Recently, and randomly, Radio 5 described Krancjar as a "Match of the Day player": one who looks good on highlights reels, but over 90mins..... I think that he would/will be an attractive addition to the squad. However, he is not a guy for the muck and the nettles, or the blood and the snotters, if you prefer.
  3. I intend to file the singular revelations of Mcgillivan, together with the Resolution 12 phantasmagoria, under "Fireless Smoke".
  4. Puerile, unnecessary behaviour. How did Cummings react?
  5. Lennon and Petrie; syphillis and gonorrhoea.
  6. Not one of the self styled "journalists" of this parish have either the nous, or the nerve, to even attempt to gainsay Ms Dudley Edwards' piece.
  7. Last night, France brought on as subs, Messrs Martial and Griezemann; Strachan countered with Mr Charlie Mulgrew. I'd be interested to know, with WC Qualifiers to commence shortly, just what the ginger bauchle "learned" from the matches against Italy and France. Precisely nothing would be my best guess. However he has the job for as long as he wants it, that much is obvious. Lawwell begat Regan; Lawwell and Regan begat Strachan. Until this incestuous sellik oriented three headed hydra is extirpated, there will be precious little progress, on, or indeed off, the field of play.
  8. I think that his approach was based on bringing in players who were "experienced", who were "professional football men", who "knew the Scottish game", who "knew what they were doing", and letting them get on with it. Ultimately, the kind of players who, he assumed, did not need to be coached. The approach was probably a Walter Smith legacy. As for the quality of the players, a no of his captures had been Players of the Year at their immediately previous SPL clubs. I admit to being pretty jaundiced as regards AMcC's time as manager, but no one honestly could say that it was a success, either in results ( 4 years to get out of part time leagues), or in the style of play (where do you start?).
  9. I thought that AMcC's approach to coaching/management was lazy and cynical; unfortunately, for him, and for the support, some of the players he brought in were lazier and more cynical than him. Maybe he has learned......We will know soon enough, should he get a job.
  10. When was McCoist a 'football manager'?
  11. Bastards appear to be walking free, in either event.
  12. My faith, limited as it has always been, in the will and wherewithal of the Crown Prosecution Service to bring this matter to a trial and to a satisfactory verdict, is disappearing, rapidly. Is there a book on what will happen on July 29?
  13. The jury remains out on Dominic Ball. Let's hope that, if he returns, he can kick on. Obviously W, W, and McP see potential in the lad.
  14. Just ban Hibs. No great loss. Problem solved.
  15. So far, so good: there seems to be some large degree of revisionism with respect to the events within the National Stadium, even from Rangers haters. May we expect a retraction from the Record, and its football fabulist, Mrs Hamilton, of its remarkable story of post match, extra Stadium behaviour? I should like to see a comprehensive apology from that comic, and its employee, for publishing a confection of unverified, unverifiable, nonsense. If it wasn't for the lady's clear bigotry, one could put this down to a mere error, or lapse in judgement. The fact that she has an obvious agenda, identifies her "story" as something quite sinister. It is known as "black propaganda". To suggest that Rangers supporters, and their feral children, with (para?) military precision, effectively Kettled the police on Cathcart Road, allowing those within Hampden to wreak havoc on the exuberant Hibernians is an insult to our intelligence, and an abuse of privilege. It amounts to an abuse of the position of the press, an abuse of its influence in opinion forming, an abuse of what is often referred to as the "Power of the Press", and all done without let or hindrance, and with no professional or social responsiblity whatsoever. As we know, power without responsibility is the prerogative of one trade, and one trade only: that of the harlot.
  16. Windsor Park? Actually, due to the inexplicable split, could we see Dundee FC playing three games v rasellik @Parkheid, one at a neutral, foreign, venue, and one @Dens?
  17. I do not think that an inquisition by a Commons Cttee will put SD out of business, nor do I think that to be the purpose of its activities. I do think that the Cttee members will not be showboating, and and that there will be bad publicity for Gessler, personally, and for SD. I think that his bottom line will be affected. (Not merely by the Cttee's enquiries, but they will reinforce recent and continuing media reports/investigations, notably by The Guardian). Bear in mind that business friends are fair weather friends. So he is commercially, and personally, under pressure. The least that will emerge over the next few months is that his workforce may see a positive change in contracts, and conditions, even in their wages. I do take your point that financial necessity drives people to shop at SD, and that no matter what emerges from media and parliamentary investigations, its customer base may not be hugely eroded. People seem to overrate Ashley to the point of being overawed (Big Mike's tanks, anyone?). I put this down to watching too many episodes of "The Apprentice".
  18. Scott Brown? I imagine that JB will be losing sleep already. Just what do the sellikminded see in this player that I miss, apart from the fact that he plays for rahoops, and must be, therefore, by definition, wonderful? Then again, I never quite "got it" re: Bobo Balde, who if he was not an untalented thug, came a very close second.
  19. Savannah. Then perhaps those impelled to sing Marching Through Georgia could do so with something approaching impunity; unless, of course, Those Good Ol' Boys took exception.
  20. I think that he has to protect his share price. He can't do that by clamming up in front of a govt cttee; that would look like he was guilty as charged, to everyone, lenders, shareholders, banks, finance houses, funds, the City generally, the media, the population at large.....
  21. Taking the fifth, so to speak, would make him appear even worse than he is perceived now, I don't think he can even look as though he has come out on top with that strategy. Of course, he will struggle if he elects to answer, and the Committee members are on their game. I think of Mrs Margaret Hodge, in this regard, although I don't think she is on that particular panel. Damned if he does, and damned if he don't: a damned shame, don't you think?
  22. For God's Sake, RR, rasellik is pure loved all over the world. In Dublin, they would be welcomed with open arms, so long as they came with open wallets.
  23. I think that the fat shit is a bully, one with bucketloads of animal cunning, but a bully nonetheless. It seems to me that he is somewhat loose of bowel at the thought of appearing before people whom he will not be able to threaten, shout down, financially terrorise, or fob off with lickspittles in his employ, all in the full glare of the modern media. I should love to see him in court defending, oh, say, his contracts with Rangers Retail.
  24. I have long held that sellikfootballclub should hold its home fixtures in Dublin.
  25. Imprisonment in the Palace of Westminster seem to good for him. Down the Scrubs with the fat pig, say I.
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